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HOI did get one thing right: it made me want to fire up SC again! I admit, I got really burned out on it a couple of months ago. But I just started a new game with the current patch and am having a blast.

I want to start another mod and just wanted to ask what everyone wanted to see. I don't know if anyone is still using my unit counters, but if so, are there any requests for changes? Give me some ideas if you have 'em.

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I have been using your unit counters and love them!!!

I did change the German tanks around a little because I wanted cooler looking tanks at the low tech levels. I keep track of the level by the dots. I left the top 3 levels though since it is not too common to see these developed except for late in the game.

As I pointed out the GDS_Starfury who has made a cool unit mod as well that the background color for the German units is too light and the flashing turn indicator is difficult to see.

The only other thing that comes to mind is the color for the level 1 German fighter is light brown and makes it look more like a British fighter. Not that I confuse them but I always like all the German units to have that great gun-metal gray.

Other then that the icons are great!!!

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As originally posted by jmbunnelle:

I want to start another mod and just wanted to ask what everyone wanted to see. I don't know if anyone is still using my unit counters, but if so, are there any requests for changes? Give me some ideas if you have 'em.

FWIW, I would like a more definitive, or STARK silhouette on a lighter background, similar to how the original game icons look, and of course unit specific depending on level of advancement.

Say, keep many of your models, but make them a little more... "etched," or clearly stylized. You don't necessarily need a lot of colors mixed in, and as example: for the Germans, the black silhouette on light grey with VERY SHARP detail outlines, and just "a touch" of Camo or other unique shading... but, not so it is too "busy." Kind of modern-art plain but startling, say like Klein or Mondrian might do.

Also, I requested a different color for the Italians once long ago. I would still like to see a more... subtle shade and not so garish. How about a black sihouette on light green?

And the ships should be clearly differentiated so you can tell at a glance which is BB and which CA, etc. Modeled on famous units such as Bismark or Hood.

Well, sorry for the detail, but you did ask... ;) (... I could request even more distinctions, but I don't want to sound so displeased with your first set. It was quite good.)

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Excellent advice, guys. I'll shoot for contrast then. The level 1 German fighter is a sand Ju87 Stuka. Since I used the darker Ju87-G Stuka for the level 3 or 4, I wanted to mix it up. I'll touch them up tonight and try to work for a more distinct outline. Working with such a tiny number of pixels is difficult. Thank god there's no file converting to do.

Immer Etwas,

Originally I had the Italians on a light acqua counter (a throwback to AH's THIRD REICH) but changed it for reason's I can't recall. I aimed for distinct color differences between the nations above all else. Totally changing the counter color of a power would mean that it would not match that of its territory. I have no aversion to that but it might annoy some.

If there's something else you notice about the icons, please tell me. Come on, out with it, man! smile.gif


[ December 11, 2002, 05:20 PM: Message edited by: jmbunnelle ]

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As originally posted by jmbunnelle:

Did some experiments last night and got some good results. I'll post some sample pics soon.

Great jmb! Looking forward to it! :cool:

As for the Italians, you may be right about trying to match icons with home country color, so how about a pale brown instead? It's just that the color you have now sort of threatens the eye.

Quirky request department: I just cannot tolerate, sorry, that L0 German tank... it looks for all the world like some kind of insect or something... too squashed and... kind of slinking, etc, well, we won't go into the crazy pattern of electrons whirling in my head that would cause that kind of reaction... :eek:

As I said before, I like your original set and the models are pretty accurate... if you could just make them more pronounced and easily identified for what they are, without too much contrasting color... that seems to BLUR the icon to the extent that it conflicts with and overwhelms the simple terrain surrounding.

So what am I saying? Those who can't do Art, criticize those who CAN... extract an orderly excitement from the chaotic Gestalt, so I will appreciate and applaud ANY effort that you make. smile.gif

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Immer, since Der Panzinator mentioned the same thing, I'll overhaul the L0 german tank on the next release.

