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Fall Blau Tourney - Round Two


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August 5th 1945.

Dramatic events in the East. After repeated (and expensive) poundings a German army unit South of Moscow is withdrawn and replaced by a corps. The opportunity had arrived, the Russians take full advantage! This helpless unit is destroyed by a pair of full strength armies and the line is breached. An armor unit occupies the vacant hex, and Moscow is soon thereafter recaptured. Sensibly the entire Axis army falls back. The Soviets rush forward, and once again the invaders withdraw save for a sacrificial defensive line. The line barely slows down the surging red army. Smolensk and the mine is recaptured & units reach the outskirts of Minsk. The pace of the advance seems limited by the ability of the HQs to keep up.

Worth mentioning that the red army is protected by the Royal Air Force and fledgeling elements of the Soviet Jet Force.

In the West, after securing Scandanavia, the Americans build up forces near Brest in preparation for a second offensive: "Operation Flush". The troops are experienced and better equiped than the ill fated Overlord expedition, and Ike promises to liberate France by Christmas.

In the Med, all is quiet. A Soviet Armor division occupies Sicily, but is seems like the combatants have agreed to enjoy the fine summer weather in peace

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My current task consists of counting lost units and counting how much turns are left until May ´47 :D

Germany calls out for defending the homeland and recruits volkssturm units. Situation is more than bad, my units are now less expierenced and the MPP disadvatage increases to arround 350 MPP.

[ March 25, 2004, 06:16 AM: Message edited by: Dragonheart ]

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Iron Ranger mailed me to announce his withdrawal from the tourney. It's too bad we won't have a second semi-final. So Kuniworth proceeds to the final.

I was thinking to replace the final game by a sort of play-off between Dragon, FF and Kuni.

What do you think?

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no clue how to proceed. Sorry that TCP/IP is a problem for me.

quick update on game:

Russia almost completely liberated. Allies have the French Atlantic ports and have formed a line just west of Paris. There is a bunch of allied air behind the line. Dragon is likely setting up several layers of defense: in the west the roadblocks will be Paris and then the Rhine. In the east I expect the first line of defense to be set up from from Konigsburg to Bucharest. If I can breach this then the final obstacle will be the River Oder. I have something like 20 turns to accomplish this in.

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Hey Kurt, do you mean that this game is similar to the one we are playing? It sure is in the sense that the allies have stopped the German expansion and are grinding away towards Berlin.

Only major difference is that Germany has the Balkans in this game, but in ours she has Spain and Scandanavia instead. In both games Allies have have recently opened a Western front.

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Rambo, piss off. Do you have a truck to haul your ego around in? Why in hell anyone wants to play you is beyond me, you have no class.

update on the game

Massive air battle over France. Allies lose a couple of airfleets during intercepts to more experienced German pilots. The ground troops push on and knock off a Germany heavy armor division, and once again occupy a hex adjacent to Paris

In the East the Soviets attack several points on the front without success. The Germans have defense in depth and it will take some time to break through. The Soviets continue to build up air strength. Behind the front lines Odessa falls, with Riga and Helsinki soon to follow.

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Hello Fall Blah Tournament,

There's a passage I got memorized, seems appropriate for this situation:

Ezekiel 25:17. "The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will

strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon you."

Send me your champion when this thing is over.

Legend from Boise >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> OUT

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"Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall." Proverbs 16:18

and maybe this one was written for SC

"Better to be lowly in spirit and among the oppressed than to share PLUNDER with the proud." Proverbs 16:19

[ March 28, 2004, 11:59 PM: Message edited by: Curry ]

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Finally the Allies win the air war. Two turns of air clashes over France claim four air fleets (2 allied, 2 axis). Production shortages force the Luftwaffe to disband all but one air unit, presumably to be used for scouting. The Soviet Air force continues to grow.

A Soviet armor division charges into Vichy France from the Atlantic port and hammers the garrison. The helpless French unit quickly surrendurs under heavy air attack by the RAF and US Army Air Force. The city is occupied by Soviet marines. Simultaneouly Algeria is invaded and captured by the Russians. Vichy falls.

The undefended cities of Copenhagen and Athens are liberated.

On the ground, USA and UK forces are digging in west and south of Paris. A well entrenched armor division holds the city. In the USA the press rip Eisenhower for slow progress towards liberating France.

In the East the motherland is completely free of invaders! The bulk of the Soviet army is forcing its way towards the heart of Germany just south of Warsaw. The Italians guard the mountain route to the rich oil fields of Romania and have managed to hold off any Russian advance there.

European minors:

Switzerland, Yogoslavia, Poland, France - held by Axis

Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Greece - liberated by allies

Vichy - conquered by allies

Finland - Helisinki captured by soviets, but they are very stubborn, no surrender yet.

Turkey, Spain, Portugal - neutral

One game year to go. Can the Axis hold out?

[ April 01, 2004, 02:19 PM: Message edited by: Friendly Fire ]

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Thanks to Dragon for a great match, I thought I was toast when the Allies got pushed out of the low countries in 42, but the Russians manged to hold on long enough for a second try at the second front.

In case anyone is curious, at the end of the war, production levels were; USSR: 500+ MPP, UK about 340 MPP, USA 190 MPP.





I'm pretty sure Axis had AA tech to go with the L5 jets and LR2?

Appreciate all the kind words, and glad you liked the AAR. Kurt, please advise how we proceed.



[ April 02, 2004, 03:36 PM: Message edited by: Friendly Fire ]

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Congrats FriendlyFire ! A new Dragon Slayer !!

For the final I suggest you contact Kuni through his email.

If you guys decide to go PBEM it would be nice to have an AAR at Firebase since Kuni isn't allow to post here. We could set up a link from here for those interested.

When going online I expect a good report of the game ;)

Good luck in the final !

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Kuniworth, welcome back to the forum.

It doesn't look good for me to start anytime in the next week. I have a business trip coming up this week and a lot of other games on the go, and now I am in this France tourney. I'll post back when I am clear okay?

I won't be able to play live as I'm making most of the turns from the office where the firewall prevents TCP/IP play. Besides, you would hate playing TCP/IP with me, I take a LONG time to think about my moves!

Who has what side?

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