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New PBEM Tournament Part II !


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this was the set-up from round 1.

out of the blue NC hat comes these matchups,(as picked by my son charlie who doesnt like strategy-type games)





4jo le souvrain






only thing done on my part was to make sure that both allies winners from first round were guarenteed to play axis in round 2. all the rest was random. of course both #1's play, both#2's play etc. LETS get round 2 started NOW!!

more aar's please!

as of end of round 2 on aug 30, this is the standings

gavrok wins as axis

rannug wins as axis

terry wins as axis

xwormwood wins as allies

we will start round 3 (semi-finals) abt. tuesday!

jerseyjohn has asked to use a slightly altered scenario for this and next round, due to some info that was not available in the other rounds. i agreed, at the risk of upsetting everyone who has already played with the other original scenario. i will send this out to the semi-finalists as soon as opponents/sides are drawn.


[ August 31, 2003, 03:18 PM: Message edited by: disorder ]

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It's always good to see someone being a good sport about these things and glad you enjoyed the games you played, which is the most important part of these events.


Congratulations and good to see a win for the Allies; sounds like the patient, slow build up approach worked.

All Starting Tournament Players,

I've sent disorder the revised scenario as he announced above. It is more balanced and much different from the original, while hopefully retaining that scenario's basic ideas.

The revisions were the result of this Tournament's feedback. I'm very grateful for the input and will try to get a copy to everyone who started in Round One.

If I miss anyone, please contact me at johnofjersey@AOL.com and I'll get it to you right away.

[ August 30, 2003, 09:06 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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edit: like always i am too late...


Jo le souverain resigned some minutes ago (in April 1943).

In the east he held a front line from Riga, Minsk and Kiev, while he lost Odessa to partisans.

Finland & Sweden were in deep-red soviet hands, while the allies got beatings in a desperate try to hold alexandria to secure the iraq.

The axis flaggs waved over Denmark, Low Countries, Yougoslavia, Greece, Rumania, Bulgaria, Hungary and Norway, and of course about Italy & Germany.

Allied forces lost greece but conquered sucessfully spain and greater-Brest (axis defending Paris and Bordeaux). The US, Canada, the UK and Ireland, Portugal and Iraq have never even seen a german shepherd dog. ;)

Vichy & Swiss were busy eating cheese and stayed neutral.

Jo le souverain, thank you for the good and interesting game.

[ August 30, 2003, 09:43 PM: Message edited by: xwormwood ]

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Jo le souverain resigned some minutes ago (in April 1943).
That's funny- so did I. :D

Would have been interesting to continue, but it was obvious I was most likely doomed anyhow. The Germans had built up far too much experience, and in the process had built a better MPP base than mine. They were nearing Moscow; and though I had good units available, the enemy had that much more.

The US and UK were stripped almost clean for the effort in Russia, and could have been easily taken had the Axis been curious enough to look around. smile.gif Due to failure to open a western front, I sent the US offensive force to Russia via the Suez. But the enemy air force was too much for them- the UK could barely keep one air fleet operating on a consistent basis (took 250 MPP's a turn to reinforce one jet).

I should have evacuated as many French units as possible, should have saved my carriers, and shouldn't have sent most of my UK air fleets to Russia- as that cost me a western front. And having Germany get to level five jets so quickly (even though the UK kept up) was a killer for me, as I couldn't afford enough air power to match the enemy (lower-level air conflict is much less expensive smile.gif ).

It was a good game- hard fought to the end. I enjoyed it, and learned a lot. smile.gif Congrats, Terry!

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Thanks to Reepicheep for a good game and regular play(I think we did cicrca. 103 turns). smile.gif

The game was very close for along tine and I found R. to be a very offensive minded player - the defence of France was excellent and my losses threatend me with palpatations! This slowed me a lot but retrospectively was balanced by the loss of a Free French threat later in the game.

The turning point was probably the Allied attack on France at the start of Barbarossa. Becuase it was repulsed there was no credible threat in the West, especially as the US forces were then diverted to Rostov and the UK was spending all its mpp's on airpower around Moscow. This allowed me to push everything into Russia (where they were needed; my intial attack on Riga went laughably wrong).

The high tech of the German inf plus their experience gave me a mini-steamroller, which although not very fast was chewing 2-3 units a turn, especially with the air superiority to finsh off. Things got a bit stickier with the Siberian transfer (another mistake, I got too close with too much)but the US forces in the south were collapsing and Sevastapol was coming on line as a port which would have allowed more flanking manoeuvre.

