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City attacks HELP!!!!!

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What is the best way to attack a town.I was playing last night and i couldn't even get into the bloddy thing.The front of the town was defended by dug in soldiers and machine guns and they just cut down my infantry.Also as soon as i decided to send my 4 tiger tanks in down a road within 3 turns they were all knocked out. I pounded the town with 120mm and 150mm morters and artillery and that didn't work...

HELP!!!! :confused: :mad:

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Three things to remember: Supress, supress, and supress.

A Tiger has a big gun and a lot of shells. You might've tried knocking buildings down if you even suspected they might hold a hvy mg. Then knock another couple down just for fun. And after that, knock down a couple more. All this from as long range as you can get.

Also you might've tried targetting your own route of advance with smoke from your heavy mortars. Keep the enemy from firing on your troops til they're within smg killing range.

Of course after all that your infantry could all die in he barbed wire anyway. nobody said war was played fair.

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I think

first : use smoke (if available arty)

second : use infantry, that's your eyes to see all enemies AT

third : Wait patiently and use your tanks but be careful with them, not near buildings, try to destroy some buildings with them specialy high houses, many MG, Arty spotter, sniper, AT team ...could be hid inside. (I think with 8,8 cm it's more easy, and more efficient than Artillery)

Try this method, I have enough to win ! :D


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Like MikeyD said use smoke to cover your approach. Do not shell the town with HE. Most of the enemy will be in buildings and unless you have something really big it won't knock down very many of them. Use smg squads or engineers or both. Better both. Smg squads have very high firepower ratings at short range and engineers have demo charges and flamethrowers. Both are very useful for street fighting. Demo charges knock down buildings with one or two shots. Flamethrowers instantly panick the enemy so that they can't shoot back tongue.gif . Buy light mortars ( like 50mm or 2in). They're great for killing guns and the like without exposing your own troops to enemy fire. And AT teams. You DO NOT want to be attacked by a vehicle and not be able to fight back. Buy at least one 'zook or 'shreck per platoon. Don't buy Tigers. They are too expensive and you don't need them for close range combat. Buy something cheaper, preferably flamethrower vehicles. Don't send a vehicle down the street without any infantry support, it's as good as KO'd. Instead, use infantry to attack through the town and keep your tanks behind. They'll eliminate any light resistance and AT guns and keep the enemy from charging your tanks. When they run into any heavy resistance move up your armor and blow them to hell. Wash, rinse and repeat as necessary. Hope this helps.

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Originally posted by eyepilot:

Hey yak , when you talk about buying units are you talking about player vs. AI? If so how do you do this? Is this possible in the games scenarios or are you talking about quick battles?

I'm talking about quick battles. You can let the computer purchase units for you or do it yourself. You can't buy units in scenarios or operations.


The proper way to abbreviate my screen name is "yac" not "yak". I don't like being called a fat, furry, cow like animal

yak.gif l tongue.gif l

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If you're buying your own units, rather than getting 4 Tigers get as many PzIV's or whatever you can. For the Soviets, T34/76's are especially good. Massive frontal armour will do you little good against demo charges, FT's, mines etc.

You want to be able to throw as much HE as you can, and reduce your reliance on irreplaceable units.

Use these to level anywhere you feel there may be resistance.

Be careful though. I played Soviets in urban defense about 5 times against a better player & never lost. It's quite a task for the attacker.

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A handful of 150mmm howitzers do great job at knocking down buildings, and they're certainly cheaper than tigers ...though its embarrassing when the game starts and you realise there's no way to drag the guns to within LOS from the set-up area because you forgot to purchase trucks!

If you want to stand-off & knock down buildings, and have a little mobility, a Hummel SP gun will do nicely. Though a girlscout with a blunt letter opener can knock it out.

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Originally posted by eyepilot:

O man yak , I'm a junior and I've already P.O'd someone.

Please accept my humble apology.


I never once made reference to your fat furry hiney'


I wasn't really pissed off ;) . Just thought it was a good opportunity to post a funny picture. smile.gif

I think that a yak looks really funny so I'll post it again. tongue.gif

Originally posted by Blue Streak:

In your defence eyepilot i thought the YAK russian planes were good and i'm sure thats what you were refering to!! smile.gifsmile.gif

That yak looks as strong as the fighter-bomber to me :D ! Again, no hard feelings. yak.jpg


How did your battle go Blue Steak?

Edit: Fixed link and added P.S.

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