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CMETO A *Canuckian* Confrontation AAR (of sorts)

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G'day all,

First, SPOILER ALERT (see below).

Second, I've been at home sick over the last couple of days and what better opportunity to play some CMETO that I recently downloaded. Despite grog-troll Dorosh being a canuckian tongue.gif I decided to play Wild Bill Wilder's 'A Canadian Confrontation'. Wow, what a game!

For anyone of mediocre ability (such as myself) this proved to be a great challenge of playing Canadians (attacking) vs German AI and I recommend anyone who hasn't played it to give it a go before reading on.

Third, I suffered a tactical defeat 54-46 in a nail-biting finish.












Took the vanilla setup and selected Canadians. You start with quite a few tanks and kept receiving reinforcements before I'd even starting doing something with them. Advanced my infantry up the sides of the road leading to town and moved tanks up behind with MMG carriers and Stuarts leading the Shermans. My armoured advance halted due to the 75mm concrete bunkers on both flanks - these proved to be my nemesis as I attempted a few hail-mary plays to get tanks behind them.

I started to lose Shermans, but not too badly and I crept through the sparse woods trying to get flanking shots but my loss rate of tanks could not be sustained at a rate of 1:1.

Kept advancing infantry up the centre with Churchill and SP gun support which proved to be easier than expected. Gained the flag in the middle of town and saw dust on the horizon which meant German tanks and tank destroyers were on their way. I crept my infantry into the buildings surrounding the flag, infiltrated my PIATs and engineers forward and hid them as far forward as possible.

My attempts at flanking the pillboxes succeeded only on the right when a Sherman negotiated the minefields and got a rear shot. It was all too late as the clock was counting down and I'd only freed up one flank.

Bang! the Germans counterattack with armour (tanks everywhere!). Luckily, I'd neutralised most of their infantry and they had to push their armour forward without infantry support. Unluckily I was down to a Churchill, 2 Stuarts, 2 Shermans and two SP guns. One Churchill was up the centre road into town, the Stuarts were right-of-centre (just cleared of covering pillbox), one Sherman was trying to get key-hole shots just left of centre, the other was on the extreme right behind the pillbox and the SPGs were supporting centre and right of centre.

The Churchill copped it first but fought to the end, taking out 2 tanks/Stugs - wow I love heavy armour. The right Sherman attempted a shoot and scoot over a crest to get a flank shot but got nailed by a waiting 88mm at the end of town. The left of centre Sherman got two keyhole shots before a Stug shrugged of his hits and delivered a death-blow.

The German armour is in town and my Canadian flags are starting to turn into ?'s. A few medium range PIAT shots take out some tanks but they keep coming into town. Attempted to rush my Stuarts up the right to get flank shots - they got one before being nailed. In a last ditch effort, I close assault with infantry and engineers as they pass buildings but the clock runs out.

When the game ended I was watching the clock counting down and I needed 'just one more turn' to 'do something'.

In the end the Germans still had about 4 tanks/Stugs and I had 2 SPGs (next to useless vs armour without a lucky keyhole shot) and a COY+ of infantry with 2 PIATs still having ammo. I'd highly recommend this to someone who wants a challenging game vs the AI. Well done Wild Bill.

Anyone else had a similar experience with this scenario?

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In case you are interested, I have converted the following Wild Bill scenarios to CMAK:


Death of the Titans

To the last man

Ardennes - Team Desorby

A Canadian confrontation

A Rock in the flood


Ramelle - saving Pvt Ryan

Resolve at Ranville

I'll gladly e-mail these out to anyone who wants it. Gotta keep the classics alive.

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Originally posted by Kingfish:

In case you are interested, I have converted the following Wild Bill scenarios to CMAK:


Death of the Titans

To the last man

Ardennes - Team Desorby

A Canadian confrontation

A Rock in the flood


Ramelle - saving Pvt Ryan

Resolve at Ranville

I'll gladly e-mail these out to anyone who wants it. Gotta keep the classics alive.

I would be most greatful Kingfisher if you could possibly send them my way too please? (e-mail in profile thanx.)
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Hmm. An AAR without a single picture, diagram or map. Not a single reference to a tactic that worked, an overall strategy that might be successful in similar circumstances, or to lessons learned. And played as attacker against an AI defender. Followed by responses by disinterested people geared completely to finding out how to get copies of other scenarios. ;)

I think this thread needs more cowbell, frankly.

Here is the condensed version without spoilers, in ozi's own words for anyone not wanting to spoil the surprises for themselves:

<font color="navy">

G'day all,

I've been...sick....

Wow, what...mediocre ability...

I suffered a tactical defeat...

My armoured advance halted due to... bunkers

I started to lose Shermans...saw dust on the horizon...It was all too late...

Bang! the Germans counterattack...I'd neutralised...the Stuarts...The Churchill copped it...

