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Hubert, 1-more-patch, 1-more-feature, expand Atlantic

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Hi Hubert,

I realized that you're "done" for now on SC...or are you? How's SC2? Civil War? What's up?

I would like you to make a new patch for one feature. I'm not asking for a bunch of little annoying type things, or asking for any re-writes of current rules, combat, air, tech, etc.

But please, for the "the love of God & all things Holy" ---Chris Farlay, EXPAND THE ATLANTIC OCEAN!!!

Is it that hard? Is it more than just expanding the parameters?

Why should you keep making patches? Easy, this product is a work in progress (WIP). Isn't all software? You've all ready put so much time into SC, NOW IS THE TIME.

Step-up & continue this masterpiece. We as a playing community, have helped make this into an incredible experience by testing the crap out of the many strategies.

Please expand the map in the Atlantic. Just add water smile.gif

"You don't regret the things you do, you regret the things you didn't do" ---Al Pachino in the movie GlenGary GlenRoss.

Please take care of the Should've, Could've, Would've(s)...Do what is right, expand the Atlantic.



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I don't understand why changes can't be made. Why stop now? This game is on the verge of something even greater, now is the time to step-up.

Firmware tweaks like this are simple. It is NOT a new feature. How many times do I hear people say...oh, that will take me 2-weeks to make those changes...yeah, whatever. Then get your ass in the code & make the changes. By the time you finish stated why you can't make the changes, they could have been done, we could goto lunch & skip out of work early & play some golf.

This game awesome, finish the job, take me to the Promised Land.

"Break on Thru to the Other Side" --- The Doors

[ July 09, 2003, 09:38 PM: Message edited by: jon_j_rambo ]

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This is not a "firmware tweak". Adding additional hexes requires space. This is space he doesn't have.

To get a true representation of the North Atlantic, Mr H needs to double the number of hexes he has currently. He doesn't have the space.

What part of the current system are you willing to get rid of so he could add more hexes?

If he was gonna make the effort, he would be better off reducing the current ocean hexes and making entry points into "sea zones". Then you have to replace the naval combat system, assuming you use the existing report screens to show the results of the "sea zone" naval combat.

Its not worth it.

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Shaka --- You're wrong, Yes, it is worth it. There are multiple solutions. What do you mean there is not enough space? Memory? I doubt it that & I doubt you're even suggesting that.

Therefore, space for what? The screen?

If you're talking about a screen resolution, here's some ideas.

1) Shrink the entire map.

2) Make the space waster Menu on the right side smaller.

3) Add the space & just scroll the Map, what's the problem?

4) Add a blow-up box.

5) Cut the hexes in half, that is just cut the hexes in the middle of the Atlantic & leave the rest alone.

Fixing the Atlantic changes alot things & is just a TWEAK. It's a Map, just add blue water.

The real problem has been all the weaker players making lame suggestions clogging up the Forum who don't know the game. That is typical of life, so I'm not surprised. The real travesty has been the Legends & Icons not speaking out versus weak ideas.

Hubert, forget about SC2-European, you already have this classic. Fix-up SC, then work on a whole new genre. Everybody has WW-2 games. Make a hex strategy game of a different time & era.

Repeat, fix SC, forget about SC2-European.

How about:

1) American Revolution

2) U.S. Civil War

3) Conquistador

4) Romans, Greeks, Egyptians, Gauls, etc.

5) SC - Pacific

6) Railroad Barron

7) Squad Leader

8) Some Space Game

9) Korean War tactical

10) Vietnam tactical

11) Crusades

12) Gulf War

13) WW-3

14) etc.

Come on Hubert. Fix SC. Then move away from WW-2. Be different. Everybody does WW-2 games. Quit listening to the weak players, historical nuts, & WW-2 German lovers.



[ July 10, 2003, 12:43 AM: Message edited by: jon_j_rambo ]

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What do you mean there is not enough space? Memory? I doubt it that & I doubt you're even suggesting that.
That is exactly what I am suggesting. This was something that was discussed way before I arrived, since the North Atlantic and the map in general, has always been something people have complained about. The limitation was based on the memory.

I don't know the exact specifics of the problem, so I can't explain the problem other than in general terms. But I understand the theory.

