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Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

Sir Jersey --- Far as the Mexicans, Indians, & Chinese...Yes, they are stealing our jobs. The Politicians are allowing Big Business to take labor jobs overseas in order to help stock prices. That is a fact.

I voted for Ross Perot by the way who was the only one against NAFTA.

General Rambo

Sorry about getting hot a moment ago, I know you understand but I'll apologize anyway, I went a little too far, I always do when I get worked up.

My main complaint is with the system itself, not my own personal situation, which I've always been able to somehow work around, the problem is never getting ahead. Six months ago I almost died in a hospital and now whatever I would had is gone, unless I want to just go off and pretend I don't owe anyone anything for saving my life, which I'm very tempted to do.

Years ago I wanted to sell this house and move to Florida but, like I said, there's two of us, actually three of us, and that was out of the question. My wife and mother-in-law aren't the best people to have a chain attached to when it comes to making decisions for the future; it's something I'm stuck with and not part of what I'm talking about.

I also voted for Perot; the Rupublicans and Democrats left me with no choice. Very glad you felt the same way, my brother.

Truth is, regardless of who we vote for this same sick situation is going to continue.

As I said, I'm checking out of this Thread not, through anger but because I've really got nothing more to contribute to it.

Thanks for the ideas and I will print them out and discuss it with my wife when she gets in. I do something like that with her a few times a month and have been doing so for years, but I'll take another shot. Perhaps your input will influence her somehow. One thing I know is we're in the exact worse location we can be in and almost any move would be a good one. Convincing my spouse of this is another matter.

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Just a quick question to you americans, why do you all hate communism so much, specifically, why does your government continue to isolate Cuba so much, what did it ever do to the US. Also to some people, why are you all getting so worked up about something that happened about 30 years ago, nothing can change now, and the guy is dead, let his memory rest

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Originally posted by Comrade Trapp:

Kuniworth and Blashy, I'm more than a little disappointed in you. I would have expected a little more respect out of you guys, but I guess I was wrong in thinking that.

As for BochiW, your entire post was full of ****.

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />But spoke in favor of "States Rights" in Philidelphia Miss. site where 3 black Civil Rights workers were murdered.

I know nothing of this case, just going by your quote here. But isn't the murder of 3 black civil rights workers in the end, a state issue?

http://www.indystar.com/articles/9/154646-7119-021.html heres a link on the Miss. episode.

If you don't know that "States Rights" is david Duke KK code for racism then you don't know much.

My entire post is not complete Sh@t just because you disagree with it. That's the problem with Haters like you. But I ain't got time to waste arguing with closed minded folks. Just wasnted to present the Rest of the Story.

He led the Republican party to the Right & that is the reason for the huge split in American politics today.
How exactly is Ronald Reagan to blame for the split on issues we face today?

Oh Carter got the iran Hostages released, they just didn't get home until after Reagan had taken office.
Yeah, after 444 days and a failed rescue attempt that cost the lives of 8 US servicemen. </font>
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Originally posted by BochiW:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Comrade Trapp:

Kuniworth and Blashy, I'm more than a little disappointed in you. I would have expected a little more respect out of you guys, but I guess I was wrong in thinking that.

As for BochiW, your entire post was full of ****.

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />But spoke in favor of "States Rights" in Philidelphia Miss. site where 3 black Civil Rights workers were murdered.

I know nothing of this case, just going by your quote here. But isn't the murder of 3 black civil rights workers in the end, a state issue?

http://www.indystar.com/articles/9/154646-7119-021.html heres a link on the Miss. episode.

If you don't know that "States Rights" is david Duke KK code for racism then you don't know much.

My entire post is not complete Sh@t just because you disagree with it. That's the problem with Haters like you. But I ain't got time to waste arguing with closed minded folks. Just wasnted to present the Rest of the Story.

He led the Republican party to the Right & that is the reason for the huge split in American politics today.
How exactly is Ronald Reagan to blame for the split on issues we face today?

Oh Carter got the iran Hostages released, they just didn't get home until after Reagan had taken office.
Yeah, after 444 days and a failed rescue attempt that cost the lives of 8 US servicemen. </font>
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I think your getting "hate" mixed up with a contempuous recognition of inefficiency. Isolation of Cuba? I think it has something to do with "human rights", not that Americans are devoid of that abuse also as this thread has aptly identified. You have to understand that a lot of things that occurred 30 years ago still impacts our society today, some good, some bad. The exchange of ideas and conclusions of those historical moments hopefully contributes to an improved human situation for the future.

