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Originally posted by AUSSIEJEFF:

Bleet! Wacka-wacka-wacka...poot!

Sir AJ

Moral Advocate

Aussie Jeff doesn't send usss our movesss does he, Precious? Noooo. Maybe we were too tricksy for him. Maybe our rocketss hurtss him more than he sayss, hmmm, Preciousss?


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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

If I'm told that I am "disruptive to the thread". That I am "the reason the old timers no longer post here". That "the thread has deteriorated due to (my & others) presence".

That is my achilles heel. This Thread and the People who have made it.

Good grief!! Who could be so DESPICABLE and on SO HIGH A PEDESTAL to say such things. No one person here is more important than the Hole of Cess.

Welcome back Mr Boggs. Fear not that the other 99.99% of Poolers feel that way at all at all!

Now, where the hell is that next chapter in "The Greatest Story I Ever Told" or "How A Small Band Of True Bloo Aussies Hijacked The Cesspool And Towed It Back To The Simpson Desert"???

Sir AJ

Biogropher Extraordinaire

[ March 26, 2003, 08:38 PM: Message edited by: AUSSIEJEFF ]

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Originally posted by Persephone:


McBone McVulture on a hot date with McVanilla Ice.

God forbid the REAL owner of the feminine form in pink should EVER see this photo Dear Lady Persephone!! There could be HELL to pay!!!

PS: Though I must admit that in the overall context, these two reprobates DO make a stunning couple.

PPS: Note, Joe how I made NO mention of the Resident From Coventry's actual true identity? Secrecy in such matters is of course of prime importance. I understand entirely.

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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

You can call me a Floridiot, no problem.

You can question my mental capacity, no problem

You can ridicule, besmirch, and insult, no problem

Well, that's right neighborly of you, you Southern fried, frog gigging, swamp footed, geriatric, Miami-Vice lovin', pointy-headed bean counter.



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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by AUSSIEJEFF:

Bleet! Wacka-wacka-wacka...poot!

Sir AJ

Moral Advocate

Aussie Jeff doesn't send usss our movesss does he, Precious? Noooo. Maybe we were too tricksy for him. Maybe our rocketss hurtss him more than he sayss, hmmm, Preciousss?

Gollum! </font>

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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

If I'm told that I am "disruptive to the thread". That I am "the reason the old timers no longer post here". That "the thread has deteriorated due to (my & others) presence".

That is my achilles heel. This Thread and the People who have made it.

Bless you all for your kind words, I realize this will be the LAST time that will happen.

So now let us move on and make me regret the first three lines of this post.

For the love of Christ, WHO SAID ANYTHING LIKE THAT?!

My dear Boggs, since you no longer provide your email address in your profile, will you please email me so that all this might be resolved in something like a gentlemanly fashion.

No one I've spoken with since your original post was anything but puzzled and disturbed by the whole thing, and I've received a number of emails from people asking me what the deal is, and expressing regret and uncertainty that you might leave the Thread, especially as no in sure what the HELL'S GOING ON!

Your response to this would be most deeply appreciated.

-The UberGnome

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Originally posted by AUSSIEJEFF:

Anyone else having fun resending turn after turn after turn after ... you GET the picture - to Bubba-loo-Boo?

Sir AJ

MSN is like a bottomless Blancmange...

No one else has complained. BUT then again, no one else has the attention span of a sparrow, either. BUT what can you expect from someone who obviously peaked in the womb.

And that's "peaked", not "peeked", you perv.

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

MSN is like a bottomless Blancmange...

No one else has complained. BUT then again, no one else has the attention span of a sparrow, either. BUT what can you expect from someone who obviously peaked in the womb.

And that's "peaked", not "peeked", you perv. [/QB]

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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:


If I'm told that I am "disruptive to the thread". That I am "the reason the old timers no longer post here". That "the thread has deteriorated due to (my & others) presence".


Jim, I hope you will ignore whoever-the-**** sent you that message.

Now, to whoever-the-**** sent that message...

Knock that **** off NOW! I don't recall anyone suggesting we need a bouncer on this thread (other than Madmutt that is). Having chatted with the Gnome, I KNOW that none of the Olde Ones. Justicar or Ladies even knew about this crap. So if someone out there believes they have a more vested interest in this thread than us, you are sadly mistaken.

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Originally posted by Keke:

I have always wanted to visit Coventry!

Patience, people. He's a Finn. Doubtless he's still upset and ashamed about the fact that his grandfather had to fight the war with an actual rifle, rather than his bare hands and pinecones...
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Er...what Berli said, although perhaps a bit more restrainedly...

