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The Peng Challenge Telethon for Australia: How Many Times Can You Just Look Away?

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

No excuse at all at all. In fact I see a bit of hubris in your response, a glorification of yourself over the good of the CessPool.

Which would, of course, make me simply First Amongst Equals. I could reply, ala General Bullmoose, that what was good for Seanachai, was good for the Cesspool.

But I'm not sure I want to go on record with that one, in case it should ever be reverse-engineered on me.

Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

So, Seanachai, Bard Of The CessPool though you be, Olde One though you are, you are hearby admonished and TAKEN TO TASK for violating the Proclamation of Coventry.

To paraphrase Terry Pratchett, Joe, and to do so with a true understanding of what he's all about, rather than, as some do, merely being able to quote him to amuse themselves:

Some must speak for the voiceless. And some must speak to those who won't shut-up.

Let me just say, to finish up, Joe, having actually met you:

Balding? Perhaps a bit. Diseased? Very doubtful. Fat? Not even remotely. Racist? Stupidest thing I've read in ages. Boring?

Did I mention that you're not balding so's anyone would notice?

[ July 13, 2003, 08:28 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

I want to share a wonderful experience with all of you...the barnacles are scraped off. I just installed a spinkler system...on my ass. It even has a gadget that senses rain fail and prevents the system from turning on.

That's real swell of you to share this with us. Does a light steady amount of moisture prevent barnacles? I wouldn't think so, but then I don't live on an estate. So, how are things on the Pawnderosa?
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Originally posted by Seanachai:

{snipped since it really didn't address the question now did it.}

Did I mention that you're not balding so's anyone would notice?

Not since I've made it a practice to emulate Wild Bill Hickock (at least in a manner of speaking) and don't sit with my back to a mirror ... oh and I always fold when dealt aces and eights.


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the word is H-O-N-O-U-R-A-R-Y you failed-englishman. The reason we sent the turds to australia on great turd-carriers was because America wasn't far enough away.

BTW (UN INTERNATIONAL COURT) plz start v0te on ENGLSIH ppl's having the vet0 on how ENGLISH words are spelt and\or pronounced. PlZ fiz or do somefink...

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by NG cavscout:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by v42below:

Since none of the Olde Ones have already done so, I would like to remind all of you jolly chaps and chapesses that, rather than posting on this thread, one could often do better by choosing to sod off. With that in mind, ta-ta.


So would V42 Below count as an honorary Aussie? Isn't New Zealand kind of like the stunted little Danny DeVito twin to the Arnold Schwarznegger Australia? Of course that in no way lessens the Genetic Vacuum that is Australia. Wasn't it colonized by people not even good enough to be ENGLISH????? </font>
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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

oh and I always fold when dealt aces and eights.


Don't be daft. How many aces and eights?! Could be a damn good hand.

I have never argued with you about Coventry, Joe. Hell, back in the day, I was the first to suggest it. But you must never forget my tender heart, burning with forgivnance and the need to tell people to shut the hell up.

And Pondscum, you nasty little posseur. Send me a setup. Although I'm sure you'll be several days finding as nasty a rigged scenario as you did the last time, you great, bloody, cloth-headed berk.

I can still hear the weeping of my men...

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

the good of the CessPool.

AND the Australians will be sore put to erase the marks from their monitors where they've tried to solve the puzzle, let's hope they didn't use indelible markers eh?


I think you are too generous. You presuppose, first, the possession of opposable thumbs (needed to manipulate the "magic sticks", also known to non-Aussies as "indelible markers")by the sub-race known as "Aussies". Second, the ability of the forebrain lackers to decipher the technological marvel known as "The Alphabet".
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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Next there'll be crossedwords and trivia quizzes, you may count on it.

Well, Old Foul One, you asked for it! I mean, if you say we can count on it, well, then it must be true.

And as an anniversary present from the lovely wife, I just finished watching Kelly's Heroes for the umpteenth time. (All the burning bridges...) Damn, what a flick. So, at your request it's....

Trivia Time!

Movie grog [need to get out more] question: What are the turret numbers of the German "Tiger" tanks in the town?

Super movie grog [need a life] question: Of the so-called Tigers in the square, which one survives? (i.e., the turret number, you dolts, not "gee, the one that didn't blowed up")

Bonus [man, your parents must be sooo proud] question: What unit are these tanks from?

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Originally posted by NG cavscout:

{snipped ... mostly because I could}

(serious/) What is the deal with the "Squires" and the "wifes" and other little tidbits on the sig lines?(serious/)

Damn your impudenence sir, when you need to know you'll be told until then you DON'T need to know!

Don't presume that, on the basis of one good post, you're to be met with cheers an a rousing chorus of "Consider Yourself Well Off!". You are an SSN, a Scum Sucking Newbie and don't you forget it. In fact you'd do far better to just SOD OFF now and save us the effort of having to repeat ourselves later.

So FEW actually pass the mustard you know ... some pass the ketchup but that's another story. I'll give you a clue though, because while I AM the Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread and referred to in hushed and awed tones as The Cudgel of the CessPool ... well, it's not ALWAYS completely deserved. I TOO have a sentimental streak in my nature and will, at times, dash a goblet of wine in a fellow's face as he's being stretched on the rack ... I know, I know, I shouldn't be so easy on them but dash it all they are just so cute lying there screaming like that.

