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Tough Stugs and points

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Okay I've just started playing CMBB, coming from playing too much SPWAW which I liked btw.

Anyway, I've been noticing that my T34s just can't stand up against the Stug with a L/48 cannon. They can score hits but the shells just break off! True, this is frontal. I didn't expect the Stug of 1942 to be that tough. Is it the hardened armor or something?

I tried an exercise with one platoon of stugs vs two platoons of t34s head on. The Stugs decimated them.

Can someone tell me if this is pretty accurate historically?

And if it is so, why doesn't the Stug cost more?


[ February 18, 2003, 06:18 PM: Message edited by: genaltaoschicken ]

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Cost is based on ease of prodcution, not quality. If you have rarity on, it's also based on how rare the unit is. The stug was easy and cheap to make (existing chassis, no turret) many were made (some models have -5% rarity!) and yet was quite good. It has curved armor, which explains the high numbers of ricochets and breakups.

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Remember that with its low profile it is almost always effectivly hull down. Also don't forget that the 75/48 was the gun the Germans began giving their tanks to enable them to defeat the 34 and its bigger brothers.

Used defensivly the Stug is a tough customer. For another view you might try taking that same setup and attacking with the Stugs. Slightly different story there.

[ February 18, 2003, 06:30 PM: Message edited by: sgtgOOdy ]

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Originally posted by Tigrii:

Cost is based on ease of prodcution, not quality. If you have rarity on, it's also based on how rare the unit is. The stug was easy and cheap to make (existing chassis, no turret) many were made (some models have -5% rarity!) and yet was quite good. It has curved armor, which explains the high numbers of ricochets and breakups.

Sorry, but this is incorrect. Points to purchase a unit in CM have nothing to do with 'ease of production', but rather are simply an abstraction of how effective the unit is on the CM battlefield.

Keep in mind that this point value attempts to reflect the overall value of a unit in against *all* possible opponents in *all* conditions, so an 'even point' matchup won't necessarily be an even fight.

T-34s, for example, have a lot of excellent features that don't necessarily show up in a straight-on armor vs. armor slugfest vs. StuGs, like lower ground pressure, higher speed, better ammo load, etc. You 'pay' for these feature whether they're actually useful to you in the specifics of a certain scenario or not.

Play the same matchup, but make it a maneuver battle in semi-closed terrain on wet ground, and see who wins. . . :D



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I have documentation from three writers of amazing actions from STUGS, holding off a Division worth of infantry, companies of armor, sometimes with only a platoon, and somtiemes with just two stugs.. The stugs would place themselves such that they were supported on flanks and rear with ATGs. I believe there is a whole chapter on the stugs in one of james lucas books on taking on a division. The other is in "scorched earth" and i believe there is a whole book on these vehicles in the new biblography MadMatt Posted. ;)

Recently we are playtesting an attack/defense scenario against a platton of stugs and I jumped all around and up and down when I killed one head on with an SU-76i, they sure look beautiful all in flame... In the early years I have killed one from behind with a 57mm zis gun, and with t-34s from a right angle and behind...

Hopefully scenario designers will give you some maneuver room, if not, your tanks must keep moving and hope they are not tracked by a whole stug platoon. :eek:

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Thanks for the info. I know overall the T34 performs pretty good, but I was disheartened to see their shells having no perceivable effect on a Stugs frontal armor.

After all, sometimes you have to deal with the front of an enemy and at I think 89 points per Stug and like 134 for a T34 it makes the Stug very attractive game wise.

My experiment had 3 stugs moving toward 6 T34s, also moving, in flat terrain and clear weather. I was trying to maintain a balance and just have the tanks as a factor. Crews had equal ratings too. I also tried to use the T34s speed and out flank the Stugs, but without adequate cover even with twice the tanks the Stugs win easily.

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Tigrii -

No problem. It's actually a misconception I held myself for a while. :rolleyes:

Basically, you can look at the point system as a tool for trying to ensure that QBs are at least somewhat close to balanced. They have nothing to do with anything else.

As you correctly note, rarity 'score' is related to a units relative 'commoness' (at least in the CM-type engagement) and is designed to encourage 'realistic' force purchases.

