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Hubert. Severe cheating possible in SC. Make SC2 as free from CHEATING as possible.


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Well Mr. Zappsweden. If you have read the same threads you are citing for your rumours, than you would have seen that Rambo denied having any "firsthand" information from Hombre. :rolleyes:

You are looking so hard for possibilities to cheat and than you are indirectly accussing other players of cheating. You will know why YOU believe that this thread needs to be closed.

By the way my preaching/answers to your post take me about 5% of the time you spend on starting rumours about cheating by other players.

[ May 25, 2004, 03:35 AM: Message edited by: Sombra ]

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Originally posted by Sombra:

Well Mr. Zappsweden. If you have read the same threads you are citing for your rumours, than you would have seen that Rambo denied having any "firsthand" information from Hombre. :rolleyes:

You are looking so hard for possibilities to cheat and than you are indirectly accussing other players of cheating. You will know why YOU believe that this thread needs to be closed.

By the way my preaching/answers to your post take me about 5% of the time you spend on starting rumours about cheating by other players.

You obviously learnt nothing. All the flaws I discovered was in TCP/IP play (not in any bug search Hotseat testing or anything) and because it was sticked in my face. I would not hide the fact just to win games against ppl who had no clue what they were facing.

1) Mr.Zappsweden publicly exposed the first interception flaw (Terif was the one confirming the bug when I asked him so he knew about it already) and it got FIXED in a patch

2) Mr.Zappsweden publicly exposed the missed interception fix i.e that carrier vs air interception flaw was not fixed only the air vs air.

This one was also FIXED (in an 1.06 update I believe) and was already known by atleist Terif because he confirmed it to me when I asked about strange casualties.

3) The AA Bug was discovered by me (after Rambo complained about strange casualties in the France 1940 wars. We both could have kept it for ourselves but instead chose the right path. We are heroes both of us for doing that).

4) This topic was started by ME (months ago) but because Hombre Plin proved cheating to me online (he told me where my navy was and he also set his MPP to sveral thousands to prove his case before he ran off the SC forum leaving us with chaos).

After that, Rambo started topic: ""Terifgate", HombrePlin, did Terif give you the FOW sniffer? [Yes or No]" (also months ago).

5) The recent PBEM load cheat was discovered by RAMBO and Rambo started the topic: "FOW-SNIFFER-GATE ---> Rambo figures one FOW Sniffer, BREAKING NEWS!!!"

How that makes me blamed for everything about cheat finding is amazing (because sometimes I was sticked with the bug in my face when I played Hombre and when I played Rambo) but I am quite used to hippocrasi in this forum. I will perhaps take that as a compliment and a proof that I am working for fair play here on forum and will not be intimitated if some rats jump on me from their dark corners.

I quoted Rambo here on this topic, yet you try to correct me but don't even have the guts to speak to Rambo. Don't you think I can see what chicken-hearted whiners some guys here are by now?

This is what Rambo wrote in November 2003:


Dragonheart --- I wish it was that easy, we all play nice & get along. If I lose, I lose, that's the way it goes. But with the FOW sniffer, MMP creator, & whatever else, the entire thing got tainted. I'm competitive, maybe that's a form of pride, but I have believed for a long time (6-months), that something phony was going on. People making perfect moves everytime, people with "just in time units", people just didn't seem right.

I haven't pursured the game cheat software, that's not my style. But it is my style to pursue righteousness, despite being the minority in the crowd.


(Rambo, November 2003)

Someone possibly lied about thet Terif+Hombre stuff and it was not me, that is all I know. I know Rambo denied having any "firsthand" information from Hombre. Likewise,I also deny making the Hombre+Terif statement up.

Why do I spend time seeing that everything is fair and provide sportsmanship here on forum? Because I represent fair play in sports and games and at leist those who know me, know THAT. :cool:


Zappsweden >>>>>>>> =IDIOT FOR SPEAKING >>>>>>>> OUT

[ May 26, 2004, 07:00 AM: Message edited by: zappsweden ]

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Hello Zap, now I have to apologize me.

I see your point in dicussing the possibilies of cheats, bugs and I see that you have contributed a lot to point out the flaws off SC1.

Though lets discuss the game not persons if we are we are discussing ther possibility cheating.

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