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Originally posted by Kumbyah:

Just a quick question to you americans, why do you all hate communism so much, specifically, why does your government continue to isolate Cuba so much, what did it ever do to the US. Also to some people, why are you all getting so worked up about something that happened about 30 years ago, nothing can change now, and the guy is dead, let his memory rest

America's Cuba policy is a joke. but our Government can't seem to admit it's errors & Cuban American's are a strong political block. Plus the whole Bay of Pigs fiasco engendered alot of guilt.

As for communism in general it's associated with the Stalinist Dictatorship, and for years was the epitome of evil in the US. 50 years of Cold War, distrust & Fear.

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Glad to see that some americans agree over their cuban policy, but every empire has its good points and bad points, and its not so easy for the winners to rewrite history as it used to be. I know that history impacts our soceity, but i still think that too many people get tied up in what 'could' have been, had things worked out differently.

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Sir Jersey --- Hey, remember, you're a "made man", no need for any static smile.gif Back to the topic of jobs in the US......What has really changed is the job market over the past 15-20 years. My parents had the same job (same company) for 30 years, no worries about outsourcing, downsizing, or layoffs. We live in a Global Market. Anybody can be fired, layed off, or replaced tomorrow. There is no loyalty. Companies like Federal Express, Walmart, & Microsoft changed the world overnight. Federal Express, tought us everything must be in a hurry to survive (a lie), we now work 7-days a week in order to compete (against God's plan of having an enjoyable Sabbath). Walmart, took service & family business out of the picture. Microsoft & computers changed all kinds of industries.

In the 1950's, the Military was a good start.

In the 1960's, Union Labor did well (GM example).

In the 1970's, Management had a cake walk.

In the 1980's, Sales was King.

In the 1990's, Computers took over.

In the 2000's, Selling jobs overseas rules.

So what role should Government play? As many know, I'm a Nationalist at heart when it comes to jobs, but things just aren't happening that way. George W. Bush signed the "Textile's Agreement", meaning clothing has no tariffs or regulations.....Levi's Jeans are no longer made in the USA, no clothes are made in the USA, Textile Manufacturing is gone in the USA. Is that good or bad? I say it's bad because the common working dude can't get a middle income job.

Big corporations are all about cash, that's just what they are. They have no choice but to send jobs overseas, just to compete. When I mean jobs: Customer Service is gone (and the quality sucks), I gotta listen to some foriegner on the phone 1-800-screw-you line. Manufacturing, gone. Technology, going slowly away. What's next? 2nd source the military? Have you ever watch Lou Dobb's (TV show on CNN) called,"Outsourcing of America"? It is out of hand, even the State of West Virginia has outsource their Welfare Offices to India.

So what do we do? First of all, remember that things change in a hurry. It wasn't too long ago that Mexico was suppose to take all the jobs, yet Mexico can't even compete with India. So the whole Mexico fear thing is gone.

My advice for people is to get involved with computers, it's just a fact of life. Computers own this world & pay the best. Personally, I don't even like computers. I'm a salesman at heart, but society has demonized & destroyed salesman.

Far as politics, deep down inside, I really don't care about Democrat vs Republican. Neither group is going to directly change my life. My vote means nothing. The only States that are "swing states" far as the electoral college is Ohio, Florida, Tennessee, Missouri, Pennsylvania, & a few others. Voting in the Northwest is a waste of time. Idaho is 65% Republican, the Democrats don't even have an office here. Washington & Oregon are always Democrats (60%), no point in voting.

When it comes to personal bills & life, just do the best you can do. Don't stress out about the hospital bills, there's not much anybody can do about getting charged $25 for one aspirin.

The problem with the United States is simple, we lost our direction along the way. We have sold our souls to the almighty dollar. Divorce rate is 50% nationwide, 45% in Boise, 32% for the whole state of Idaho.

"The love of money is the root of all evil" --- Book of Timothy.

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General Rambo

Agree with that 100%

To be honest I do work out of a computer and it isn't hard, just tedious and not a big moneymaker for me. That isn't too much to bitch about. The wife is one of those few who have been working at her job for thirty years now and she's set there; which is the main reason we can't move.

Personally I see worse off people all around the neighborhood. Part of my frustration is communal.

Your breakdown of the decades is exactly right, or exactly as right as far as I'm concerned.

