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Need some help from the "old dogs"

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Investing in some liner socks will do wonders for your feet. But even more important is to wear well-made boots that fit properly and are well broken in.

Almost forgot: also invest in some moleskin tape. You should stop for a few minutes every hour or so anyway, so shed your pack and inspect for signs of incipient chaffing where the straps go over your shoulders or anyplace else that might be a problem. With a well designed and fitted pack you shouldn't have any problem.

Pull off your shoes and look at your feet. Any reddening that cannot be otherwise explained is probably due to chaffing. Don't wait until you get a blister, put some moleskin on it now. Dry the skin first so it will stick and then make sure it doesn't slide around or peel off when you start walking again.


[ August 21, 2003, 07:10 PM: Message edited by: Michael Emrys ]

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Boots, Rockport makes an excellent duty boot, I'm on my feet walking all day 8+ hrs., and I didn't even have to break them in, very comfortable. Maybe get them 1/2 size to large, wear thick socks, wool is good, when you buy boots try them on at the end of the day, your feet are slightly swollen.

A quick way to break boots in is to piss on them, walk for about a mile, then rinse & condition.

[ August 21, 2003, 09:09 PM: Message edited by: Stalins Organ ]

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I used to get blisters on my feet all the time. It didn't matter what kind of boots and socks I wore. So I switched to backpacking in my Nikes. No blisters and they are much lighter. Get ones with good tread or you will slip on steep trails.

If you insist on wearing boots, get light ones that breath (ie, not solid leather). Hightop boots will give you more ankle support, especially when you are barreling along downhill. A nice compromise is tennis shoes for uphill and around camp, and boots for downhill.

In colder weather, you don't need to worry so much about blisters, so boots are fine.

Also, DON'T forget good insect repellent. Nothing is more annoying than being hunted by zillions of mesquitoes. Don't camp near swampy ground and ask the ranger station which areas are to be avoided for bugs. A lightweight tent is a good bug stopper. Campfires and breezy areas will keep them away.

[ August 22, 2003, 12:28 AM: Message edited by: Broken ]

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Good cushion sole socks - Change them every 8 miles or so. Put them in your shirt to dry them.

Break in your boots well before you go on your hike.

Try some Dr. Scholl's boot liners, make sure they fit exactly right.

Carry your backpack properly. High & snug is good, low & loose is bad, extra padding only looks goofy at the start of a hike.

Pack clothes and other soft stuff on the side of the bag that goes against your back. Sounds simple, but you'd be surprised...

Take sandals for river crossings unless you want to be miserable 2 miles past the ford.

Heard that making sock liners out of nylon stockings works great to prevent blisters - Full crotchless pantyhose is optional...

For the "other" chafe areas: Gold Bond Medicated powder.

Military gear is evil and designed for discomfort, misery & character building. Get the civilian stuff.

Have fun and if in bear country, make noise regularly so you don't surprise the bruins.


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Socks, lots of socks. Change them regularly, every couple hours if you are really hoofing it. The newer hiking socks are better than wool at cushioning your feet. "Thorlo" brand socks are the best.

Foot powder is also a must. Use liberally and apply more whenever you change your socks. Be sure to get between your toes.

Keep your boots well laced. Leaving them loose might feel better at first but later they will slide around. Check the insoles, if they are wornout replace them.

Use a pack that has a hip strap and use the strap. It distributes the weight to your waist and away from your shoulders. Just don't forget to unbuckle it when you drop your pack.

Don't dress too warm. If you feel nice and warm when you start you will be sucking later on. I have also found that bicycle shorts work well but wear them over a pair of briefs because they will bunch after about 8 miles and that kind of defeats the purpose.

Drink Water!

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Originally posted by Broken:

I used to get blisters on my feet all the time. It didn't matter what kind of boots and socks I wore. So I switched to backpacking in my Nikes. No blisters and they are much lighter. Get ones with good tread or you will slip on steep trails.

Nike ACG's are designed for hiking, and come in various styles. Got my first pair about 10 yrs back, when they first came out, and haven't worn anything on my feet since (when hiking, anyway). Can't recommend 'em enough.
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Originally posted by Mbjvx:


Sorry, saw it here first- do you want THE Old Dog to respond, because I haven't seen him around here for ages!

Oh, I still peek in on occasion (OMG, those desert shots look good), but more "foot-wise" folks than me by far already have Oddball all lined out in this case. :D

- Old Dog

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Not much that I can add that hasn't been gone over in great detail. Since the chafing has been gone over several times I'll just add something if you plan on doing forced marching.

Get a camelback or equivalent water-pack, to allow you to drink on the move. They hold a lot of water (and water you'll need a lot of), theyre also insulated helping to keep it cool. And, in case you're in a cold environment like I am, helps keep it from freezing solid during the night.


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no forced marching here... just some hiking with the class... 20k max per day... mostly 15-17k per day...

im all packed and ready to go... leaving in an hour... i brought Beevors Stalingrad and Berlin books so i wont be boored during the 26 hour train ride up and the equaly long ride down... :D

but im gonna miss the forum... *hope all modding stops while im gone* ;)

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