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The Peng Challenge Telethon for Australia: How Many Times Can You Just Look Away?

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I shall grant you a boon. You're to be my opponent in a game of CMBB

Don't you worry your pretty little head, Cavy-snout. You'll be fighting the Codger of the CessPool. After a turn or two, he'll forget your game and wander off looking for pudding or some Melba toast to suck on.

Never fails. </font>

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:


p.s. Cavy Snout isn't too good is it ... of course YOU came up with it so we get what we pay for. [/QB]

We have to make allowances. He is after all from Ohio

Ohioannes are known for their corn, not their intellectual capacities. And the Buckeyes, or Hawkeyes, or Browneyes, or somesuch...

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Well, this is nice. I am always amazed at the camaraderie and general niceness of the CM community. Here I am, an SSN, scum sucking newbie, (I didn't even know what SSN meant before tonight, I thought there was some modern naval mod that I hadn't found yet) and a true knight of the community, Joe Shaw, takes me under his wing.

Right now, Joe is showing me how to do PBEM, my second foray into it. He is playing the "il be seeing you". I just set up, and I have just tons of great late war German armor. I am sure that I will learn gobs and gobs from this. Thanks again guys, I am really amazed at the squishy marshmallow center I found underneath your hard, scaly, downright mean exteriors.

It almost makes me misty when I find such a nice bunch of guys.

[ July 13, 2003, 10:48 PM: Message edited by: NG cavscout ]

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

[QB] Hey, Leete, you dashing knight, I just caught up with your signature.

When, why and where did Madmatt say that?

One of the past locked threads. Someone was being a duoofus. They were discussing smegma of all things. I suppose they have to "stick" with what they know.
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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Noba, you're a fetid pile of dingo kidneys. And a git.

Well, well, our first Challenge pledge. We are standing by the Thread right now, ready to abuse Australia and Australians for each Challenge posted here on the Peng Challenge Thread.

Come on, people! How 'bout some real Challenges?! Something that merits some serious Aussie bashing!

Gods above, if it continues like this, I'm going to have to start saying something nice about the bastards.

[The sound of a swiftly passing gust of wind. The smell of rank breathing, close by. The echoing of lost words, unheard by closed ears]

No, not some lost remnant of worthwhile prose. Just the silly old bugger of a GNOME whom doesn't know when to shut up. Us lucky buggers living in GodsOwn don't deal with Ex Colonial trash.

That's not a challenge. And it will be a waste to answer it. I'm away for at least 3 weeks, and to offer you a response by a set-up would be pointless... (I know YOU have the pointy hat) But on second thoughts, you send one turn about every 3 weeks........Nah.

Sod off.


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Originally posted by NG cavscout:

Well, this is nice. I am always amazed at the camaraderie and general niceness of the CM community. Here I am, a SSN, scum sucking newbie, (I didn't even know what SSN meant before tonight, I thought there was some modern naval mod that I hadn't found yet) and a true knight of the community, Joe Shaw, takes me under his wing.

Yes. Well, the general community doesn't use the term 'SSN'. That's peculiar to this place.

And as for Shaw taking you under his wing...how good are you at gnawing off one of your own limbs in an emergency? Did you see that bit about the rock-climber who cut off his own arm with a dull pocket knife in order to escape hanging by it from a cliff and dying of exposure, thirst and starvation? Pretty soon you're going to regard him as an under-motivated little silky boy who didn't understand what true pain was like.

Originally posted by NG cavscout:

Right now, Joe is showing me how to do PBEM, my second foray into it. He is playing the "il be seeing you". I just set up, and I have just tons of great late war German armor. I am sure that I will learn gobs and gobs from this.

Yes, you will. What you'll mainly learn is that underneath Joe Shaw's fussy, headmaster, 'point of order' exterior lies a truly, truly vile incarnation of your own father, whatever your feelings about him might be. And we all know what your father did to your mother, now don't we? Picture that, and then try and enjoy yourself.