In short most of these things are out of our control and, as you say, the only thing that can be done is to try and adjust to changing and not very good situations. When it becomes bad enough, and it's getting there quickly, things will have to be changed for the better; hopefully with honest reforms.

Very glad I stopped by before turning in. Your wrap-up has left me feeling much better. ;)

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Kumbyah --- Remember the roots of the United States is freedom from all the crap of Europe. King George's taxes, the Pope's iron hand, & the lack of opportunity. The original people who came to the USA from Europe had alot of guts. They got in wooden ships seeking something better. The USA got Europe's best, invididuals who were risk takers, scientists scared of the Pope, & those who could improve things from the mistakes of governments in the past.

Why do we hate Communism? Because we (at least most of us), don't want to live in a village in one big hut & given a shovel to work the land for the government. It's that simple, make a buck & be free.

What's the deal with Cuba? They made a pact with the Soviets & were going to place Nuclear weapons on our doorstep, enough said. Cuba made their bed with the Commies, that was their choice. Far as the Day of Pigs (or any military action) is simple too. If America goes in with massive force, they call us Imperialist, if we going in weak, we get blamed for it. America can't win politically against our enemies no matter what issue, we try to play nice.

Bottom line, go experience Cuba yourself. It sucks. We have many fine Cuban-Americans in the United States & we started with Cuba's criminals when Jimmy Carter had the big boat lift.

To all you anti-Americans, don't worry, someday we will fall like any Empire, that's just history repeating. I hope it doesn't happen. I also hope the United States is one of the seven nations that helps Israel as explained in the Bible smile.gif

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Sir Jersey --- I too was a little harsh, my initial outbrusts against you were mixed with a little venting really against Kuniworth. I really enjoy your posts, we are just off by a 1/2 generation of years.

I think man's competitive nature comes out in both of us. We want to have Faith, believe in our leaders, & have the "good things".....Yet the other side of the coin, we can get cought up in the News, Current Events, & feel burned by personal experieneces. I've had alot of good things happen & alot bad.

We all have daily personal battles with the "Flesh" vs "Spirit". Flesh will always be flesh, desiring lusts, anger, hate, greed, & survival. The "Spirit" wants to be pulled towards God & His ways. We are in a personal battle with ourselves. My battle is with myself, not the world, you, Kuni, or anybody else. The battle is to do right.

Quick reminder to all --- I'm not a member of any political party. I do not goto any "franchise religious organizations." I'm an independent, fundamental, bible believing Christain. I'm a sinner & saved by the Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ who rose from the dead. In the end (after this world), I will appear before the Lord Jesus Christ, not my country, not my friends, not my parents, not my family, not my neighbors, not anybody....except the Lord Jesus Christ, Virgin Born, God manifest in the flesh, perfect, without sin, the true & righteous judge.

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The problem with the United States is simple, we lost our direction along the way. We have sold our souls to the almighty dollar.

One of the more astute commentaries I have read in some while.

Between you and JJ, you have nailed it.

Trouble is, and it's no small ball of snakes... the currently constituted American Super-Conglomerate Corps OWN the politicians.

Lock, stock and barrel.

Silk-knot necktie and blue suede shoes, too.

Just about every damn one of them, no matter what single party affiliation (... the citizens think there are actually TWO parties???... LOLOLOLOLOL!!!!


So. What to do? :confused:

Public financing of ALL campaigns, right down to local Alley-Cat collector.

Strict spending limits.


NO more buying up American Con-Politicos like they are jaw-breakers plucked out of a Mason Jar at that there Country Store you used to visit as a free wheeling Kid.

Kid Rambo twirling a 9-iron and dreaming of holing that last putt out at Pebble Beach.

Back when you smiled a lot... for no reason at all. :cool:

It's hard.

Hard for me to imagine... and I have read many historical and sociological and religious books, but, hard to imagine any Society anywhere at ANY time... being so filthily CORRUPT as this Modern American one. :eek:

Soon enough we will all be huddled in small teeming enclaves and surrounding all around... will be these monstrous trash and refuse and garbage dumps.

Miles & miles as far as the bleeding eye can see.





Rats all over the place.

Vultures sitting and peering.

No flowers.

No antic butterflies.

No cool clean waters.

No clear light-blue skies.

No close friends.

No faithful lovers.

No gentle, mind-easing musics.

All will be a fight for a bestially befouled existence. If you could call it that.

Take the two prescient movies... Road Warrior, and Blade Runner and somehow merge them in your mind, and you will have some idea of what I am talking about.

Soon... very soon, it's coming.

