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CMAK is an add-on CMBB is a bloody add-on CMBO! What gives?

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Originally posted by GRUMLIN:

seeing as cmbb is currently £9.99 in GAME at canary wharf, that seems like an add on price to me..

*steps back from the touchpaper*


Looks like Canary Wharf GAME screwed up and are charging the CMBO price for CMBB, they often do this as their staff are doofuses (doofi?). I managed to get Fallout 2 from them for £4.99 when they stuck their Fallout 1 special offer stickers on the wrong boxes.

[ September 01, 2003, 07:42 AM: Message edited by: Firefly ]

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...about those grafics and engine's:

yes; counter strike is a very good example of what i meant to say.

Even so; there are just a few good engines out there, some games with own engines change theirs to maybe older, but better, engines from other games. It happens.

(and furthermore, a completly new engine will set u back to a new period of primary trouble shooting.)

The bettered grafics in the new games that come out these days indeed dont add anything to the game. They only take away the flow of things, and just make it more expensive to make it possible to play the game in a still realistic flow.

Im from the Unreal Tournament world; (another game engine good enough to make it through the years) and what i saw the makers of that game do to the game made me think twice about the so called progress in the gamers world.

I mean the looks COULD be called beter (by little kids maybe that like to stare at every little detail instead of focussing on the probs ahead) but they went so into the grafics, the gameplay went back just a few too many steps for me.

engine's and grafics;

grafics are just around to get the engine rolling.

ps: pardon my previous post, i shouldnt have been that 'heated'.

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Halflife uses the "Quake 2" engine.

Look at "Day Of Defeat"(retail) it too uses the Halflife Quake 2 engine but hundreds of gamers are having problems running it ( a 7 year old engine) because it was "rushed" out the door without any playtesting( although the "free" Day Of Defeat 1.3) was stable!

Corporate America!...don't you just love em!

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