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Forgot to wish everyone a merry Xmas (or whatever) and a happy new year, and posted part of this on the new "CM-BigJim" messageboard (and the whole bazoo also on the CMAK one, so that they'll learn what they miss not playing CMBB ;)

It will be anyway -I believe- more appreciated here :)

Happy CMBB wargaming (with the soviets, of course)

[links deleted]

If you want more you'll probably know where to find them by now :)

Happy 2006!


Ok, ok... Deutsche Schweine, weine nicht, hier etwas für euch:

[link deleted] :)

[ December 31, 2005, 01:18 AM: Message edited by: Moon ]

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And another couple of WWII-fact-books, for Panthers' lovers (gimme instead a gaggle of T34s anytime):

[link deleted] (heavy: 63,4 Mbytes)


[link deleted] (very heavy: 151,8 Mbytes)


[ December 31, 2005, 01:19 AM: Message edited by: Moon ]

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Because I don't give a dead rat **** about patents and I despise patent enforcers.

I suggest you buy them, if you so please, while other download them for free if they so please.

It's a 'present' to this community, for god's sake. Why shold people that invest so much time and knowledge on WWII not pick what's available on the web for anyone else (but canadian patents lovers)?

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Originally posted by Efraim:

Because I don't give a dead rat **** about patents and I despise patent enforcers.

I suggest you buy them, if you so please, while other download them for free if they so please.

It's a 'present' to this community, for god's sake. Why shold people that invest so much time and knowledge on WWII not pick what's available on the web for anyone else (but canadian patents lovers)?

You're a moron. Ensuring that publishers and authors don't get paid for their work only ensures that there are fewer books available in future.

This isn't a present at all, it's a sad, pathetic attempt to gain popularity by using the work of others. Go design a sound mod or scenario if you want to do something creative and give it as a gift. Don't STEAL from others, that just makes you a THIEF and a criminal.

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You have a funny way of understandig the world. I couldn't care less about popularity. I just point out that all these books are available for free. When I like something (like CMBB) I buy it even if I could of course download it complete and for free from the web at once (as I am sure everyone knows).

I didn't read all these books (yet). I'll read them when I find the time. Should I like them, in electronic format, I'll buy them on paper. Authors will probably get more, not less from people trying out something that they wouldn't have bought anyway if they wouldn't have first seen it for free. Samo samo with music, btw. Those making money are (mostly) just the publishers, editors and patents holders, not the artists.

Those pushing for longer and longer "copyrights" periods (from 40 to 100 years and counting) are those that want to steal more and more people money, not the artists themselves, the scum that exploits artists.

I'm happy that the web gives everyone anything for free. Thattaway everyone can check the crap that is sold -beforehand- and buy only things that are valid and worth. Some books are crap. Some are good. Let's check them, as we would do in a library. You know what a library is? Patent enforcers would probably like to shut them.

"What? Books for free? Are tehy kidding? And anyone can read them?"

And thank to brain-handicapped like you they will probably manage it.

I suggest anyone wanting these titles should pay for them like everyone else, so that the copyright holder gets what is rightfully theirs.
You'r dead wrong (as you usual are in all your posings) 'everyone else' is not paying (unless convinced it is worth). Just gullible canadians like you pay whatever someone dishes out.

I don't, I won't and if this means being 'a thief', as you say then I'm pretty proud of it.

Note that I refrain from insulting you as much as you deserve.

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I deserve to be "sentenced" for pointing out books that are intersting for this community and are freely available on the web?

Books that I did not put there?

Books that people that don't have as much as of somebody else would -maybe- like to read? (Despite your beloved "patents")

You should look at a mirror and have a good laugh.

I, for myself, understand copyright as "the right to copy" :)

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Originally posted by Efraim:

I deserve to be "sentenced" for pointing out books that are intersting for this community and are freely available on the web?

Books that I did not put there?

Books that people that don't have as much as of somebody else would -maybe- like to read?


Originally posted by Efraim:

I, for myself, understand copyright as "the right to copy"

And that's why.
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Originally posted by Efraim:

Because I don't give a dead rat **** about patents and I despise patent enforcers.

Oh, aren't you a treat.

I suggest you buy them, if you so please, while other download them for free if they so please.

