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Combat Mission 2 BB Editor

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I prepared a map of 2,5 * 3 kilometers, relatively flat. A river flowing through the area. On the upper beginning I put the height as 5, on the down end 0. It was impossible to keep these height settings. The editor changed them to 0, what ever I did. The same phenomena appeared on a large swamp area and on the small river, the height values were difrent but the editor forced them to be the same.

How could I fight against this? :confused:

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You cannot, because in CMBB, and CMAK the computer puts all water/marsh tiles at the same level no matter what you do. Its part of the computer code so there is no way around it. In most cases as you have seen it will pick the lowest level, btw.

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In a semi-related editor question, I have two maps where sections of factory keep disappearing. It's always the "middle" section of a one-row factory. I put them between two ends, preview, and they're not there. Go back to the editor, and the editor shows upen ground again.

I've seen this now on two maps, and in both cases the ground is flat in the immediate area, and for the life of me I can't figure out why those factory sections keep disappearing.

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It then is impossible to design a river with rapids. No war around Niagara or Victoria Falls. How to design a brook or other small river in mountain area?

Probably one should break the waterarea putting the watermill over the river or dam or imagin the rivere to disappear under the ground as in limestone area.

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Guest Manstein22

Hi Fosiili

There is a solution to your problem. Just add a rough or a rocky tile so it is the whole width of the river mostly one tile and after that you can change the hight of the next water tile. I tried to create a water fall but this is impossible :(


btw there is a very good article on mapmaking on The-Proving_Grounds.com by Mad Russian

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Originally posted by Vossiewulf:

And to get back to the disappearing factory sections, yes, it was height change. It's weird- all the factory tiles but the center of a "row" will place fine on terrain that has lower/higher tiles next to them.

I might be misunderstanding you Vossie, but the buildings (all types) that disappear are those placed next to other buidlings, standing on another level of terrain. Buildings placed next to a empty square of another elevation have not this problem.

So for example if I place three houses in a row, all att different levels of elevation, the midle one will disappear, invariably. Same goes if two are at one elevation and one at a second - the odd one or the middle one goes.

Is this what is happening to your factory?

And about the water - similar problem with bridges, they will also always default down to the lowest level of water you are using, and drag any terrain down with them. No way of doing the Corinth Canal bridge in other words smile.gif I cannot say I agree with this solution (to what problem?), water or bridges. Especially in CMAK (its the same) with most of the fighting in the Appenines.



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Originally posted by Dandelion:

So for example if I place three houses in a row, all att different levels of elevation, the midle one will disappear, invariably. Same goes if two are at one elevation and one at a second - the odd one or the middle one goes.

Is this what is happening to your factory?

Not quite. All the tiles on which the various factory tiles are placed are the same elevation. However, the surrounding tiles are of a different elevation- one lower. So the ground on the missing factory section is the exact same height as the two factory sections on each end, but something about the surrounding tiles being of a different elevation makes it unhappy, so it takes its ball and goes home.

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I think it depends also on the presence of buildings or water/marsh tiles that are not even touching the factory. Because buildings and water/marsh level the tiles they are in, and this levelling affects tiles adjacent to them. Then tiles adjacent to the affected tiles might not be able to be level, and you can't place a building there. I'm not sure what are the factors it depends on. You'll just need to find out what kind of arrangement works.

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I'm not sure about how the presence of other buildings fits into the equation; but I can say with certainty that if you want factories to show up, the tiles they are on, and all adjacent tiles, have to be the same elevation.

I will demonstrate:

In the map editor, we see that the factory and all adjacent tiles are level "7"

When we preview, we see that the factory is, in fact, there.

Now we go back to the map editor, and change two adjacent dirt road tiles to level "6". Note that that is the ONLY change.

Now when we preview, we see the Magic Disappearing Factory.

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