Unregulated Capitalism will bury us all. As the dedicated trust-buster, Teddy Roosevelt well knew.

Yep, buried.

Buried alive for many, many, and as they suck in that last dirty breath, they will wonder?

Mebbe I shoulda done something when I had a chance! :(

Buried... in garbage.

In planned obsolescent trash.

In useless junk.


Other than all that? smile.gif

There is hope, but of course.

Better start in with the almost endless and long, long overdue changes first thing tomorrow morning, I am thinking.

Best possible solution?

Unseat every single one of the Congress, immediately!

New elections next, with only two months to campaign.

ONLY public financing, severely limited, seriously regulated.

Then, treat the new Congress-members and their inevitable malfeasances and common ordinary shams and dedicated thefts and war & peace profiteering the EXACT same way you treat the guy who is nabbed trying to shoplift... a jaw-breaker.

No exceptions. ;)

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Funny thing is, you guys haven't even bought up the biggest joke of America: THE JUDGES & JURIES!!!

1) O.J. Simpson hacks two people death, walks away.

2) Jason Williams blows a guy's head off with a shotgun, in front of witnesses, nothing happens.

3) Enron, Global Crossings, HealthSouth, Qwest, McKesson, Adelphia, Arthur Andersen, etc.....no sentences worth mentioning.

4) Morman Mayor of Boise steals half the treasury with his party buddies, nothing happens (no jail, no fine, just had to rake a few leaves).

5) Catholic priests molest kids, no jailtime.

The Judges are worse than the Senate. No wonder the youth of America are confused & can do nothing but laugh at the leadership.

BUT, lets say the common dudes like me forget to pay our car insurance, well, guess what......you're life is screwed if you get caught (even if accidental). Lose your license, you can't drive...can't drive, can't work.....Then you're really screwed. Forget to pay some $40 Sear's credit card, because the record is lost in the mail, your credit report is screwed. No credit, no capital purchases.

Marriage is gone, 50% divorce rate. Now there's a battle to marry dudes to dudes...and chicks to chicks. The public school system is more about survivial (not getting stabbed or shot) rather than learning. Throw the troublemakers out of school. We got what, 2,000,000+ in jail? Everyday in the paper some whacko boyfriend is killing his girlfriend, some mother drowns here kids. Judges let raptists & murderers out of jail to commit the same crimes. Stealing, Lying, & Political Correctness has taken over Loyalty, Hardwork, & Invididual Brains. The majority of Churches are money machines, insult the intelligence of the attendees, & have closed the Bible to read psychology books. The Southern Baptist Church won't even discuss the certain books of the Bible, stating they are too contraversal! Drugs are out of control, ruining lives, & people want to legalize them. Getting an Abortion is easier than checking out a book at the library. People blame other's for their problems, rather than looking to God for help, they look to the government.

Don't get me wrong, we have alot of great people too, but they are getting far & few. Jesus said this world is not ours, it is not our home.

The Devil has done a number on the USA. But who cares about the Devil, Christ is risen. Stay away from the cares of this world if possible, don't get entangled in the garbage. Live for

God, follow the Spirit, Trust Christ......the ways of God are easy smile.gif

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A question jon_j_rambo ,what "I'm an independent, fundamental, bible believing Christain." mean?

You make your own reading of the bible or simply take the whole bible as every word there is truth.

I have to say that the word "fundamental" don´t like me too much.

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Originally posted by Kuniworth:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by SeaMonkey:

Are you Commie-Pinko-Fascists-Nazis still at it, give it a break :D

SeaFascist; Discussions are allowed. Seadonkey :mad: :mad: </font>
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Okay if discussions are allowed then I will state my affiliations. Consider me as an emperor in pursuit of wealth, sorta of a Jewish-Fascist....no no I've got it... a Zionist-Nazi...that'll be a Zio-Nazi for short. tongue.gif

Okay, sorry! gotta go.....shave my head!!!

And besides Kuni, I thought you locked this...

ya know, you're a walking contradiction.

[ June 15, 2004, 01:52 PM: Message edited by: SeaMonkey ]

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I've spent much of my life living in very Jewish neighborhoods in Brooklyn and one of the amusing things, I've got to admit, was the occasional sight of guys in Yarmulkes calling one another fascist, storm-trooper or cossack. This was mainly thirty and forty years back, when the words had a slightly different and more vivid meaning. ;)

Naturally we know you aren't a fascist, buddy, and if you are, you're the very best kind! :D

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