It doesn't matter how much you scream, or hold your hands over your ears while singing Christmas carols, because Shaw and his hideous joke scenarios will have exactly the same effect on your life.

If we turn you over to Berli, it will come as a sort of unsought and unrealized mercy. Because once you've seen how awful the day to day grinning idjits are in the Peng Challenge, then a quick boot in the groin from the Prince of Darkness will seem like a clap on the shoulder from an overly familiar CO by comparison.

Originally posted by NG cavscout:

Thanks again guys, I am really amazed at the squishy marshmallow center I found underneath your hard, scaly, downright mean exteriors.

It almost makes me misty when I find such a nice bunch of guys.

Keep that thought. If you still feel that way in a few weeks, and can still articulate it, I'd be more than happy to show you the very real error of your ways of thinking. No charge.

It's all right to attempt that sort of bravado in the face of the Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread, because, after all, he's bound himself by his own rules.

But don't go after that sort of poncing about with one of the Olde Ones. Not even me, and I'm the 'Nice One'. Because, once we come to know you, lad, we know you. And there's no one that knows people like a vivisectionist.

So you go give some ****e to SirReal, and worry a bit less about the marshmallows, and remember that Joe Shaw has actually come to my house, eaten my food, and dumped all my bloody silverware on the bloody floor.

Christ, did he ever look like a pillock, standing there with the drawer swinging free from his hand.

And that he's still a more significant disturbance of ether than you are, because he looked up at me and said: 'Why don't you fix this bloody drawer, you half-witted dwarf bastard?!'

[ July 13, 2003, 10:55 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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Originally posted by Seanachai:


What you'll mainly learn is that underneath Joe Shaw's fussy, headmaster, 'point of order' exterior lies a truly, truly vile incarnation of your own father, whatever your feelings about him might be. And we all know what your father did to your mother, now don't we? Picture that, and then try and enjoy yourself.

(So, maybe I should of been concerned that he said to meet him in the abandoned factory by the river and bring a big tub of lard?)

And that he's still a more significant disturbance of ether than you are, because he looked up at me and said: 'Why don't you fix this bloody drawer, you half-witted dwarf bastard?!' [/QB]

Don't take it personally, I am sure it isn't your fault that you are a half-witted dwarf bastard. We can't help what we are, we just have to carry on as best we can. I mean, you are really doing great, working with all those handicaps, and doubly cursed with the Freaking Vikings and that pot head Randy Moss. And never forget that we are all very proud of you, and rooting for you every day, YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!
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Frstly, I think the example you are driving at is the one involving the farmer with his hand stuck in a c-harvester and having to hack it off with a swiss army knife, you ****tard. Secondly, it is unsuprising that he ate all your food because he is - after all - only american and as such, is geneticly programmed to shovle any and all digestable garbage down his face. And thirdly, you live in a house now? last I knew you was in the c-box outside quickies off the corner of church and bold lighting the methane off dog****s for your central heating, my haven't you pulled yourself ou....dragged yourself ba.....moved yourself ALONG the gutter

[ July 13, 2003, 11:18 PM: Message edited by: urefinger ]

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It doesn't matter how much you scream, or hold your hands over your ears while singing Christmas carols, because Shaw and his hideous joke scenarios will have exactly the same effect on your life.
JOKE Scenario? JOKE? How dare you call a carefully crafted and exquisitely balanced Ker Dessel* scenario a JOKE Scenario? HOW DARE YOU?

I don't see YOUR name on any scenarios whilst MINE is associated with such classics as Jabo!, Kursk You Red Baron, But It's A DRY Heat, Let's Get Papa Khann Out Of The House Then Shall We? and many others. It's EASY to complain and belittle Seanachai, but I thought more of you than base liebel ... or is it slander?


* Ker Dessel - When You Want To Play CM In The Worst Way.

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Originally posted by NG cavscout:

We can't help what we are, we just have to carry on as best we can.

