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A reasonable request .. Kuni

it's Les

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I have been given two entirely civil requests (via email) from Kuni, to consider.

And while something insides me says proceed with extreme caution, I try to judge by what I have available to judge.

And on the merits of the two emails alone, I will consider it Kuni.

I don't mind being seen as grumpy.

But I am a wargamer when I am on a wargaming forum.

Lately you guys at BF (not just the SC fans, but the whole community), have been making the entire forum into one great big off topic asylum.

Boggles me why the owners let it go so far some days.

But that is THEIR businsess.

You guys need to do it better than the other guy if you want to be seen as better than the other guy.

Now, prove to me whether this was a good idea to post this or not guys.

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i've written few off topic subjects lately tongue.gif

but fact is les release a new version or patch if you want people to talk about SC more ;) few people discuss the game anymore but newbs cause there is nothing left to discuss of topic

i.e. what am I going to do discuss the same bids, strategies, etc.. I've done in near 1000 postings nothing left to share

aars are the only thing ;) and I think there going to PanzerLiga

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Rumors of my retirement are exaggerated eh.

It's my interest that's at risk.

If the forum can offer the new gamer (yes some have not played SC to death believe it or not), something better that lunatic banter from just a few guys, then it might actually go a ways to supporting the game.

Put yourselves in the shoes of a person only just finding the game. They walk in here, and the forums look like a mad house. It won't give them a lot of reason to stick around till SC2 arrives.

And I have yet to meet a large sum of atypical forum users that use either the search function or read anything much past page 1.

So what sits on page one, is essentially the games first impression.

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Lately you guys at BF (not just the SC fans, but the whole community), have been making the entire forum into one great big off topic asylum.

Well, Les, there is another way

To look at it, eh?

IOW, all of the rest of the outside world

Is... the Asylum,

And the goings on in here are... a shelter

From the storm, or... a typical normalcy.

LOL! ;)

For over 40,000 years humans have needed

Some sort of release, or catharsis

From the everyday, ordinary, mundane



The mystery cults of Morpheous,

Or the group frenzies surrounding Dionysus,

Or American Pro Football,

Or Canadian Pro Hockey,

Or down in deep South tent revivals,

Or rock & roll stage plays,

Or... occasional off-topic threads

In a war-gaming forum.

Where folks can go nearly certified crazy

In a somewhat... "sanctioned" way.

NOTHING wrong with that.

Otherwise the murder & mayhem rate

Would be 100 Xs as great as it already is!

I would hate to live, or post

In some place where ONLY the same old

Same old,

Is always, oh, hell and ho-hum, the USUAL.


NOBODY can... CONTROL everything.

Many people TRY, which is WHY

There are these musty attic rooms

Where dotty ol' Uncle the drooling Fool

Wears the SAME old clothes

Year after odorous, moldering year,

And just... rocks & rocks and rocks

The crazy days away.

Trying TOO hard to control

EVERYTHING... is why there are Asylums

In the first place. ;)

NO easing release, baby.

The thing to do... just go with the flow,

And just have... a little FUN

Now and then again.

Speaking of which, I can tell you this much.

From what I have been privileged to see,

SC2-blitzkrieg ... IS going to be

The greatest,

Most originally conceived WW2 GS game

EVER created. :cool:

As a war-gamer (... and, a devoted acolyte

to the Dionysian miracle, oh, part

of many "mystical participations")

For over 40 years,

I am MORE excited about this game

Than any that I have EVER seen,

Or even heard tell of.

It's getting close

To actual AAR's and screenshots,

And then all this fulminating about

The occasional hi-jinks and... off-beat

Be-bop-a-lu-lu... lunacy,

Will soon be shoveled under.

Though, as I say, it HAS served a very valuable

Catharsis function for The Group, eh? ;)

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Then, of course, there are those of us who post year after year, thousands of meaningful posts, who never feel the need to tell others what their posts should be and never complain that this is a madhouse. And, incredibly, never feel the need to pound our own chests and say how important we are.

But forget that, we're fortunate to have the in and out self-described celebrities of the war gaming world who do a lot of posting, but mainly about themselves and most of the rest to criticize others who contribute more to this place in a week than they have in their entire time here, and in this case that includes all four identities.

But somehow that's the person who's allowed to come in and make pontifical pronouncements, even telling Battlefront what it ought to be doing here.

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I'm written a little song tribute to Les

When Les the Sarge comes marching home again,

Hurrah, hurrah,

We'll give him a hearty welcome then,

Hurrah, hurrah!

The men will cheer, the boys will shout,

The queers, they will all turn out,

And we'll all feel gay when da Sarge comes marching home.

The old church bell will peal with joy,

Hurrah, hurrah!

To welcome home our darling boy,

Hurrah, hurrah!

The village lads and lassies say,

With roses they will strew the way,

And we'll all feel gay when Les the Sarge comes marching home.

Get ready for the Jubilee,

Hurrah, hurrah!

We'll give the matrix-hero three times three,

Hurrah, hurrah!

