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AI Tests

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Take the Germans to invade Iraq??

The other night (still playing the Demo) I encountered a Turkish Corps at Kiev during my invasion of Russia! (the Turks being in the war to provide access to the Caucasian oil fields of course)

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While playing as the Axis in late '39 I left the area facing the Low Countries undefended while attacking Scandinavia.

The FRENCH declared war on the Low Countries! (Presumably to get at my empty northern cities?)

Either that or because they were pissed at my mods of their infantry.

Anyway, I thought that to be somewhat strange and ahistorical behavior for even a computer AI.

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In WW I the Allies actually did move into the Low Countries. Not as invaders, but as a strategic move. It was mistake, and the Germans sent them into headlong retreat.

So, the AI is probably trying to simulate this move, by awarding the plundered MPPs to the Allies.

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The srangest thing that the AI has done that I have seen is to send a couple of Russian Armies to the aid of Iraq. Not really strange but something I hadnt really expected. Well no, I guess the strangest/most unexpected thing was that America and England launched a major invasion of Brittany in late '41. Now that is a shock when your playing Germany.

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ive noticed the ai hitting the low countries. it makes them tougher to beat, plus axis doesnt get their plunder. also, germany tends not to hit norway in '39. on the whole, the axis ai seems skittish about amphbious assault, although they have sealioned me. i held them at a standstill at manchester. The ai seems much better after even the gold demo though.

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Here's an odd sight...

In Greece, The Athens Corps is holding on continuosly against the 1st and 4th Italian Armies, with the battleship fleet Vittorio Veneto adding fire support...

What's odd is the German Leeb HQ standing behind these units (as if it were lending support to the italians). If there are German units behind it... the AI should swap the units.

Oh well, I'm still holding Athens in Jan, 1942!


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I cant read anymore!

sounds like the full game is going to be a blast!

so all you bastages, just SHUTT UP!

tierd of hearing about the GAME.

I just want to play.

should I even start to hope that the game will be up here in a week?

Oh well back to Combat mission!

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Originally posted by Aloid:

Here's an odd sight...

In Greece, The Athens Corps is holding on continuosly against the 1st and 4th Italian Armies, with the battleship fleet Vittorio Veneto adding fire support...

What's odd is the German Leeb HQ standing behind these units (as if it were lending support to the italians). If there are German units behind it... the AI should swap the units.

Oh well, I'm still holding Athens in Jan, 1942!


Here's an update... The German's finally sent an air unit down to help settle the situation. Athens fell in early August 1942.

The Americans are about to take Tripolitania (with Patton at the head). Wonder if the German's will really try to send troops to N.Africa in this situation. I assume that's why the German HQ is present in Greece.

Also, The Germans opened a small hole in my line North or Riga. What filled the gap, but good old Model himself!!!! I had a second line waiting for a break thru, and laid into the HQ. Managed to get it to 6 points. What does the AI do? It leaves him there and pumps him up to 10.

Unfortunately the line is giving in just to the East, so I can't afford to keep attacking.

Must have cost the German's a fortune though!! smile.gif

Much to fun!!!


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I'll give you a great example of odd AI behaviour (possible bug?).

My first full game (default diff, FoW on) playing as the Axis powers from '39 Poland.

When the USA entered the war they sent over a unit of level 5 Jet fighters, which would not intercept my air fleets unless I attack the US army in Britain. Conversely the RAF would not intercept my air fleets if I attacked either of the American units!

Bit strange that... :confused:

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My experience is that air fleets will only provide cover or attack for (1) ground forces from their own nation, and (2) for cities and resources in their home country. This is surely a lapse in AI design that hopefully can be remedied with a patch that will instruct air fleets to defend allied resources/units (after their own nation's needs are first met).

Speaking of AI behavior, I am playing Allies on Level 2 (+1) for the Axis AI. Last night, the Axis invaded France,then followed up with invasions of Spain and Portugal!

I managed to pull some Brits out of France before it fell and now they and the Yanks are in the process of liberating the Iberian Peninsula.

This game rocks, especially on the higher AI bonus levels!

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Originally posted by Carl Von Mannerheim:

See, this ai isnt lame...

The interesting thing is that the AI does not only get through more often with higher experience- and/"booty"-level, it also somehow seems to "know" that it has an advantage and plays more aggressively. Or is this just an illusion? smile.gif


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