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Strategic Command Over the Top PBEM Tourney!

WHAT--- a PBEM tournament designed for all SC players who fit within the entry guidelines. GRAND PRIZE is a delightful on-line ceremony provided by none other than JerseyJohn, which will signify that the PBEM champion has passed from the lower half of all SC players, to the upper half of SC players . Rules of the tournament are below.

WHO—Open to all who believe they belong in the new player, beginner, and the lower intermediate skill levels. in other words, those who fervently believe they are in the lower half of all SC players! Obviously, this is the players own opinion, and all entrants who believe themselves in this category will be welcomed and accepted!

WHY—This tourney is designed to help the new\beginner player make a quick transition from AI combat to actual opponent combat. Interaction and involvement in the SC forum will be an important benefit also!

WHEN—starting in approximately 2 weeks (depending on the number who sign up and are interested)


E-mail address needs to be posted in this thread at your time of entry, if it is not currently available on your profile.

Posting of turns SENT or RECEIVED may be posted by players in this thread to aid in preventing any problems (but it is not necessary). AAR’s may also be posted here if both players agree to it.

1.07 beta version is the tourney standard. Any upgrades or changes can not take place during tourney.

tourney will be a simple bracket with randomly assigned opponents. In the first round. You will also be randomly assigned which sides you play, but those who advance to the next round, will most likely alternate sides (again this depends on # of people involved.).One loss will put you out of the tourney.

The scenario used is jerseyjohns recently updated 1942 z-plan which will be e-mailed to start the tourney! It is an equally balanced scenario which will keep the total number of PBEM moves to a minimum while playing fairly for whichever side you have! comments pertaining DIRECTLY to the scenario may be e-mailed to. JohnofJersey@aol.com

Byes will be given(if necessary) in rounds with odd # of players.

Each round will take place for 45 full days from the time stated..(The championship round will not have a time limit of 45 days on it. As much time as is necessary to finish will be allowed.)

Game turns can be played as often as necessary during this time period, and the winner will need to post his name and the # of turns played in their game in this thread

Players in games where a winner has not been decided by the end of the 45 days, will be contacted and asked to decide amongst themselves who is leading in their game, and that person will be considered the winner. if a clear cut winner cannot be decided upon by the two players involved, both players will be considered to have a “DRAW” game, and both players will agree to arbitration by Terif-- maludwig55@web.de to decide the winner!

GRAND PRIZE!!! No paintings or pictures, but a chance to be officially recognized by your lower-half peers as deserving to be in the top echelon of SC players! as mentioned previously, jerseyjohn is currently still dickering for the few extra megabytes necessary to perform the soon to be famous “over the top” ceremony for the winner! People are queuing up to witness this on-line event even now,AS WE SPEAK!

As winner you will immediately be considered in the top half of all SC players from the time of your win, and therefore will be a retired tournament champion, ineligible for play in the next PBEM tournament.

Although all possible rules or problems have not been listed here, it is my belief that this be a fun, laid back, and easygoing thing! All participants will be expected to be good sports and play by the rules, whether written or implied. My son Charlie who hates strategy-type games will draw first round opponents out of a light blue North Carolina Tarheels hat.


Any disagreements will need to be passed on to the man in charge of disagreements— man in charge of sc disagreements if there is still a need to have a ruling arbitrated after talking to the man, you may contact--- JohnofJersey@aol.com

GOOD LUCK! disorder

edited content removed was:

both players will be considered to have a “DRAW” game, and both players will agree to arbitration by jerseyjohn
and it was changed to:

both players will be considered to have a “DRAW” game, and both players will agree to arbitration byTerif-- maludwig55@web.de to decide the winner!.

[ May 26, 2003, 08:08 AM: Message edited by: disorder ]

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The Lines start to form.

-- Meanwhile, back in New Jersey . . .


"But we've got to see JerseyJohn, we'd like to play in disorder's Z-Plan PBEM Tournament.

"Out of the Question young lady, he's a very busy man and cannot be disturbed. And for your information he won't be playing in the tournament himself -- only arbitrating because he knows SC members love to argue!

"But -- please sir, how do we enter?

"Just read disorder's guidlines listed above. Even your friends are eligable as entrants don't necessarily need to be human."

[ May 22, 2003, 12:23 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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About the Scenario

Though using SCs full potential number of game turns, the scenario is based on the premise that Germany went to war in 1942, after further preparations.