May I suggest you rethink your 'suggestion'. After all, you are peddling in stolen merchandise, even if you are giving it away.
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Here, in the coat, among many other shoddy links: [link deleted]

I better go back to lurking for some months, I'm disgusted by the patent-and-copyright-licking attitude of some slaves that enjoy being whipped by the commercial powers that be!

[ December 31, 2005, 01:20 AM: Message edited by: Moon ]

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Originally posted by Efraim:

[QB] You have a funny way of understandig the world. I couldn't care less about popularity. I just point out that all these books are available for free.


When I like something (like CMBB) I buy it even if I could of course download it complete and for free from the web at once (as I am sure everyone knows).

I didn't read all these books (yet). I'll read them when I find the time. Should I like them, in electronic format, I'll buy them on paper. Authors will probably get more, not less from people trying out something that they wouldn't have bought anyway if they wouldn't have first seen it for free. Samo samo with music, btw. Those making money are (mostly) just the publishers, editors and patents holders, not the artists.

Those pushing for longer and longer "copyrights" periods (from 40 to 100 years and counting) are those that want to steal more and more people money, not the artists themselves, the scum that exploits artists.

I'm happy that the web gives everyone anything for free. Thattaway everyone can check the crap that is sold -beforehand- and buy only things that are valid and worth. Some books are crap. Some are good. Let's check them, as we would do in a library. You know what a library is? Patent enforcers would probably like to shut them.

"What? Books for free? Are tehy kidding? And anyone can read them?"



You'r dead wrong (as you usual are in all your posings) 'everyone else' is not paying (unless convinced it is worth). Just gullible canadians like you pay whatever someone dishes out.
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Originally posted by Efraim:

I'm disgusted by the patent-and-copyright-licking attitude of some slaves that enjoy being whipped by the commercial powers that be!

Have you considered that the authors of those books only get paid when you buy them? That they were not writing books ONLY for the love of the subject but to get paid?

If they don't get paid they won't right more books. It's that simple. We all do love the hobby and SUPPORT it by paying what is rightfully theirs.

Your "right to copy" attitude hurts all of us. No wonder you got the responses here that you did. We want authors to write more books about our hobby.

There are a multitude of websites that have information for free. Some of it is copyrighted as well and you need to be sure to observe those too.

Let's just say you painted a picture that was worth $100,000 and somebody put it on the web for free and you did't get paid. How would you feel about the "right to copy" then?

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I suspect the problem here is that we are dealing with an individual who is actually unfamiliar with books, the publishing industry, and writers. As a result he can't understand the difference between something produced by a starving writer hoping to eke out a living on the proceeds of his next advance (and whose ability to keep producing may depend on that cashflow), and the overpriced popular garbage that he probably listens to courtesy of an incredibly greedy popular music industry. I doubt that he has a thousand books in his home, and he certainly hasn't read that many in his entire life (apart from comic books). A reader would have more respect for writers. What more should we expect from someone who probably doesn't even know what a book is?

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As a writer myself I find people who steal work in the modern age (downloading music, games, books etc.) to be rather disgusting. The way that these people, who are actually rather ordinary citizens, literally steal (that is: break the law) and don't so much as think twice is just appalling. They don't realize that the only difference from stealing with a mouse click to doing it straight from a store is only cosmetic: either way you're being a thief, no different then the ones you see on T.V. getting caught and beat down by cops and store-owners.

Eventually the world will catch up and the law will get with the Internet-age but until then stolen property is a huge concern for everyone in the given businesses. It's just sad that people can't even realize what they're doing is no different from the scumbags who do it in the actual stores.

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Sorry guys, but we do not condone piracy in any form. It's the small independent publishers like Battlefront that suffer from piracy the most. Just to give you an idea of the scale and without going into details, we have recently found more than 30,000 illegal copies of the T-72 tank sim floating around the web!

Therefore I am removing the links. It doesn't matter if they're on the web already or not. That's not the problem. The distribution is the problem.

Oh, Efraim... since you asked for it, you've just been sentenced out of this forum since you have made your view point on piracy so abundantly clear, and we don't want people like you here. Did you pay for your CM copy? Ah well, I don't care.


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