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Does Russian tanks' rear turret machine gun work?

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Are Russian's some tanks can firing their rear turret machine gun as defensive against anti-tank weapon armed attacking soldier? I noticed it not work as I read manual explain why we can not have multi-turrets T-28 due to program unable to firing few machine guns in differents arcs at once. Is bow machinegun can fire at target as coaxial gun can fire other different target in same arc as I saw it when I playing CMBB. Or will it able fire main gun in off angle(side or rear) as bow gun fire in different arc(foward)? Of course, It may already answered before as I am newbie as don't think I will able find that answer in old archives of forum. Thank you for read and answer my question.

(edited to correct spell on "turret"

[ January 22, 2004, 05:47 PM: Message edited by: Snow Leopard ]

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I suspect by 'tunnel' you mean 'turret'. The rear turret machine gun does work but it gets used only VERY VERY rarely.

In real life either the loader or commander would have to fire that mg, which means abandoning the main weapon briefly. In the game you'll probably only see that rear mg in use if you sneak an anti-tank team up to the tank's rear and surprise it. Otherwise it'll just rotate the turret and use the main weapons on you.

And yes, the bow mg and coaxial mg can fire on different targets. This comes in handy when you've got your turret swung around to the rear and infantry pops up in the forward arc.

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Rear-facing MGs will fire on infantry behind the tank occasionally, but they're not very effective. They don't have an assigned crew memeber, so if the gunner, loader and tank commander are busy with targets in front of the tank, there's no one to even notice that there's infantry behind the tank, let alone man the rear MG. the rear MG will fire occasionally, though, especially if the tank is not busy with other targets to its front.

And yes, the bow MG will fire on targets in front of the tank while the turret is facing in another direction. You won't see a targating line for this, though - you just have to watch for the tracers coming out.

Oh, another thing -- I assume you are a non-native English speaker - it's "rear turret", not "rear tunnel". "Rear tunnel" has some rather interesting connotations in English. . .

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Never tested the subject but what if the forward mgs run out of ammo but rear mg has some to spare? I think it would be smart if the gunner could take ammo from the reargun because it is unlikely to get used..

My experience with rearturrets is rather limited. T-26s with rear mgs I get to use when playing as fins dont last more than 2 or 3 rounds =(

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Originally posted by BaD JoKe:

Never tested the subject but what if the forward mgs run out of ammo but rear mg has some to spare? I think it would be smart if the gunner could take ammo from the reargun because it is unlikely to get used..

I expect that is precisely what was done in practice. However, tanks usually carried so much MG ammo that the problem probably seldom arose.


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