The Italians were largely kept out of it (except for 4 airfleeets around Rostov/Sevastapol)but this was becuase they were tech-ing liking mad for a Sea Lion (possible at this late stage becuse the germans had naval superiority inc 2 tech 5 carriers and the Uk was clearly almosr empty).

Learnt an awful lot - from R.'s good play and my mistakes!

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These are the draws for the semi-final round. IMPORTANT WARNING---do not start round until you receive the official scenario from JERSEYJOHN! he will send them out at the same time, and then you can BLAST AWAY!


the blue hat says.

AXIS #1 xwormwood

#2 gavrok

ALLIES #1 rannug

#2 terry

according to my records(keep me honest on this guys) this is the first time RANNUG or TERRY has played for the allies(for those of you with box scores). remember wait for the e-mail from JJ!

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It's been an education and very enjoyable.

My views of scenario design have changed, in large part from this tournament and also because so much information has come to light since the start of this tournament regarding neutral countries and whether or not they join one side or the other.

Also changed are my views on play balance, though I think the games of this round have swung back in favor of the scenario being more balanced than seemed the case at the start of round one, though this version does has an edge to the Axis. I'd originally intended it that way as a view to a stronger Germany, but for competitive purposes it should be a little more even, which I've tried to do in the revised version.

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Round Three Players and All Original Tournament Participants.

Sorry, I've fallen a little behind schedule due to the Holiday Weekend, but I'll do my best to get the revised Scenario out not only to those remaining, but to everyone who originally signed up for the Tournament.

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The revised Z-Plan Scenario was sent out a little while ago in a mass mailing with the following message:


This e-mail should have an enclosed zip-file containing the 1939 (42) Revised Z-Plan V1.6 Campaign. If it doesn't please send me an e-mail and I'll send you one right away. This is the version that will be used in the final rounds of the Tournament.

I'm sending it out to everyone who entered the event and also our adjudicator, Terif. My thanks to the many players who sent e-mails with very helpful observations on the scenario and how to improve it. My apologies to those with e-mails I haven't yet answered, at the moment I've got a lot of things that have put my activities way behind schedule.

Hope you enjoy the revised version and Good Luck to those still in the Tournament.


So Far it appears everyone has received it. If anyone would like to give me a first impression, either favorable or unfavorable I'm all ears.

Also, those (still in the Tournament) who feel this version is either unplayable or favors one side too greatly over the other, should state their reasons now, in this Thread, before the round actually begins.

In that event the decision to proceed immediately, or have me make changes in the game, would be up to disorder.

Thanks all, Hope you enjoy it, and Good Luck! smile.gif

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Originally posted by JerseyJohn:

Also, those (still in the Tournament) who feel this version is either unplayable or favors one side too greatly over the other, should state their reasons now, in this Thread, before the round actually begins.

I play just for fun, and these new scenarios ARE fun, so why should anybody start complaining?

Thank you for your work, JerseyJohn.


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Appreciated Mr. X, glad you like it.

You're right, it's a game and doesn't make sense unless it's fun. smile.gif

But if the scenario has serious flaws I'd rather find out about them now and be able to work them out before the round begins than have it affect game results and work them out later.

[ September 04, 2003, 03:42 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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dear editor jj,

i find a SERIOUS flaw in this new scenario--


there appears to be this evil group called the GERMANS who seem to be messing around with other countries stuff!

please see to it that future scenarios REMOVE these people so this war can proceed as it was invisioned.

you may replace them with any neutral-type group and things will work out just spiffy!(my preference would be INDONESIANS.)



[ September 04, 2003, 09:37 PM: Message edited by: disorder ]

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Dear Annonymous

Your idea is, well, just plain insane! Where would our noble wargame hobby be without the Germans? Hell, where would the history of warfare itself be without the Germans! I mean, sure, others have had fights, but it takes a German to get a real war going!

Indonesians? No disrespect intended, but their only claim to fame is that the Krackatowa volcano didn't kill all of them!

[ September 04, 2003, 09:43 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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JJ, your remarks about Germans have warmed up my heart.

I am near to tears. Its so long since I have read something so nice about my people. :D

Though not participating in the tournament, I have received your Z-plan once, and its very enjoyable and great work. Thanks for that too.

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Appreciated, Germany has given the world great scientists, composers, musicians and generals, I think that's a pretty good record by any measure.

Glad you enjoyed the scenario, this one is a little different from the earlier version which I've sent you; not very much different, but I'll send the updated one forth-with!

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Preliminary Play Testing Results:

I've received word from one of the finalists (name withheld unless otherwise advised) that after extensive playtesting, he found France falls quickly in this version.