What exactly do you mean when you say that the Italians are "threatening on the eye"? Do you mean that their hard to distinguish or too garish? See my other thread on the terrain I'm working on. I'm going to begin the Italian tiles tonight and have been playing around with different color combinations. I sort of wanted to get away from brown but I'll see how it looks.

Thanks for the comments!

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Jbunnelle, I REALLY like your mod. To review previous comments:

I agree, german tech0 tanks looks too flat and weird. Lets have a puny mark 1. The german tanks are the weakest link at the moment, not quickly recognisable and it feels like your icons go to fast up the tech scale (course thats probably due to the fact tech was too fast!). I'd simply use Mk1 to Mk6 profiles, rather than worry about maus type stuff. The tech2 is a bit chunky on the other hand (or maybe just to monochrome).

The other area of vagueness is the rather tubby british strat bombers.

The german tech3 is a bit vague, a me109? It might be better to choose a grey stuka for german tech1 airfleet to keep in theme. Maybe the sequence should go stuka's-me109's-fw's-262 to represent the decline of the stuka and the increasingly defensive orientation of luftwaffe over the course of war?

I say keep the colourful icons, however I do find the ships a bit blurry, in particular hard to tell british BB's and CA's. Maybe a sharper blacker silhouette? Maybe two smaller thinner ships for cruiser units (my preference)? Or maybe a BB unit should have two ships, a BB and a CA?

I quite like the italians, but maybe a more brown colour would work.

I experimented with making the naval units "transparent" eg just the silhouette against the sea, it didn't really work because ship was small, and too grey to be easily visible against a dark sea. I notice your new sea terrain is light, if you enlarge the ships you might make something worthwhile, maybe even put a naval flag where the upper left corner of the counter would normally be.

Lastly, I took changed hq's to have smaller flags, looks more attractive i think, have a look here; 1941

Thanks again, your mods have increased my enjoyment of this game by at least 50%. PS have you tried my transparent hexgrid? I simply deleted every second pixel in the hex bitmap. Much nicer.

[ December 13, 2002, 01:27 PM: Message edited by: Martinov ]

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My wish list for counters is short.

Add to all the units, the same set of dots u use on the Aircraft to quickly see the level they are currently at.

If it could ever be possible, All HQ's should have the picture/head of the leader on it, rather than the flag.

Thats my requests.

Thanks again for the great mod! :D

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As originally posted by jmbunnelle:

What exactly do you mean when you say that the Italians are "threatening on the eye"? Do you mean that their hard to distinguish or too garish?

Sorry, that bit of semantic fluff wasn't very helpful, eh?

I meant that they were... rather loudly off-color and too oddly startling... to me. Many may like it, I don't know. They can say if they may.

I would prefer light green, which wouldn't clash with brown too awful badly, but if not, then a light yellow-brown/pale gold or even a plain light brown.

Also agree that the German tanks could be a simple progression from Pz-III to IV to Panther to Tiger, and maybe a mid-range mobile anti-tank unit thrown in for variation.

The terrain is also quite good... perhaps slightly less full & powerful, and a little more toned down? Again, you have discrimating taste and will make a good choice in any event.

Looking forward to your update, hope it will be this next week,yes? smile.gif

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Originally posted by RicKhan:

My wish list for counters is short.

Add to all the units, the same set of dots u use on the Aircraft to quickly see the level they are currently at.

If it could ever be possible, All HQ's should have the picture/head of the leader on it, rather than the flag.

Thats my requests.

Thanks again for the great mod! :D

Unless you have an old beta version, all of the units should have the dots. Where did you download it from?
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Great job on the unit counters. You must have some spare time on your hands!

I don't like the US counters. the lite green on the lite brown looks bad. American olive drab is traditional with board games, The Brits said" Over paid, over sexed, and over here"! The Yank reply to the brits was "Under paid, under sexed, and under IKE"! Give the US counters our own color! Green.

The Russian Red and brown looks O.K. but it clashes on my screen. Maybe the red could be a little more gental.

Again, great job!

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