The laurel wreath is ready now

To place upon his loyal brow,

And we'll all feel gay when Les the Sarge come marching home.

Let love and friendship on that day,

Hurrah, hurrah!

Their choicest treasures then display,

Hurrah, hurrah!

And let each one perform some part,

To fill with joy the warrior's heart,

And we'll all feel gay when Les the Sarge comes marching home.

[ October 19, 2004, 04:24 PM: Message edited by: Kuniworth ]

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Oh, I don't know see the first post and read it this time. Beyond that I'm not laboring the obvious.

There are those of us who come here and post as part of the community. And there are others who come here because they think they are the community.

Anyhow this whole thread is pointless. If Moon locked the others like this he ought to lock this one as well. It will end up being locked anyway, the sooner the better.

Stirring up this sort of garbage isn't a good idea either. If the guy wants to post he should, but this lordly crap is way out of line.

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Originally posted by Kuniworth:

I'm written a little song tribute to Les

When Les the Sarge comes marching home again,

Hurrah, hurrah,

We'll give him a hearty welcome then,

Hurrah, hurrah!

The men will cheer, the boys will shout,

The queers, they will all turn out,

And we'll all feel GAY when Johnny comes marching home.

The old church bell will peal with joy,

Hurrah, hurrah!

To welcome home our darling boy,

Hurrah, hurrah!

The village lads and lassies say,

With roses they will strew the way,

And we'll all feel GAY when Les the Sarge comes marching home.

Get ready for the Jubilee,

Hurrah, hurrah!

We'll give the matrix-hero three times three,

Hurrah, hurrah!

The laurel wreath is ready now

To place upon his loyal brow,

And we'll all feel GAY when Les the Sarge come marching home.

Let love and friendship on that day,

Hurrah, hurrah!

Their choicest treasures then display,

Hurrah, hurrah!

And let each one perform some part,

To fill with joy the warrior's heart,

And we'll all feel GAY when Les the Sarge comes marching home.

That was beautiful Kuniworth.

You know what, I think you just inspired me to create a website about you. I think I'll title it:

KUNIWORTH: The man behind the Legend. ;)

And yes, I'm serious.

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There are those of us who come here and post as part of the community.
Which is why I post here and not somewhere else.

To tell you the truth, I think Battlefront is actually pretty lucky that they have such a dedicated/loyal group of customers. Not only in SC but, dare I say it, CM as well.

Yes, things are slow for us at the moment, but if you look back through this forum’s history, we've been through worse.

We have a great group of moderators and a strong community, what more can you ask for. ;)

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Originally posted by Kuniworth:

welcome back. As I said you are one of the old veterans here. We don't got time to be angry at each other, and if we are let's forget that. We will surely be talkin smack again but let us not carry that with us and break up our strong community.

You welcome him back, then bait him with the "GAY" stuff when your buddy chimes in with a negative post? :confused:
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As originally posted by Comrade Trapp:

I'm glad to be back in the civilian world. And most importantly, I won't miss the release of SC2 now.

Good to have you back, WHATEVER the reason! I'm sure you'd have been a great soldier, but, hey, now you can be an even greater citizen cvilian! :cool:

Yep, not missing the oncoming release of SC2... IS the most important thing... I'd feel the same way.

BTW: Really, REALLY like the bottom of yer sig line... I am with you on that one! smile.gif

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I don't understand your post. Who's the buddy with the negative post, me?

I said there are people who post real things here, and yes, I'm one of them. I don't walk around saying I'm a great wargammer and the place is lucky to have me and better listen to my every word.

I don't like people coming in and saying we're a bunch of dopes and ought to do things his way and somehow he's the living guidline we're all supposed to follow.

If that's negative then yes, you've got it right.

I also didn't go to the GF a few days ago and refer to the "SC MOB" as an example of what not to be.

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Originally posted by JerseyJohn:


I don't understand your post. Who's the buddy with the negative post, me?

I said there are people who post real things here, and yes, I'm one of them. I don't walk around saying I'm a great wargammer and the place is lucky to have me and better listen to my every word.

I don't like people coming in and saying we're a bunch of dopes and ought to do things his way and somehow he's the living guidline we're all supposed to follow.

If that's negative then yes, you've got it right.

I also didn't go to the GF a few days ago and refer to the "SC MOB" as an example of what not to be.

People post their opinions on content all the time. It's not a big deal. And he's perfectly entitled to that opinion. I know you have history, and I think that coloured your response. Better just to have ignored this thread and not added fuel to the fire.
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I agree. I originally tried to ignore it.

The thing is I don't even see the need for starting a post like this.

Nothing here needs to have been said and the opening post itself is a waste. That's the nicest way I can put it.

To keep posting about how bad this site is should really not be permissible. He doesn't like it, fine, there are other sites. A lot of us post here frequently and no one is in a position to say what kind of posts are good and what kind are bad. Certainly not the person starting this thread and assuming he has that right.

It would be good if this were locked, it will continue going downhill, that's easy to see. It has nowhere to go but downhill because it was pointless from the start.

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