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A christmas present for Zapp


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Hmm, Zapp is getting overconfident and cocky....I am just in the right (christmas-) mood, have time this week.... and it really itches me to ´crush´ a certain person tongue.gif .

So let´s see if there is something behind Zapp´s big mouth and if he really can beat me today...

Here my offer:

We can play 3 games. In case you are lucky and win one of them, we will play another 2 games.

So after a maximum of 5 games it should be clear who would win the next games and there will be no need to play again in the foreseeable future (i.e. until SC2 comes out...).

- Standard settings

- Rules: no landings during the first turn of DoW in major nations (Russia, Italy)

- optional: no Anti-air research (only the starting levels for UK/USA). With veterans I play only with AA rule in the meantime to have a more land based, better and longer game, but here it is up to you.

- Bidding system 1:5:20 (or alternatively 1:5:30, up to you).

- For the official records they should be league games for both Panzerliga and the PBEM League (sorry, no ISCL since this league is too small, a victory there means not much with its ping-pong system and it is unlikely that it survives very long...like its predecessors)

- AARs here at Battlefront.

This week I should be able to play:


- Tuesday-Friday: 11 am – 5 pm european time (GMT+1)

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Hehe sometime smacktalking has also its bright side :D

Wow so this week is full of Mega-Events....

Monday Dragon-Zapp

Tuesday Terif -Zapp

Wednesday Dragon-Terif (continue)

Tuesday Terif -Zapp (2Part)

Friday Terif -Zapp (3Part)

Hey Terif i hope you saved another day or time except this wednesday for our game...or do you surrender on wednesday? ;):D

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rank: 2, The Challenger

origin: Sweden

Summary: One of the original Icons of SC from the beginning. Famous for "Air-Zapp" play, started several leagues, & Zapp-Leno humor. After a long drawn out SmackBattle with Mr. Green (Yoda), once again he is going to get in the ring for the glory. A very competitive nature, known to mix it up with anybody on or off the battlefield.

What must he do to win? Obviously, can't make any mistakes against the JediMaster. A little luck wouldn't hurt either smile.gif


rank: 1, Undisputed World Champion

origin: Germany

Summary: A.K.A. Yoda, this guy is a JediMaster. Quickly took over the top spot in the world a few years back. Known for memorizing combat charts in his sleep, figuring out every detail of the game: readiness, tech stuff, bugs, air, ground, supply...what doesn't he do? Responsible for the Cookie Cutter which 98% of the world now plays. Has cloned himself amongst the rookies & veterans alike. Is the current god of PanzerLiga & loved in the Fatherland. Has rewritten the books on strategy. This guy is badass. Has the backbone to play for 40+ hours non-stop, competitive, & won't give you an inch. A grand mixture of history & gaming all rolled into a "Can of Whipass".

What must Terif do to win? Avoid any whacky AirTraps by Zapp. Not get involved in Smacktalk too much, not his forte.

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Yes, if you loose all 3 games, then it is only best of 3 (no point in more games). If you are lucky to win at least one game, then it is best of 5 (so not luck will decide the overall result ;) ).

- So you want to play with AA research ?

- All games count for both the PBEM League and Panzerliga ?

I will meet you tomorrow at 11 am GMT+1 (ICQ).

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So interesting.......... Too bad I have to travel for the Thanksgiving holiday here in the USofA but will try to check in for the results.

My prediction is

Yoda wins 3 games in a row. Not putting Zapp down he is one of the few very very good players. But Yoda is untouchable when he really wants a win and I suspect he really wants to win.

I wish Vegas was giving those Rambo odds, I would take yoda and give the points.

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I will definately follow this AAR with great interest, please be as detailed as possible.

I'd like to know where every mpp and unit goes, so I´d prefer if you post 5 turns late, so that strategy is not compromised.

Hmm I might even start playing again if you inspire me enough!

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OK Feldtrompeter I would like to take that bet even up. I bet Yoda-Terif will not lose a game.

I live in Florida and so I will bet you some of my best oranges or tangerines from my own trees. What do you have to offer, some good German beer I hope. But I can buy that over here most likely. Anyway, I say Yoda will not lose a game.

