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Kuni, Rambo, Why do we post at the GF?


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Oh my friends and SC brothers. I don't know whether or not you've noticed this, but the General Forum appears to be dominated by people who play Combat Mission. When we venture there we do so outgunned and outnumbered.

It seems to me we wander in there on innocent enough missions and it always ends up turning ugly. Even yours-truly, innocent and vulnerable, ends up being constantly accused of making appearances there for no reason other than support my Strategic Command Brothers.

This, I find very perplexing.

Why do we post there?

And why do they hate us?

Worse yet, if this thread ends up being moved there the only ones posting to it will be that CM lynch mob! :eek: :D

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@Sir Jersey --- Yes, there seems to be a new line of division beyond the liberal/conservative, war/noWar, saved/lost...

Now we have CM vs. SC!

I tried Combat Mission, it's not my cup of tea. Rather lame to put it bluntly. SC players have a better sense of humor, while CM players just like to talk about some uniform colors or something. SC is a thinking man's game, that's the real problem.

Words of wisdom, getting along with the crowd isn't always good. I remember doing a little preaching to the youth baseball team (I was a part time coach too) after a game. One of the parents asked me after asked,"Sounds like you don't want the Christain kids to fit in with the world." I replied,"Do you really want your kid to 'fit in' with the kids in school?"

SC players, be proud of your game, it is the real deal.

Legend from Washington >>>>>>>>>>>>>> OUT

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Guys, SC is just one game on a vast thing called the Internet.

Now if you want to be like the insular CMers and think the world is Battlefront and nothing else, then I guess you are just going to have to accept those guys dominate your "world" (that beng Battlefront).

Battlefront can sell other games, but no one is under any illusions, Battlefront in CM and some "other games".

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Well, having spent a little too much time reading that thread just to get a sense for what's going on, I gotta say "tempest in a teapot."

Seems to me to be closer to a schoolyard pissing match than anything worth noting.

Par for the course on the mass market internet, I'm afraid. Now if this were an nntp server newsgroup rather than a web forum, at least you could reasonably expect everyone who'd bother to post there to have at least a high school education! :cool:

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@BigDog944 --- Dude, this is a gaming Forum for SC, we play SC, ALOT of SC. What do you expect to find besides competitive talk, strategy, & some healthly smack? Would you prefer us to enroll in some Latin classes at the local university & discuss verb endings?

Go scrape $25 out of your mom's purse & order SC, we will play a game & I'll show you what I'm all about.

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Rambo, Les & BigDog

Enjoyed all your posts, glad we finally had a thread on this, it's been bugging me for two years! ;)

We'll never break the strangle hold they have on that forum, but then, do we really want to? I mean, if they aren't bothering people there it means they're bothering people someplace else. This way at least we know where they are and can safely avoid it! :D

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@Rambo --- Dude, I was talking about the General Forum, not the SC forum (the SC forum has some insightful posts and the AAR's are great!). Not even you would consider the witch hunts that have been going on of late to fall into any of the categories of "competitive talk, strategy, & some healthly smack," I believe.

It must be an election year....

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SC chat will be dull as dull gets until after HC grants us his next boon in the form of SC2.

I mean we have generally speaking said it all.

When SC2 arrives though, then it will be as it was before... BF General? what's that?

No one will have the time to give a darn about people that don't like the game.

I can only suggest, if you want the game to be great, go preach it to the world outside of this forum when you are not here on this forum.

Places Les says things positive of SC.

My place of course

Dave's Universe

Matrix Games

Warfare HQ

Because, you don't preach to the converted eh, you preach to those that have not heard (heck I am surprised you are not in their face on aother forums Rambo smile.gif )

Saying SC is a good game anywhere on the BF forums is kinda like saying the obvious for the most part.

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"And this is the proper way to treat creative ideas when you yourself possess no creativity but happen to have a mob of bullies behind you. I call it Addition by Subtraction but it can also be seen as Multiplication through Division!"


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Aren't you exaggerating a little bit?

I mean,that aggressive discussion was not at all a unique one.

I remember the time when I still posted at the GF(good old days tongue.gif ),and it almost always ended up in a pissing match. One arguement doesn't mean a vendetta between the Cm-players and the SC-players has to come into existence.

Some nasty things were said for sure, but isn't that always the case?Or has the GF drasticaly changed since I last posted there?

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Why is it there's always got to be someone who feels compelled to confuse us with the facts! :eek: :D

Sure, I instigated plenty of fights over there and over here too! :eek:

But the thing is, I keep misplacing my medication. ;)

I suppose we are exaggerating a little ( no, we aren't!) and we could be a bit more fair ( no, we can't!) but if we wanted to be that objective about it we'd just take this there and discuss it openly, with that lynch mob! :D

In all fairness, I have to admit they used to be even worse than they are now! :eek: :D

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Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

"Do you really want your kid to 'fit in' with the kids in school?"

