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German losses vs. West and East


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Qutoe :

'A troll is an attempt to start a prolonged flame war, a fierce argument with rude, personal insults. '

Andreas - you are the troll.

You have just insulted me with this personal insult. I am not a troll - if you can't engage in sensible debate, please leave me out of any of your postings.

You are the person flaming, because you are attacking me in a personal and overly aggresive manner.

Please cease and dessist.

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Where are your sources? Anything to back up your opinions.

If you don't have any, or are not willing to show them, you are trolling in this discussion. You have stated your opinion, it has been challenged, you are unwilling to back it up but instead continuously shift the argument, probably to avoid the embarassment of admitting that you don't have a clue what you are talking about.

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so I mistook the code word for the Operation in 1942 towards Kharkov. But that is what code words are designed to do, confusde and mislead.

The thrust of my argument is still correct Andreas, and you are still mistaken. You are still WAY to concerned with the operational side of the war, rather than the overall picture.

You are like a short-sighted old man who cannot see the whole because your nose is pressed to the page.


Please desist from insults.

If you do not have the intellectual capacity for intelligent debate, you should not be posting here.

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Oh sorry - I did not realise it was me who is such an expert that I could not tell apart Rzhev and Stalingrad.

Well thanks for telling me anyway. :D

There is no shift in my argument. You are wrong, and you are clueless. I have said that from the start. It is very easy for you to disprove it - maybe you should make an effort to do so?

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back to the argument-

you seem to have given up the argument now after I came out of the Khruschev quote.

I think it completely blew your argument out of the water.

You have now given up trying to even debate, and are now merely trading insults.

Your last postings indicate the last thrashings of your ship as it sinks beneath the waves.

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Where have your debating 'skills' gone Andreas?

They search him here, they search him there, they search everywhere.

Still trying to raise the wreck of your argument off of the seabed?

Soemtimes, it's best to let things go, and drift off onto new things.

Perhaps you can start a thread up on how the Da Vinci code and the Illuminati must exist, because you read it in a book? Throw in lots of quotes, and we can all start believing you.

I would be most interested to hear you other theories. We could all do with some cheering up.

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where is your arguent on the Red Army becoming a suddenly better force in 1944?

How can that be, when the Soviet Premier himself said the Soviet advance could not be done without US help?

Where is your argument, other than in pieces?

Where is your credibility?

What quotations can you provide us with to help back up your argument? Perhaps some Glantz will do this time?

Answers now please.

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Quote :

'You would do well in the US administration's press department.

Yes, that reminds me of fake dossiers and cooked up evidence.

Stern assertions of proof and evidence whilst waving around cooked up or watered down pamphlets.

Maybe you are the one who should be filling out the application form, Andreas.

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Is this by any chance your source?

Originally posted by blue division:

Nikita Krushchev (in his memoirs):

"How could we have advanced from Stalingrad and Kursk on to Berlin without American aid and foodstuffs? We had lost our grain-producing areas".

Case closed, gentlemen.



It should be noted that the US fed Russia during the war, as well as providing it with the transport to move the food around.

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