I have spoken with the lad Boggs...well, not actually 'spoken', of course. More like 'I spoke he thrust a few words in to the pauses for breath', and he has stated that he wishes to proceed forward into a bold, new world, free of the prejudices and vendettas of the past.

So, on that note, let us welcome his return, and ask this very serious question:

When did we get so many bloody Floridians on this Thread? Where did they come from? Are the Australians somehow to blame? I mean, they're both basically southern.

I would like the Justicar to look into the possiblity that the sudden, pronounced, and essentially disturbing presence of so many Southerners on this Thread, especially Floridians, may somehow be linked to machinations by the Australians.

Also, Joe, if the Thread should find it necessary to stage a repeat of the Civil War, would Australians have to count as 'southerners', or 'northerners'? They live, of course, in the southern hemisphere, but their ancestors were, in the main, from northwestern Europe. It's all very puzzling.

[ March 26, 2003, 11:27 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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"Off with his head!!"

"Killing's too good for the lowlife!"

"Spare the ax, spoil the child!"

Gym Baggs was naturally very concerned. It's not very often one finds one's head on the "Chopping Block". He racked his brain, which did not take long, but could come up with no reason for this reaction. Sure the lady was married, but tar and feathers was his usual fare. This was, to say the least, a bit extreme.

At last the executioner approached, hefting the long two-handed battle-axe (Speed-2, Pierce +5, Impact +6) and began sizing up his task.

Suddenly from the crowd, an angry voice, "Here, get out of the way, you idiots. Fools all of you. Stop the execution! You have the wrong man!"

Stepping forward, the Earl of Coventry himself.

Cowering in front was a pitiful creature, who groveled at the feet of the Earl.

"You fools, release Gym Baggs, here is the real culprit". It was none other than the famous bandit:

Scum Baggs

[ March 27, 2003, 12:22 AM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]

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The reason we post here is because we avoid politics and just try to have a good time.

You have, as far as I'm concerned, by posting that politicised picture just defiled the MBT.

Please delete it.


[ March 27, 2003, 01:26 AM: Message edited by: Mace ]

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Guest PondScum

Floridians is it now, Seanachai? What was it last time - the Aussies, right? And before that it was the Limeys, as I recall.

You wouldn't be trying to HIDE anything by taking us all on these wild goose chases, would you? You want us to hoot and holler and wave our flaming torches and pitchforks at these harmless ghosts, but what are you hiding there in the shadows? It wouldn't be the vast number of Minnesotans who are here, lurking in the background, husbanding their strength? THERE is the true threat. THERE is the true cause to fight against. Stop all these silly decoys and admit to your true ambitions, man.

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Seanachai, ya nong,

Joe, as you seem to have forgotten, is a southerner... a texan no less *shudder*

If it comes to a second Civil War, well... let's see if I can translate it into a language they'll understand...

We wuped yur ass once, we can do'er agin'

Ah luv the smell of Atlanta burnin' in the mornin'

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Well thank GAWD that Jim Boggs (spelt but not bolded though not for long I suspect) has returned and in fine fettle (more or less, plus or minus, mas o menos, you get the drift).

I REALLY hate to say this ... you have no idea how much I hate to say it ... I mean I REALLY HATE to say it but ... well said Berli. That there may have been changes in the posting habits or those who post cannot be denied, but it was no fault of Jim Boggs (spelt but not bolded) nor, indeed, of any of the Serfs or Squires ... personally I blame ALL of the Australians.

Which brings us to Seanachai, not that he's an Australian you understand but that he's off on the Civil War kick again. I'd point out that MY call to Civil War (back in the Outlaw Justicar era) actually netted a few who agreed to follow my banner (I still deny that the motto "Free Booze, Follow Me" had anything to do with it). Seanachai has yet to net a goldfish with his plea.

Nonetheless or naytheless if you prefer, Floridians (ever wonder where the term "Floridate" came from ... that should send the conspiracy nuts here into a frenzy) are NOT Southerners. In fact there is no such thing as a NATIVE Floridian, they ALL came from someplace else. Every generation they just recycle the whole mess and start over again. The last batch went to Noo Joysee I think ... or Manysoda. In any case, in the case of a case being made to case the case for a Civil War, the Floridians would "nominally" belong to the Southern cause, but we (as a born and bred Texan I place myself firmly in that camp) certainly don't expect much of them beyond cannon fodder.

The Australians will be much like the uncoordinated lad with thick glasses and pimples who gets chosen last for the sixth grade baseball game because, well, all the geeks were already gone and dalem was the only one left.

Hoping that I've answered the question adequately I remain ...


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