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Does the crates inside the factories provide cover?

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Originally posted by Monwar:

Do they represent different machinaries and obstacles normally present inside a factory? Do I get any cover bonus if behind them?

Do you get a bonus (in CM) from exactly being behind a tree?

Do all 10 men of a squad fit behind the same tree or crate?

Sqauds/teams are abstracted. The icon appears in the place where the center of the squad is.

Tiles are abstracted and the same bonus applies for the whole tile. If the tile is providing cover, it depends how deep into the cover you are (A squad some metres in the woods is less exposed than at the egde).

BTW: Reminds me of that only joke... 2 Statisticians at the frontline. One standing a metre to the left of a tree, other one a metre to the right. "Regarding statistics, we've taken cover behind that tree!"



[ October 30, 2003, 08:37 AM: Message edited by: Scarhead ]

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Reminds me of how surprised I was to find out the decent cover value alloted to those open city streets. It appears BFC had taken into account all those 'abstracted' mailboxes, park benchs and fire hydrants a soldier could hide behind! :D

[ October 31, 2003, 11:04 AM: Message edited by: MikeyD ]

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answer to your post is yes and no, the crates represent all the various types of cover you find in a warehouse, but no, you don't have to actually position your men behind it. It is assumed that there is that sort of cover all over the interior, and that your boys are smart enough to get behind it.

Also, I imagine, though I can't varify, that when you are in a regular house or building, it takes into account that there are rooms, doorways, and hallways and adjusts cover accordingly. Thats why sometimes when fighting in a building, you might be standing face to face with the enemy, firing tommy guns right in each others faces and yet no one dies.

Its because what is actually happening is that youve got men leaning out of doorways and shooting down halls and basically having an all out firefight in the cramp confines of a building interior.

Remeber, all though every single man in a squad is modeled, they are not all necessary standing in that three man clump. If you have a squad taking cover behind a building, you can imagine that maybe one man is leaning around the corner, while another is looking in the window, while a couple more are standing with their backs to the wall. Figure that your squad is actually taking up a little more space than is visually represented.

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Sorry, about the obscure reference, Mailer.

It is just that in the movie True Lies there is a scene in which a rather largish actor (Tom Arnold) takes "cover" by standing behind a much smaller lamppost during a gun battle. Bullets flash off the lampost, but he is miraculously not hit. It was (intentionally) rather funny. The description of cover on streets reminded me of the scene.

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