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A Minor Defeat??

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Just finished playing the Operation "21st Army Counterattacks" as Allied which was recommended by the author. Really enjoyed the first day of battles (4 battles total), also a really nice map. I apsolutely kicked ass but in the end was awarded a minor defeat. The AAR was as follows--

Listed as CMBB does it Axis/Allies

Men OK 9/326 (yeah he had 9 guys on the map at end)

Total Casualties 362/253

Men Killed 183/125

Men Captured 0/9

Mortars Destroyed 6/0

Guns Destroyed 5/0

Vehicles Destroyed 2/5

All other parameters were 0/0.

He had more casualities, a much higher % casualties, his guns killed a few tanks, but I got all his guns. I don't understand the final outcome. Not that it's any big deal because I enjoyed playing the operation a lot.

Possible spoiler

Was it because of all the points the Axis had in air force?

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I ran a tank up and down the end of the map. That's how i spotted (spoiler) the stuff on the 3rd battle that was easily handled. On the last battle I ran a tank up and down the hay fields in the far side of the map, never spotted anything, there were 9 men hidden. They were a hq unit, co lvl, with 3 men, and an infintranty unit with 6 men.

A minor loss??

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Who was it that lost 2 vehicles? The AI? If you were the one that lost 5 AFVs, depending on the type, you may have lost alot of points.

Still, the losses in men are in your favor.

I haven't played this operation but I'm willing to agree that you had to get some units off the board on another side.

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I checked from the editor, it is an assault type operation. From the manual:

"How victory levels are computed depends on the type of the operation played:

Advance/Assault - speed is essential. The faster the attacker reaches the opposite end of the map (the full operations map, not the single battle map), the higher the victory level. The game ends automatically when the end of the map has been reached."

So, next time you'd better make it quicker.

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