The right Sherman attempted a shoot and scoot...before a Stug shrugged of [sic] his hits and delivered a death-blow.

...my Canadian flags are starting to turn into ?'s....but the clock runs out.</font>

Some humble words of advice for future AARS:

a) pictures, so we can see what you are talking about, especially if we don't have the scen on our HD, or don't want to fire up CM just to view the map

B) demonstrate a particular situation, tactic, or strategy, preferably one that let you win the scenario or at least achieve some limited success

c) describe what makes this situation/scenario any different from the hundreds of other ones being written about

d) find a human of equal skill to play against; far more interesting

e) more cowbell

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As usual the troll-grog Dorosh rears his ugly head with some useless advice.

I have some advice to you too, Dorosh. First, I don't really give a toss what you think. Never have, never will. Look at the title, its an AAR of sorts. Just wanted to tell people it was a nice, fun, scenario. I had fun on a sick day. Period. Do I need a human opponent? No. Do I need more cowbell? Maybe. I'm happy if people found *some* worth from my post. Unhappy that once again someone has to suffer your personal criticism (me, I'm the target this time) and turn it into a slanging match.

Y'see, my beef is that your advice aint that *humble* its more..... *pretentious*.

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heh-heh, well...your AAR, IMO, is just fine if you've played the scenario before, which I have from both sides. However, the first time for me was as the Canadians in CMBO...and I got my butt kicked. Then again it was the 2nd scenario I played--not including the 67 times or so I played the demo. ;)

I played the remake in CMAK as Axis in a pbem. I think I won but for some reason I can't remember. Probably because I can recall that it was a very close game, and the end result was a battlefield littered with carnage. It was a great fight. If you achieved something similar to that, I think you ended up with the desired result, or something approximate. smile.gif



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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah, good on you you feckless git, you win.

Oh, I know, I have a better idea.

Instead of just letting this thread die a natural death, lets keep revisting it every 10 days or so and resurrecting it to the top of the page!

If you don't have anything constructive to add MD, there is always the Peng Challenge or the General Forum to bring you up to 20000 posts.

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Originally posted by ozi_digger:

Yeah, good on you you feckless git, you win.

Oh, I know, I have a better idea.

Instead of just letting this thread die a natural death, lets keep revisting it every 10 days or so and resurrecting it to the top of the page!

If you don't have anything constructive to add MD, there is always the Peng Challenge or the General Forum to bring you up to 20000 posts.

Funny you should mention that. Would you believe the Peng Thread has an illustrated AAR? I mean, the bloody Peng Thread for heaven's sake!
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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

Funny you should mention that. Would you believe the Peng Thread has an illustrated AAR? I mean, the bloody Peng Thread for heaven's sake!

Y'know, as soon as I read that in Pong, I just knew you'd be over here ranting and raving.

Now MD, adopt your best officious tone and go over to the Cess Poolers and inform them that they've posted an AAR in the wrong place, blah blah blah it belongs in Scenario Talk blah blah blah.

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Originally posted by michael_wittman44:

A picture is worth a thousand words! Pictures would have been good for advice purposes. We could have said things like "you dim witted troll wheres your armour support!" If you didn't have infantry in front of your tanks. I know you were having a fun quiet game but it wouldn't have killed you to add pretty pictures.

I'm going to claim a foul on this one MD, or are you going to make me play through?

If you make me play through then I'm going to remind you that accepting the rantings of an insipid serial-poster (more than you I might add) will a)make you appear to be a clueless git who has paid the above poser to 'write sumfink bad in this thread' and B) lower myself to some fairly undiplomatic language levelled at said insipid serial-poster (i.e. leg-wetter).

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Hmmph I resent being called a serial-poster and the rest of that junk! I apologise but its how I feel about people that don't put pictures in so we i.e. the reader can make out what they did or shouldn't have done and maybe given them advice. Hey I've been on this site since 2003 and have only posted over 70 posts. I think its the case of the toilet calling the sink white! ;)http://www.world-wartwo.co.uk/king_tiger.htm The first painting is alot like the cover art of CMBB. Coincidence??

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Originally posted by michael_wittman44:

Hmmph I resent being called a serial-poster and the rest of that junk! I apologise but its how I feel about people that don't put pictures in so we i.e. the reader can make out what they did or shouldn't have done and maybe given them advice. Hey I've been on this site since 2003 and have only posted over 70 posts. I think its the case of the toilet calling the sink white! <ahttp://community.battlefront.com/uploads/emoticons/default_wink.png' alt=';)'> http://www.world-wartwo.co.uk/king_tiger.htm The first painting is alot like the cover art of CMBB. Coincidence??

Easy killer. It's just that you showed up suddenly and got those 70 posts in two days by posting in every thread. That tends to annoy people. (not saying I'm better or worse) BTW, what's with the picture reference?
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