SC players, be proud of your game, it is the real deal.

Legend from Washington >>>>>>>>>>>>>> OUT

I agree Rambo!

Everyone is there own person, tis a shame most of them are too afraid to be themselves, and then perhaps even improve upon themselves.

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At the same time I must say that Combat Mission is a fun series of games as well, the best in fact for a PC in my opinion if you lean more towards the tactical realm of things.

I enjoy both SC and Combat Mission. I also look forward with much anticipation to SC2, and the next Combat Mission game.

To each there own I say.

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As I see it dear friends the general forum is a disgrace to BF. I'd say lets unite and post the real deal over there and then defend each other. There is a lot of **** flying around there and it's time somebody says enough is enough.

For example Tim the Enchanter was caught in a witch hunt just because some dork thought he was late Gaylord Focker. This aint acceptable.

To the general forum everyone, hurry! Lets go and bring forth our message of peace and understanding!!!

[ October 07, 2004, 02:07 PM: Message edited by: Kuniworth ]

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Nobly said Good Sir.

I've been posting there, four or five already today.

Unfortunately, everytime I write something in the place I'm accused of giving my blessing to both yourself and Time the Enchanter and Brother Rambo. As a matter of fact, my saying Brother Rambo appears to arrouse special animosity and I've been put in the role of some sort of Champion of the Trolls!

Now who gets to decide which people are trolls and which people aren't is an interesting subject and one I am not able to venture an answer in.

Nor am I able to venture how I'm able to offer a blessing to various individuals when I don't happen to be the Pope, or even a cardinal or bishop or anything other than my accepted role of antichrist! :D

On the other hand, perhaps the ailments of the General Forum will somehow work themselves out through a natural process.

This is all so mind boggling, my SC brothers. :D

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Originally posted by JerseyJohn:

Oh my friends and SC brothers.


Originally posted by JerseyJohn:

I don't know whether or not you've noticed this, but the General Forum appears to be dominated by people who play Combat Mission. When we venture there we do so outgunned and outnumbered.

That's the way it is going to appear to somebody when they go there to troll and then call out for assists from their droogs.

Bring your A-game and contribute something of worth, stand as an individual on your own merits, and you'll see that the playing field, while not always well-disposed to you, will be much more varied. Wargames tend to attract opinionated and competitive people, often times perhaps lacking somewhat in social graces, to put it delicately.

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Oh Brother Shosties you do hurt me to the bone!

Never have I trolled, there or anywhere else, yet often is the time I've been accused of vile and absurd activities by the CM crowd.

Tell me valued friend, have done something offenseive to you of late?

If so, please advise me of the offense and I'll endeaver to eradicate it.


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JJ, you keep getting caught in the situation of coming to the rescue when things get out of hand and playing favorites when one side butts up against another. Let's not beat around the bush. SCers get the kid gloves on your fora, while CMers and Cesspoolers in particular often got the knife soon after any disagreement arises.

If you want to play the role of Alex, you need to instill a little more discipline amongst your droogs. ;)


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Hmmmmm ?

That's all months after the event.

The CM crowd left, they weren't kicked out.

They created their own battleground over two members I refused to ban. They wanted them banned for things they would do, not things they actually did.

So, you're ticked off at me for favoritism?

-- Perhaps. If it's true I'd be the last to know. The last person I kicked out was MM because he was being repeatedly nasty with me. I don't think anyone starts and operates a website to put up with someone who comes on to insult them. So I kicked him out and would do it again. Actually, I suspended him for a week and he requested I delete him, which I did.

Part B of that was someone, yes a CM person, who I liked very much and still like very much, but that person developed the habit of being angry at me and being hostile. As I said before, nobody starts a site for the sake of being ridiculed, insulted or villainized.

Sorry to say my capacity to be fair and objective has pretty much dropped to zero. It used to be a strong point but a summer of being kicked in the teeth for setting up a website destroyed that.

In any case this thread has nothing to do with my own place, which I never used to refer to as my place, but no longer feeling any sort of idealism, I've taken to calling it that.

Well, it's wonderful that a simple writing site has managed to create so much hostility. And thanks for harboring it.

To be honest I never thought of people in terms of SCs or CMs or Peng or whatever. I've tried to treat everyone as individuals. It was the individuals who followed the moves of their clans.

If this, SC, is my clan then I guess that's the way it is. Presumably there's no way of not being put in one.

Anyway, I'm not Alex and don't have any droogs and if I did I'm sure disciplining them wouldn't be something I'd be inclined to assume as a function I'd be entitled to perform.

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Good to hear from you. It's been a weird time over at the general forum, but I think we prevailed for the moment. Dorosh and some other rather unique individuals tries to ban Tim for beeing Gaylord and the whole place is a mess. Finally Kwazydog(a great moderator btw) stepped in and locked the whole first page of threads.

Ive been around here since 2002 and the general forum is so weird. Weirder than our forum, and that says a lot.

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