Before the events of 1939 Hitler told all his branch chiefs, Army, Navy and Air Force, that he wanted them to plan on an all out war in 1942. His goal was to have everything tripled!

While I believe those goals to have been unrealistic, there is no doubt that Germany and Italy could have been much stronger with another three years preparation.

Of course, seeing this, Britain and France would also have attempted to catch up. Consequently those two nations are also substantially stronger.

The Campaign begins with Germany invading Poland and Italy at war in Greece, where the Brits have sent the Auchinleck HQ and the French have contributed an air fleet.

All four nations have considerably augmented OBs so making correct moves won't be as critical. Disorder and myself are well into a pair of games using this scenario (we have axis in one and allies in the other) and they have both been exciting and well balanced. I'm also playing PBEMs of this scenario vs Rannug that have been very enjoyable while Panzer_39 and myself are playing his own version of a Plan-Z scenario with exactly the same feel of equal chances.

-- * --

As for argument breaking and arbitration. There may be many undecided games at the end of each 45 day period. I'd recommend players in deadlocked games send their last move to me -- with password, so who ever wins will need to use a new password in succeding rounds -- and I'll make the official decision as to which way the game would have gone. I'll explain my judgement in detail -- everyone knows I tend to be long winded -- and hopefully there won't be any hard feelings.

The winner of the tournament will be crowned in a special Inter-Galactic Stadium built specially for such occasions on the Planet Vanity located along the outskirts of the Andromeda Galaxy. A local round trip from most locations.


"Thank you Jersey. Guests for this Gala event will receive accomodations at the Vanity Andromeda Hilton."

That about covers it. My thnks to disorder for coming up with this idea and organizing it. I think a PBEM tournament is a good thing to have along with the IP Ladder.

[ May 21, 2003, 05:39 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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My pleasure disorder. The still was from an old Twilight Zone episode, "To Serve Man", based on a Damon Knight short story. According to Knight, he wrote in on a rainy afternoon in Greenwich Village (c. 1959) knowing his wife was out somewhere having an affair with his best friend. And that mood carries over into the story, perfectly put on film in that great Twilight Zone episode.

[ May 21, 2003, 05:59 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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PBEM (Play By E-mail) becomes PBC (Play By Cheating) when ppl rerun their turns until they get fantastic battle results.

I remember my own PBEM games and how often my opponent broke through my lines like a knife through butter.

[ May 21, 2003, 05:59 PM: Message edited by: zappsweden ]

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Yes, if people feel like cheating themselves that's the way it is. This is just a group of PBEM games for people who feel like playing for the sake of playing.

I keep ten of these things going and couldn't care less if my opponents feel some overwhelming urge to reload their move. I don't and the dissasters I suffer are testament to that fact. If my opponents do, and I don't believe any of them they do it, then that's their problem.

From what I've read of the Ladder responses there are plenty of people who think there's cheating going on there as well.

We aren't aspiring to a world championship, only a few games. Some of us can't play IP due to schedule considerations.

Perhaps one of the Ladder problems is that everyone takes the thing so seriously. We want something a little lighter. It's only a game and nothing more.

[ May 21, 2003, 06:07 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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To All Entrants:

I think disorder would agree with me that if any playerw wish to play part or even all of their game over the IP that's also okay. You can move games in progress from the PBEM to the IP folders without much difficulty. This way a game can go PBEM during the week and another ten or so moves added over the weekend when presumably both players would have more time. This is totally at the player's discretion, of course. If either player wishes to play the entire game via PBEM then that's the way it has to be.

Also, it may be difficult for me to adjudicate these games in an impatial manner because several of my regular PBEM opponents have entered. I've discussed this with disorder and, if there are an odd number of entrants I might enter to fill out the field. As a player I'd automatically disqualify myself as an arbiter.


Possible opening for game adjudicator/arbiter.

We ask a better than average knowledge of SC and an unreasonable degree of objective fairness in reaching a decision. Anyone interested please post in this Thread. Your assistance would be greatly appreciated and gratefully received.

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Possible opening for game adjudicator/arbiter.

We ask a better than average knowledge of SC and an unreasonable degree of objective fairness in reaching a decision. Anyone interested please post in this Thread. Your assistance would be greatly appreciated and gratefully received.

Jersey John:

I am willing to do the job as adjudicator if you want me to do it.

[ May 25, 2003, 07:24 PM: Message edited by: Terif ]

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