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Attacking Russia, with Germans, through Finland, please discuss


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I had the opportunity, after a sotra roundabout invasion of Sweden and Norway to transport my NOrdic Army across the straits. It would have set them up to invade the Rodina, through Finland. I didn't, but I think if I can set it up again I will, it looks like having a full a german army swing down from Finland would put the fear of capitalism into Stalin, especially with me being able to siege Moscow so early in the war on Russia. I am just curious as to what the SC junkie community has to say about that.

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I assume your planing on attacking Finland to get the army in place before the Russian readness gets too high.

Some things to think about:

1) poor supply until you link up with you main forces

2) incressed readness due to the DOW on finland

3) ST will trigger much sooner if you succed in breaking through to Moscow quickly

4) It will be very hard to breach the river east of Leningrad and take the city unless you use alot of air and armor in the first attack.

This is all assuming you using the std HvsH options. If your not and say setting USA to Historical, then some of the obove answers mean nothing.

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Finland supply is 5 and Riga is hard enough to take on it's own, once you take Riga it's open road all the way to Leningrad anyways<all you need is enough AirFleets then>. Which I find hurts the game that the North is such a small peanut and the South is overextended tongue.gif Like Iron says it pushes RR too high. Leningrad doesn't mean victory at all. Neither does Moscow<but it certianly helps from that point...

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What you'll often see in H vs. H is the Axis putting 2 ground units, 1-2 air with an HQ and Naval protection to help prevent a Russian takeover of Findland.

If you wait eventually those units come into play.

While you wait you can slowly remove the entrench level of Leningrad to 0 and give experience to your Air and units attacking it from Finland.

But I would not move in on Russian territory until my eastern front can link up, mainly not to cause the Siberian Transfer.

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Finland & its access to Russia is not important. The supply sucks, no retreat, & the cost to operand units (air) just isn't worth it. You're not going to sneak up on Russia or something with this strategy.

There is plenty of action across the whole border (Poland, Romania), just start blasting away on the Red Army.

If you disagree, try it.

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I agree. Forget Finland. I just support if necessary, to maintain MPP. Get in behind the first line of Russian defence to prevent/limit reinforcements and destroy at leisure - good tactic, I think, but I do not manage it too often. Often I have not built up enough armour or army/army corps. :mad:

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Thanks for the replies, that is the info I was looking for ( crappy supply, not much chance of really improving an outcome). I just saw it, just before I was about to Barbarossa Russia, and was curious. I was thinking I would have waited for Finland to join in on their own and then moved that Army over to join in the fun.

I would have had an HQ, 2 Armies, and a tank army with 1 airfleet to go over. I thought i might have been able to get in behind the front line and cause them to collapse that much more quickly.

I figured that if I could even deflect some units from the front, I would could cut through the FLR a little ( lot ) more quickly, and then a hook up wouldn't be too hard ( my own private Market Garden.. ish.. )

When I attack Russia right now, my big problem is it drags on and i lose my focus.. and it ends up being a splatter-fest with me sending my forces wiggly niggly all over Russia hunting down the savages. I almost always (99.X+%)win, but not without me shaking my head and looking for another beer. So that solves that problem. Much appreciated.

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