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Originally posted by GreenAsJade:

Let us know when you finish playing all the scenarios you find at CMMODS. We'll write you some more. I reckon we'll hear from you ... oh .. say 2010?



Thanks to all of you. One problem though. I can't open them!

What's a CME (I think it was that suffix)? My computer doesn't know and I don't know enough about these things to figure out how to find out.

But thanks again to all.

((So far no Rodents have been harmed in the production of this publication.))

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Go into your computer and find the folder into which you downloaded all those zip files with scenarios. Then find the folder in which you keep CMBB (probably has a name that is something like C:\Program Files\CMBB). Go into the CMBB folder and make a new folder called Scenario Depot Salvage. Minimize the folder to make your life easier later on. Go back to the folder with all the zips of the scenarios. For the next step I am assuming that you have Winzip -- if you do not, do a google search and download a free trial copy from the web. Double click on one of the zip files and, depending on which version of Winzip you are using, you'll have a number of action options. The one you probably want is "Extract". Extract (or unzip, to use the colloquial parlance) the zip files one at a time and specify that spiffy new sub-folder (aka Scenario Depot Salvage) that you made in your CMBB folder. Do that with all of the zip files.

The Scenario Depot Salvage folder will be thoroughly constipated, and full of litterally hundreds of scenarios. If you look closely, most of the files will have CME or CMF extensions. There should also be an Excel file, and probably a couple of readme files, but I can't remember because I'm getting senile.

Copy the CME and CMF files in your Scenario Depot Salvage folder and paste them into the CMBB folder named Scenarios. If you're feeling particularly teutonic or anal, you might want to make a copy of the original Scenarios folder first and put it in a safe place. (Why ? Because it is always a good idea to back parts of the game up before you mess with them, and it saves you having to do a parallel install of the game if you do something stupid. You, by the way, won't do anything stupid -- but I will and do all the time).

The game will read the CME and CMF files very nicely on its own, thank you. If you want to modify them, you can rename each individual file in Windows (you'll probably want to do this because many scenario designers seems to have a terrible visual sense, and clutter up the names of their scenarios with useless and narcissistic strings of letters that make the actual scenario names dissapear off the menu screen, which is where most people try to find the scenarios they are going to play. Go figure.) The other way to modify them is through the Scenario Editor (one of the buttons that you first see when you fire up the game), but you have to get them into the Scenario folder first.

You do not want to have anything in your CMBB Scenario folder besides CME and CMF files. Any other stuff can stay in the Scenario Depot Salvage folder, or wherever it is you like to keep that kind of thing (e.g. a two-car garage). I'm starting to lose it so I can't remember if it is possible to read an Excel spreadsheet if you don't have Excel. Most people have it (it was one of the four most brilliant inventions of the 20th century) and you probably can't download it for free.

If this doesn't make any sense to you (it doesn't make much sense to me) I'm sure someone who is a native English speaker and who isn't punchy from going on too many interviews will be along shortly to rephrase this in coherent and concise English.

[ September 14, 2005, 01:09 PM: Message edited by: Philippe ]

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Well first my thanks to Phillipe who implies that English is not his first language. If that is the case then its a damn sight better than my Italian.

Secondly thanks to all of you who titillated me with the sight of so many scenarios.

As to the actuality however...Nothing came down as a Zip file (I have WinZip and have used it frequently), in fact nothing seemed to come down at all. I clicked and saved and opened files and slew several passing Tree Rats (Squirrels) but nothing has worked.

I offer a flight* from anywhere in the world to here, Walsall in England to anyone who will do this chore for me. I can't seem to manage it :(

But thanks anyway.


* Just the flight, I didn't say anything about paying for it smile.gif

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Just so that we understand what is going on here, could you describe exactly what it is you are doing? Are you saying that when you try to download the files nothing happens, or are you saying that when you succeed in downloading them there is nothing in there to open?

If you haven't used CMMODS before, be advised that it is a tad on the slow side. I've also found that sometimes when you click on something it stalls and nothing really happens. When you see that happening (or rather, not happening), try clicking on the target again to clear the attempted function, and then start over again. Pay very close attention to the little function bar crawling across the bottom of your screen -- if it isn't really moving you need to make a second attempt.

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Okay. (I got tomorrow off so why not...)