Where was I ... oh yes ... IF, and mind you it's a very large and questionable IF, IF you continue to post in the fashion you've begun and IF you stick around and IF you show enough deference to those greater than you can ever hope to be ... which is just about everyone here except for those other unfortunate SSNs, you MIGHT be proposed as a Serf to The CessPool and after that ... well, no need to delve into the fantasy quite yet is there.

OH say lads, what name shall we propose for this SSN? Obviously if he's ever proposed for Serf we'll have to spell it correctly but in the meantime ... hmmmm ...


[ July 13, 2003, 08:57 PM: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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Originally posted by NG cavscout:

So would V42 Below count as an honorary Aussie? Isn't New Zealand kind of like the stunted little Danny DeVito twin to the Arnold Schwarznegger Australia? Of course that in no way lessens the Genetic Vacuum that is Australia. Wasn't it colonized by people not even good enough to be ENGLISH?????

This was only so-so, if mildly amusing, but then, with the last sentence, it just soared!

I imagine it pissed off the Aussies and the English.

But he still needs to try harder. Someone give the bugger a game. Nidan, are you doing anything besides marvelling over the fact that technology can keep grass from dying? Because I'd hate to interrupt anything truly significant, like some New York lackwit marvelling over the sustaining powers of water on plantlife.

Hey, NG Cavscout, or whatever, insult Nidan. Bugger needs to have less time on his hands.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

It comes, I think, out of the experience of having children. Or, in many cases, watching that process.

Oh, say it ain't so. He's got eleven of the damn sprinklers...
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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by NG cavscout:

{snipped ... mostly because I could}

(serious/) What is the deal with the "Squires" and the "wifes" and other little tidbits on the sig lines?(serious/)

Damn your impudenence sir, when you need to know you'll be told until then you DON'T need to know!

(snipped for effect)

I TOO have a sentamental streak in my nature and will, at times, dash a goblet of wine in a fellow's face as he's being stretched on the rack ... I know, I know, I shouldn't be so easy on them but dash it all they are just so cute lying there screaming like that.

(snipped again)

OH say lads, what name shall we propose for this SSN? Obviously if he's ever proposed for Serf we'll have to spell it correctly but in the meantime ... hmmmm ...

Joe </font>

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Originally posted by R_Leete:

Bonus [man, your parents must be sooo proud] question: What unit are these tanks from?

Can't remember ****e about the turret numbers, but they must have been from the Liebstandarte, because I remember the keys on the turrets.

I suppose I could fire-up the DVD that Berli left here as some sort of weird 'blessings on this house' after his first visit with Peng but I'm too caught up in ratting about in the fridge for yet another beer.

Man, that was a great visit. Did I mention that Berli and Peng were really, really drunk and climbed the tree in back of my building? And that this is a really small tree for two lunatics to be in at the same time?

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Originally posted by R_Leete:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

It comes, I think, out of the experience of having children. Or, in many cases, watching that process.

Oh, say it ain't so. He's got eleven of the damn sprinklers... </font>
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Originally posted by NG cavscout:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by NG cavscout:

{snipped ... mostly because I could}

(serious/) What is the deal with the "Squires" and the "wifes" and other little tidbits on the sig lines?(serious/)

Damn your impudenence sir, when you need to know you'll be told until then you DON'T need to know!

(snipped for effect)

I TOO have a sentamental streak in my nature and will, at times, dash a goblet of wine in a fellow's face as he's being stretched on the rack ... I know, I know, I shouldn't be so easy on them but dash it all they are just so cute lying there screaming like that.

(snipped again)

OH say lads, what name shall we propose for this SSN? Obviously if he's ever proposed for Serf we'll have to spell it correctly but in the meantime ... hmmmm ...

Joe </font>

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hmmm, sprinklers.

Ok, Nidan1, if you can spare some time from obsessively fondling your malfunctioning lawn care equipment, maybe you can show me some of the tactical ability you show in your shopping habits? And after the game, if you want, I can explain how to use the fact that they have a LIFETIME GAURANTEE to your advantage, by, like, exchanging them....

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Can't remember ****e about the turret numbers, but they must have been from the Liebstandarte, because I remember the keys on the turrets.

Unit grog. Been cuddling with Dorosh again? Hmmm? And there definitely is something wrong with that.
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Originally posted by NG cavscout:

umm, ok, I get it, o grand master of ... ummm... whatever. This is a test for the lowly newb. lets see, serf is spelled, well, serf, and sentamental is actually spelled sentimental. You almost got me there, I actually thought you made a mistake. Are you from Australia by chance?

Here, now! You're never going to get anywhere mocking Shaw's spelling or useage, for God's sake.

stern look

That's not the way we do it.

Make fun of the fact that he's a balding, possibly diseased, rake-thin, non-racist and unbelievably boring posturing know-it-all, lad, and you'll be fine.

Oh! That's right! We've got another Newcomer. Look up the posts of Sir Real and give that bugger some serious ****e.

Then you'll both be gainfully employed; you with abusing him, and him with reading it.

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Originally posted by R_Leete:

Been cuddling with Dorosh again? Hmmm? And there definitely is something wrong with that.

You know, there's a lot of good cuddling on a Dorosh.

I mean, if you're prepared to sacrifice someone else to do it.

Better all round, probably, to just kill them and use the bones to make soup. Most people'd prefer it.

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I shall grant you a boon. You're to be my opponent in a game of CMBB

Don't you worry your pretty little head, Cavy-snout. You'll be fighting the Codger of the CessPool. After a turn or two, he'll forget your game and wander off looking for pudding or some Melba toast to suck on.

Never fails.

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