So unless some other part of the "permanent memory" loading gets removed, there is no additional memory to load more hexes for the Atlantic.

Then move away from WW-2. Be different. Everybody does WW-2 games.
I'm surprised at you. Everybody does WWII games because they sell. Good old supply and demand. Mr H can "invent" all he wants, but he still has to make a living.
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General Rambo

Here are two Threads -- started Last October and November! -- that discuss the same exact topic. I think the weak players, history nuts and nazi lovers have already been there and done it.

We can't redesign the game, only make suggestions.

These two topics were started by one of the history nuts Hubert should stop listening to, assuming he ever did in the first place.

*Hubert -- The North Atlantic!

*North America

[ July 10, 2003, 08:51 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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As originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

The real problem has been all the weaker players making lame suggestions clogging up the Forum who don't know the game. That is typical of life, so I'm not surprised

Typical of life in... a Democracy... maybe?

You know how it's supposed to go, where the "weak" get to have some say... in the despoilation of the land?

And get to make donations to the political parties so that everyone has... an EQUAL say?

No matter if it's a blue-collar clerk

sticking ONE dollar in the pot, or

Enron-type Execs putting in... millions?

Like that?

So that rich and powerful people don't

run the country... into the ground?


Anyway, I say -- come one, come all!

Let's hear it!

Let's have it!

ALL SC ideas... great and small!

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Immer Etwas is the one who likes to rhyme

So I guess that means it is my time;

To express myself just like you

That the Atlantic needs more blue;

Will Hubert hear my rap

Fix the remaining ocean crap;

The German lovers here are freaks

SC firmware needs some tweaks;

Weak players shut your holes

Legend Rambo has some goals;

History worshippers you can be nuts

On your knees smelling dead men's butts;

There is one more thing to say

Make the Atlantic more than a bay;

Immer Etwas do you have good game

Or is it as strange as your name.

Rambo-Hollywood-Vegas >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> OUT

[ July 10, 2003, 10:38 PM: Message edited by: jon_j_rambo ]

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Rambo, why don't you settle down and get with the program. There will not be another patch with a revised map. Period. Hello? Hubert explained the limitations of the code long ago and need not explain them again. Significant revisions to the map and other aspects of Strategic Command - European Theater will have to wait until SC2.

So you want something special, huh? Join the crowd. Quit throwing a temper tantrum like mommy's 2-year old in the supermarket. You make yourself look like a self-centered little brat.

Oh, by the way. The current game you seem to enjoy playing, v1.07, happens to be the result of many suggestions made by less-than-Legend players who appreciate WWII history. Team-Rambo helped with some of that, but certainly not enough for you to claim ownership of future game developments and go around insulting folks. And certainly not enough to be directing Hubert what to do next. :eek:

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Well, its been a while, but everything remains the same: rambo openning another stupid thread, now 'the Legend' is asking only for a few sea hexes despite the very well known problems with memory stated so many times in the forum. And you already know no more patches are going to come. Way worst than a little brat. We know who u r, the newbie's-pain-in-the-ass, the dumb-player-legend-pretender, the lobotomized-knock-knock-is-there-anybody-in-there-fella u can meet in most forums.

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Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

History worshippers you can be nuts

On your knees smelling dead men's butts;

That line truly shows ignorance. Remember this game that you so worship is based on History.

If you want an a wargame without any historical factors go play "Volley and Thunder". The game used Napoleonic weapons and completely eliminated any random element. One of the worst games ever.

Or Chess. One of the best games.

History rules.

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As originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

Immer Etwas is the one who likes to rhyme

So I guess that means it is my time;

To express myself just like you


Ah, rambo, you are... a Con.

Nothing wrong with that, as the World would not be quite complete without...

Gypsies and thieves,

Trismegistus and spirit mediums

And Mages and Picasso-collages

And dainty tea-cups

Brimming with! roiled-around leaves.

Well, a couple of things.

1) Watch your scansion. Rather, listen

for how the sounds kind of... flow together in your head. One good way to practice: stroll to and fro and thither and yon in this our borrowed world and constantly talk to yourself, using mostly nonsense words.

Scat is what it is. So, "scat scansion" is one of many, many ways to go.