If anyone else has playtested this version and would like to send me their results I'd be very grateful; I'll be looking the scenario over again and may yet put in a few changes, hopefully to make it as perfect as possible for the second half of the Tournament.

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After recieving some excellent input on the revised Scenario, I've incorporated the changes with the reasons listed below. If you're in the tournament now or started it you should have received this version as part of a Mass mailing I've just sent out. If you didn't receive it, please contact me and I'll send you a copy. This version is the final revision and should be used as it is now in the concluding rounds of the Tournament.


Several people have gotten back to me with suggestions and all seem to agree that France is a little too weak in the version I sent out. Another suggestion was that I cut the unassigned research back as it led to Jet advances too early in the game. Accordingly I've cut unassigned research to UK-3, Germ -2, Fr & It -1, U. S. & USSR -4. Soviet and U. S. entry remains at 0% but hopefully the stregnthening of UK and France will serve as an equalizing factor. Allied Players are advised to check the entrenchment of their French units before moving them, as those nearest the borders and the army in Paris are now at maximum. A successful LC Gambit should be very difficult now while bringing the French units and B. E. F. up to stregnth ought to be much easier to do before Germany invades.

The attached scenario file should be zipped and titled Z-Plan Tournament Ver II -- Anyone who does not have that file attached file attached to this mailing is invited to contact me and I'll send it immediately.

As Always, Good Luck and my thanks to those who e-mailed me with these great suggestions. I'm very pleased that these revisions could be made before the resumption of play.

Good Luck,


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Got the revised scenario...thanks for all the effort here.

Must admit that I just opened up the initial scenario sent and just done my turn and sent off.

Perhaps it was because i was the guys in grey that I didnt think the French were overstrong.......personally I think there are too many French.......and Brits and Yanks......and whilst I'm at it someone has overestimated the red army.

As for the French army location everyone knows it started in North Africa and the Maginot did not exist......but these are the penalties I must work under for reclaiming parts of Poland giving away in 1918

And since JJ has not reduced these allied forces I guess it falls upon me to do the job!

Good luck all, and thanks JJ/ Disorder for the tournament effort.

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My pleasure and as always, appreciated.

I thought the French were okay myself, but the feedback I received said those low stregnth corps moved up to the LC border and stayed low stregnth even while the Germans were attacking, I figured this way, if they start there, they can be build up, and they've got an army in Paris and another back in reserve along with all their HQs, so if there is a disaster they can at least get two of them and maybe all three off to Britain to make Sea Lion harder. The French look very strong now, but the thing is USSR entry starts at 0%, so there has to be stronger initial resistance to Germany. USSR has also been raised to 2500 MPPs.

The reduction in unassigned research with 3/2 to UK over Germany should also help.

Hopefully these things will strike the proper play balance while maintaining the original concept.

[ September 06, 2003, 07:29 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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  • 3 weeks later...

Rannug won playing the allies against me as axis, i just surrendered. My French campaign was a bloody mess, and with the (massive) russian war entry at hand i have no other choice but to put out the white flag once more.

Jarl Gunnar, this old viking, is simply a to strong player for me.

Congratulations Gunnar, and go for gold in the final round. I would feel much better knowing that only the later winner of this tourney was able to stomp me into the ground. :D

JerseyJohn & Disorder:

Thank you for your time & work, and of course for all the fun in this tourney!!!

The new scenario was to challanging for me against a stronger player like Rannug, but it became my favourite scenario when playing against the AI, bringing some pepper & spices back to SC . Well done!!!


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August 1940. Quick update on the other semi-final game.

Summary: I'm getting a right good kicking from Gavrok who's playing a blinder as the Axis! Also making mistakes like Mr Mistake of 15 Mistake Rd, Mistakeville, Mistakeland isn't helping!

Denmark fell turn 1 and Poland turn 2. Greece follwed in a single amphibious invasion approx turn 6. Following a series of spectacular blunders by the French high command (who are completely unrelated to my goodself to whom no blame can be attached) France was gone by March along with all its units. June saw the demise of Vichy and Malta. July Sweden. Fortunately, Switzerland is holding up and looks promising!

On the plus side (and the serious side) the UK is relativey ok - Egypt well stocked and Italian troop ship bound for Syria sunk plus Italians swap carrier and battleships in the West Med. BEF still holding Narvik and hefty tech research (although not much results as yet).

However, unless I come with some pretty cunning plan (i.e. so clever you could put a tail on it and call it a fox) and there is a serious change in fortune it looks like a drubbing. Still it just gives me the excuse for a prodigious comeback next time! tongue.gif

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