Bah! I wave my hand at you. You carry on, lad.

You may be happy to grin and pull the forelock, and make a slight slurping noise as you retract the excess drool from the corners of your mouth as you gear up to describe how happy you are that nature saw fit to let you muddy the gene pool on your passage through a life that would intellectually shame a ground squirrel, but I shall take pride in the fact that, half-witted dwarf bastard that I may or may not be, I'm a self-made man!

No one would own up to my existence. I am what I am. You are what I see. Now bugger off, and annoy the little people.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by NG cavscout:

We can't help what we are, we just have to carry on as best we can.

Bah! I wave my hand at you. You carry on, lad.

You may be happy to grin and pull the forelock, and make a slight slurping noise as you retract the excess drool from the corners of your mouth as you gear up to describe how happy you are that nature saw fit to let you muddy the gene pool on your passage through a life that would intellectually shame a ground squirrel, but I shall take pride in the fact that, half-witted dwarf bastard that I may or may not be, I'm a self-made man!

No one would own up to my existence. I am what I am. You are what I see. Now bugger off, and annoy the little people. </font>

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It's important to remember that, while the Moderators and BFC allow us a certain amount of latitude, and while we normally police ourselves, everyone has agreed to the rules of this forum.

And that people who repeatedly and abusively ignore the rules they've agreed to will be banned from this Board.

Even those who do it here, in the Peng Challenge. All it takes, of course, is for members of this Forum to complain to BFC about the behaviour of a poster.

So perhaps it's time for someone to play elsewhere.

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I like beer. I like expensive beer, cheap beer, lite beer, dark beer, I even like Sheaf's Stout, though it is from Australia. I like beer with snacks, beer while I'm working, beer while I'm playing, I even like to redrink the little bit of beer that burps up sometimes when I lay sleeping. I like the kind of beer made in big factories and in private basements. Fortified beer, which some may call malt liquor, I like as well. I like beer on hot days, cold days, sweaty nights, and in twilight.

Beer likes me too. It seeks me out and strives for the comfort of my hand like a cowboy longs for the saddle. It calls to me from the supermarkets and convenience stores, from the coolers at the beaches, and the kegs in the taverns.

However, as convivial as is my relationship with beer, and as drawn as we are unto each other, our strength of association and love for each other is merely a pale counterpoint to the loathing with which I hold all of you denizens of the pool.

And you may count yourself lucky at that.

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Ah, Shaw, it is hard for me to admit that sometimes your way is the best.

It seems, now, that I am to be banned. I am old, and tired, and, of course just a wee bit daft, and so, I welcome it.

Some one do me the great good favour of forwarding my comments and urefinger's to the Moderators, and ask them to ban us both.

I promise to go quietly, so long as I do not go alone.

It will be quite restful on the other side, I have no doubt.

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AH! a most noble decision, there is no greater honour than to die in battle! (as I belive, YOU often do) you can be sure that I - as we face the blackness that dominates the unvierse on either side of the circle of light we call the "Universe" - consider you my BROTHER.

(WWWWWURRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGG - sorry, i just couldn't hold it in anymore the idea of being realted to you...)

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Ah, Shaw, it is hard for me to admit that sometimes your way is the best.

It seems, now, that I am to be banned. I am old, and tired, and, of course just a wee bit daft, and so, I welcome it.

Some one do me the great good favour of forwarding my comments and urefinger's to the Moderators, and ask them to ban us both.

I promise to go quietly, so long as I do not go alone.

It will be quite restful on the other side, I have no doubt.

Plus you are from Minestrone, or whatever you call it, the state that had the wrestler as governor, Death would have a certain appeal to you I guess. Well, as long as it keeps you off of our lovely Wisconsin roads. You would think that "the state of 6 lakes" would have enough vacation spots for its own denizens without having them spill over the border into "God's Country" and swarm over the land like cockroaches scuttling across Nidan1's kitchen when the parole officer turns on the light.
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