I went to www.cmmods.com and copied over a few (ten) scenarios. ((Only one was a Zip)) I copied those into the Scenario folder in my CMBB folder and everything looked ok.

So then I went to the game and couldn't see any of the new titles. So I went to Scenario Editor, clicked on load and a list named Scenarios opened up, WITHOUT any of the new titles.

So near and yet...

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Okay. (I got tomorrow off so why not...)

I went to www.cmmods.com and copied over a few (ten) scenarios. ((Only one was a Zip)) I copied those into the Scenario folder in my CMBB folder and everything looked ok.

So then I went to the game and couldn't see any of the new titles. So I went to Scenario Editor, clicked on load and a list named Scenarios opened up, WITHOUT any of the new titles.

So near and yet...

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I don't understand your post.

You go to the cmmods website.

You log in.

You click on CMBB.

You probably click on something like Newest Mods and keep scrolling down until you see the Scenario Salvage files.

You click on ONE of them (and only one).

You download it into a safe place.

Now you have a zip file sitting in a safe place.

You unzip the zip file to that same safe place.

Now you have a safe place with a zip file and a bunch of scenarios sitting in it.

Rename one of the scenarios at random to AAAA. This can be done by right-clicking on it with your mouse and doing some typing.

Copy the renamed file, and paste it to your CMBB/Scenarios folder. This is the folder that has all the scenarios in it that you've played too many times.

Exit everything.

Launch CMBB.

DO NOT click on the Scenario Editor. Click on START GAME.

This will bring you to the scenario menu.

The first scenario that you see after any of your saved games will be one called AAAA. It will be a different color from your saved games.

If you don't see it, one reason might be that you had CMBB running while you were doing all of the copying and pasting. Another might be that you made a back-up copy of the game you didn't tell me about and were copying to the back-up's scenario folder instead of the main one, or something like that. And yet another might be that you've angered the Cybergods and that they're in the process of taking their revenge. If you have a sister and she's still a virgin, I would recommend throwing her down a deep well accompanied by garlands of flowers and baskets of fruit. That might appease them (though it will probably annoy your parents). If that solution is too Mesoamerican for you, take a deep breath, brew some tea, and try again very slowly and deliberately. And pay very close attention to what you're doing (as opposed to what you think you're doing).

I once got sent to the Middle East to stand over a telex operator in a bank in Sharjah until he figured out how to dial in to our remote satellite link. He just couldn't do it. I happened to remember that in the old days telex operators were trained to automatically hit the bell (looks like a little mushroom when it printed out, but was actually the return key) at the end of each line. The computer-link was reading the mushroom as a character. I explained this to him but the behavior was so ingrained he didn't realize he was doing it. Finally I physically prevented him from hitting the bell at the end of each line by grabbing his wrist, and the connection went through. I suspect something like that is going on here -- you're going to have to figure out what it is and restrain yourself.

What I find odd, though, is that you go looking in the Scenario Editor. Not an obvious choice, and depending on how much memory you have available (do you have a tonne of stuff running in the background?) I've noticed that the scenario folder is often blank for a while when you first try to look into it.

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Well I suppose you expect me to thank you for that !

Now I have a Gazillion new scenarios how am I meant to find the time to play them all.

Ha! Didn't think of that did you???

Seriously, many thanks. I have discarded the Rodent and you are now venerated in this household. (Don't worry "venerated" is not an obscene word.) I am also petitioning my local council to change the name of my road to "Phillipe Grove". (I doubt this will succeed since my last request to re-name it "GodDamnF***Computer Grove" was not accepted.

There were one or two variances to your instructions, but they worked. First of all when I got to cmmods website I had to search for Newest Mods. (I guess it's easy when you know where to look.) Then I found SEVEN folders named "Salvage Files" so to be safe I downloaded the lot.

Secondly for some reason I couldn't change the name to AAAA, yet I've done this many times in other areas.

I did however unzip and transfer them to my CM2 Scenario Folder in Program files, so it worked.

My errors before were the usual computer type problem. i.e. taking one step out of sequence and then blindly following on down the wrong road.

Still, thank you. I shall try some of the other downloads at the weekend (I have today off work).

One final point albeit in the wrong Forum.

Why not do a Combat Mission in the 21st Century <vbg>?

(Runs ducking for cover...)

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