Any other takers?

ps - I would bet Rambo but what would I get in return, Idaho potatoes???. Oh please.... (Just kidding Rambo, love potatos :D )

Now maybe if Kurt is still around I could get some of that good Beligum beer.

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yep i was introduced into his airgame yesterday.

His agressive france costing me alot of MPP, i could not afford even a 5th AF and had to sell units to afford that many repairs he caused me.

But IMO such a tactic will fail against Terif ...i would bet that Terif will counter that and will kill RAF air very soon...but we will see.

Against Zapp i will have to change my france game in future as i have to admit i was near getting killed...the exposure of HQ´s for RAF sorties is a huge mistake against him.

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Ok, games are over - another 3 losses for Zapp (now 52 losses vs me...).





Zapp used exactly the same strateg he already used a year ago. All 3 games were exact copies of each other and from the games a year ago.

2 allied HQs during France, heavy airbattles throughout the game, no defence of the Med or other neutrals (kamikaze, so it falls next turn) and only tanks and armies for Russia, most of them placed around Kiev. Such an extremely aggressive strategy only works against new or uncautious/impatient axis players.

Even if this strategy would have been good a year ago (which it was not since he there lost with it also every game...). Today strategies are a lot more developed and this old strategy can be easily countered - no chance to win with such an obsolete strategy.

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I use different strategies against different ppl and what suits against them.

I sometimes use a new double armour strategy being axis (using both armour west on turn 2). I sometimes use the double HQ with allies but sometimes I do not even buy Montgomerie early on. Abandoning the Mediterranean is a new thing which I really have not done very often (and sometimes an extra 30 MPP could mean extra turn in France) so it is not a bad habit believe me smile.gif

For Russia, I do not always do the tank stategy. It depends on how many tanks and what tech level Germany have.

But you are correct in that all our 3 games looked the same. You also did the same using air in France 1941 to stall early landing and using lots of tanks in Russia plus investing late in tech plus using Italian MPP's for garrison corps. So whether the hen or the egg came first, who knows ;)

In our last game I might have held Paris until September-October if I had not gambled losing Ardenner and French Mine that early so I am pretty pleased with the strategy. SC is like chess, you can have the best strategy in the world but by moving one piece wrong at the wrong time can turn the whole situation.

Finally, getting compliments from Dragonheart he saying that he had not seen such good defence in France in a long time and cracking Rambo 5 times in a row :D making him retiring are satisyfing results for me so I still regard my results satisfactory. It seems to work against 99% of the players. Guess who the last 1% of players could be :D;)

[ November 24, 2004, 06:46 AM: Message edited by: zappsweden ]

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hen or egg...here it is clear ;) :

Since Allies sacrificed all mpps for airbattles during and after France, the simple counter for Axis is to place enough AFs in France to avoid invasion. So because Allies choose this strategy, Axis have to choose the counter ;) .

By sacrificing nearly all mpps in airbattles, UK has not enough for research, so their carriers will be useless at the start of Barbarossa and they don´t have the mpps to build enough AFs also. So Axis is superior in numbers and can stall any allied offensive in the West - even if they are so unlucky in tech like in these games ;) .

Ok, this slows down the russian campaign, but with western Allies neutralised due to their aggressiv play, Axis have all the time till 47 to conquer Russia.

Concerning France:

With an aggressive defence it nearly always falls early. That it survived until August was due to good combat rolls for Allies...and Axis didn´t want to go the risky path, otherwise Paris could have fallen much earlier since it was empty several turns - some lucky airstrikes and Game over for Allies ;) . However, with this strategy Allies loose every mpp in France and can not save something for later. Germany has no problems replacing its losses later since it gets much more mpps, but when Allies don´t prepare and save some mpps for D-day, Axis have an easy game ;) .

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Yep true, i wasnt used such an agressive way of defending france because i did not play an allied specialist for a long time ;) Finally i managed it well but with heavy losses...and i m sure that in another game i can master it much better ...so i would suggest you not to use the same strategy against me again otherwise you will suffer ag me like ag Terif :D

We will continue somewhat on the weekend i guess.

Good AAR from both

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