As is evident, the Provencal Troubadours (... and indeed all poets from cave-days through Homer) knew that the easiest way to REMEMBER oral stories would be... rhyme scheming. Since the printing press was not invented until oh, the 16th century or thereabouts, there was no other way to pass along myths and history and tales of love and war and woe.

Nowadays, and for a century or so, the Moderne Elitist has denigrated rhyming poetry as... declasse and unbefitting a sophisticated poet.

This is nonsense, plain and simple. Merely listen to the American tin-pan alley composers of the 30s & 40s and you will realize how pleasing and instrumental an elegant rhyme-scheme can be.

Or, ask Bob Dylan... or Van Morrison, or any of the other rock-poets of my generation.

2) Try to acquire arete. This is a Greek word meaning... excellence, or the nobility of the blood (... one of many reasons why Nietzsche admired the Classic Age, the "philosophical" Greeks) which can lead to Virtue, and the awe-full majesty of soul-full apprehension.

Being a poet is... a way of Life, and not simple rip-rap flippancy hurled at largely indifferent audiences, true? It is ever... Truth, Beauty and Wisdom that will enlighten our day... or so the Sages of all the Ages would say.

And it helps immensely if you... go barefoot, although... you may have once worn clod-kickers or combat boots. I am not ashamed to say that I have done all 3 of those and more.

And, it helps also to strive for... atopos.

Meaning: strange, extravagant, absurd, disturbing. :eek:

And allow your daimon, or inner conscience, to instruct you whenever the World is odd or exciting or for just one crystal clear moment, limned with grace.

Finally, there is an old Chinese proverb: it is best not to attempt poetry until you are... 50 years old. Well, I started when I was 40. Being 10 years premature probably accounts for my own errant scansion.

You have started... what? In your 20s? OK, Rimbaud began writing poetry when he was 13 and quit for good BEFORE he was 20. No hard & fast rule.


Well, that requires... a lifetime. Nothing else can matter, not fame or money or pomp & praise. It is merely to easily exist and let others do the same...

... even if perceived by a few... as meek or "weak"... like a lamb lolling in clover, or... a flower browsing butterfly. ;)

[ July 11, 2003, 11:42 AM: Message edited by: Immer Etwas ]

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If you are going to ask for yet another patch make it something simple. Then Hubert might, just might :rolleyes: , consider issuing, just one more patch. :D

My wish list of simple(?) changes;

For improving the AI;

1. In the 1939 Screnario occasionally have the subs move south to interdict merchant ship convoys some of the time, instead of always heading towards the Scarpa Flow. (At Novice 0%, Beginner 20%, Intemediate 50%, Expert 80%)

2. Sometimes have the AI concentrate all of its Air Fleets on the Eastern front, at least until the allies launch D-Day. (At Novice 0%, Beginner 20%, Intermediate 50%, Expert 80%)

3. Have the Russians reclaim all tech chits when the Germans break the supply line between Moscow and Rostov. (Novice 0%, Beginner 20%, Inter 50%, Expert 80%)

4. Have the French Corps in Beruit move to Cairo after Italy enters the war (Nov 0%, Beginner 20%, Inter 50%, Expert 80%).

For Non AI Improvements;

1. Add Spanish and Turkish Partisans using the same code as used for Yugoslavia.

2. Give Airfleets and Bombers a 50% to spot Submarines within Spotting Range, not the 100% they have now.

PS: Looking forward to SC2 and hoping for an SC like game dealing with Ancient Rome (with option to play Rome, Carthage, Persia, Barbarians), perhaps modelled on the old SPI Punic Wars game.

[ July 11, 2003, 09:02 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]

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Personally to gain jet technology would've been a LEAP AND BOUND for all Axis or Allied nations. Almost impossible for Russia and Italy to implement on the level this game potrays. Make the jump from level3 to level4 jet tech impossible for those nations. Make the percentages extremely difficult for the US and a lot harder for Germany and UK. And get rid of Stealth Bombers, B1s B2s in a 1940 war sim. ;)

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Oh and if anyone has an argument about that ask 1000 History Proffessors and 1000 Rocket Scientists I think that on the Italy Russia part I'll get a 99% confirmationa that it would be impossible for them to push Jets without Allies giving it to them.

Also EXTREMELY difficult for any nation besides germany to man more than a few thousand until '42 or '43

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