It would be kind of cool to have an alternate "Production Cost" point system in CM for Campaigns and masochistic grogs. Such a system would be unlikely to result in very balanced battles, though, and production cost is a really hard thing to quantify, anyway.

You can look at things like man-hours to produce, raw materials used, training time for crew, etc., but the problem is that various resources were more or less scarce for different combatants at different points in the war. For example, early in the war, Germany had plenty of copper. Late in the war, it had virtually none. In contrast, to my knowledge, the Russians never had a problem with copper supply.

Still, I'm not sure it would be any harder to create a "production cost" point system than it is to create a "unit effectiveness" one. After all, neither is going to work for all situations at all times. Just try using a Ferdinand in a nighttime Meeting Engagement in the mud if you have any doubt as to whether the current point system applies to a unit's usefulness in for all situations.

One can make a strong argument that "Productions Cost Points" should be used for the casualty point tally in determining victor, and "Usefulness Points" for purchases in a QB.

If transport units (trucks & c.) cost twice as much in "Casualty Points" as they did in "Effectiveness Points" (since much to these units' usefulness lies outside the scope of CM), I have a feeling that players would probably (realistically) be considerably more careful with them.

I know there are a few situations where QB 'purchase' points do not equal 'casualty' points right now. The ones I know of are Arty FOs and Battalion HQs. There may be others.



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Here's one, so I had a veteran StuG IIIB

hiding behind a house....and a buttoned up KV-1

comes up the road and by it, in fact it stops

right in front of the StuG and the StuG lets him

have it at I believe it was 10 meters

No damage...it was a flank shot too. the KV

turns and polishes him off

actually have you noticed, point blank shots sometimes are less effective than shots that are lets say from 200 yards out? any reason why?

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Originally posted by coe:

Here's one, so I had a veteran StuG IIIB

hiding behind a house....and a buttoned up KV-1

comes up the road and by it, in fact it stops

right in front of the StuG and the StuG lets him

have it at I believe it was 10 meters

No damage...it was a flank shot too. the KV

turns and polishes him off

actually have you noticed, point blank shots sometimes are less effective than shots that are lets say from 200 yards out? any reason why?

Possibly because the IIIB is equiped with the short 75/L24 gun? Which has zero chance of penetrating a KV's armor at any angle or range with AP ammo?
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Originally posted by coe:

I know the StugIIIB didn't really have a chance...

I wonder though if in real life the Stug would have

aimed for the tracks, tried to immobilize the KV and then reverse around the house to get the hell outta there (and out of direct sight)....

Since the WW2 tanks weren't exactly the pinnacle of maneuverability, I'd wager no tank crew was insane enough to allow an invicible enemy armor at point blank tange just so they could attempt to immobilize it.

If it was me, I'd rather spend the time shelling the enemy infantry, so my fellow foot troops could attempt to roll the tank.

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Originally posted by coe:

Here's one, so I had a veteran StuG IIIB

hiding behind a house....and a buttoned up KV-1

comes up the road and by it, in fact it stops

right in front of the StuG and the StuG lets him

have it at I believe it was 10 meters

No damage...it was a flank shot too. the KV

turns and polishes him off

actually have you noticed, point blank shots sometimes are less effective than shots that are lets say from 200 yards out? any reason why?

The metal of the shell is not strong enough to withstand the kinetic energy of a point-blank shot and shatters. You will notice that some T-34 models have this problem. The penetration figures for close range are lower.
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Originally posted by xerxes:

The weakness of Stugs:

1. Stugs are terrible anti-infantry AFVs, low HE and MG ammo loadouts.

Unfortunately CM only have the TD versions of StuG III F/G represented, and the default ammo mix is fixed (with a minimum of randomness).

There were StuGs in TD battalions, as represented in CM, and in assault gun battalions, sporting a higher percentage of HE.

The MG should be used for close defense only, which it isn't. Therefore the ammo doesn't seem to be enough.



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actually I was kinda surprised, the KV-1 kinda came up from out of sight (in a depression) round a bend and came clunking down the road...my Stug was already behind a building and since the building was clear on both sides, it really had no where to go when the KV-1 came up....it was scary.......


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