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Cheat programs have ruined competitive SC


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OK, I confess. I downloaded this cheat program 79 times, one for each computer at work and home. Its kind of like IQC for me, I can download it and get it to work for a few seconds but then everything frezzes (Thats why people who play me have to reload several times per 12 hour secision). I did get a look at the download profile and you would be surprised who the other 6 downloads were - Moon, Mad Matt, a Mr H, Jon, Yoda, and Air King. I'm not sure who these guys are but if you see them in the oppoient finder forum, watch out!
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Originally posted by Comrade Trapp:

Unfortunately you are not right about this statement. I've talked to cheaters and read interviews. The simple truth is that for the most part, they do it because they have fun and just to piss off other players who don't get why this guy is kicking their butt. No "I need this to feel good, I have no life issues" . They just enjoy it... which makes it worse imho.
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Cheats is an interesting can of worms. I tend not to worry about them as I game in a social circle of close friends. Hotseat is not something you can cheat a lot in. Except for Jerry who likes to click past the summaries and review my troop locations. But that's more funny than anything else.

I have found cheats useful in designing scenarios. Back in the days of Civ II being all the rage. Cheats often were used to force a scenario and make needed adjustments.

Another one I liked was pulling exp caps off in Baldurs Gate and BGII SOA. After solving it a million times normally it got boring. Oooooo and of course giving your character a rocket launcher with unlimited ammo in some shooter games. Nothing like a zombie being hit by a rocket.

So in summary, they can be a useful tool. They can make a game fun that you've played a hundred times before. Or cheats can be a crutch for some pathetic person driven to win all the time at all costs. That last example is a sad statement on the de-evolution of society.

I'm not going to condemn someone who uses cheats. Depending on who and how they are used you can either laugh with them or pity them.

It's only a game, and they aren't going to put your SC record on your tombstone.

Here lies John Doe 1913-2004 A devoted Father and Husband. 431-0

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Possibly yes, possibly no.

I can assume I have encountered some of those out there as well.

The console games have cheat codes for one additional reason, people today ie gamers that have little or no board game experience, lack the ability to think critically.

Not to mention they are unused to doing it the hard way.

Does that sound arrogant? No? Maybe I wasn't trying hard enough then.

I am better than the average cheater smile.gif

Was that clearer hehe smile.gif

When I hear gamers saying they "beat such and such game" I of course find it impossible to expect they never once consulted a web site to get a cheat code or walk through.

The idea that someone would play me with some sort of cheat program just to annoy me is possible.

It is also possible they don't have girlfriends either.

Real wargamers play for the supreme satisfaction that comes from the victory dance.

And only a board gaming wargamer would know what I mean smile.gif

And no, I am not going to explain that one to you outsiders hehe.

"Real" fun comes from KNOWING I am better than you. I don't get a rush from prank victories.

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As a kid, one of the games where it was easy to cheat was of course BATTLESHIP....you simply said "miss" and covertly move your ship to another safe location...I however used to occassionally like to cheat in reverse...no matter what was called, I would yell out HIT!...I enjoyed the amazed expressions on my friends faces as they sank my entire fleet..they would soon catch on of course but it was fun while it lasted!.. ;)

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Originally posted by Blashy:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Comrade Trapp:

Unfortunately you are not right about this statement. I've talked to cheaters and read interviews. The simple truth is that for the most part, they do it because they have fun and just to piss off other players who don't get why this guy is kicking their butt. No "I need this to feel good, I have no life issues" . They just enjoy it... which makes it worse imho. </font>
I stand by my opinion, people who cheat do it because they either suck at the game completely or lack something in real life. I mean really, if they have nothing better to do then to go around and try to piss people off on the internet and they consider that fun, then they are obviously lacking something in real life. So ya, I pity the poor bastards.

And this is not directed towards everyone who uses cheats. I can understand people using cheats when playing a single-player game or in SC's case playing against the AI, just screwing around. I'm talking about the people who cheat while playing any multiplayer game.

Comrade Trapp

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Cheating in single player? You bought the game, do with it whatever you like. As said before, alot of the 'cheats' in games like BG2 made the game more enjoyable. I used to cheat in single player all the time, if I couldn't beat a level id cheat myself through it after a while, i'm older now and appreciate a challenge more, but if im really really really stuck ill still cheat to get through, I mean... I did spent a whole lot of money on the game, so it'd be fair I get to play the whole game. I'm very happy with myself I dont have to do that very often anymore though (its been months since I used a cheat)

Cheating in multiplayer? Bad. You are killing the entire MP gaming experience. There is no more competetiveness since you always have that little extra. As I've said before in other places, IMO cheaters should have their kneecaps busted with a jackhammer and then forced to run a marathon.

[ December 03, 2003, 11:35 AM: Message edited by: Orange Devil ]

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There will always be cheaters I suppose.

It is how we deal with them I think that most determines how they effect us.

Just pondering for instance dice cheats in rolegames sessions when dealing with those penis envy types that can't handle that they might not have the center of attention player character at all times.

The game master can either just deal with it by not letting the person return, and leaving the person to figure it out.

Or you can just let the person be the "automatic target" of everything bad that might happen, so they get maximum use out of their "dice rolling skills".

Or if you are a player, you can just fail to ever support them in those moments when their cheating just doesn't help.

Cheaters eventually have to deal with their reality. You can't escape it forever.

If you beat the new Final Fantasy X2 for instance and never once use a cheat or a walk through, you will KNOW you were good. And that feeling can't be artificially created.

And no amount of "playing for fun" will ever smell as sweet as the real thing.

I like to have fun as much as the next guy. I guess I just like the real thing more.

I could care less for anything that just isn't real.

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Vorsicht boninza. Persönliche Attacken werden hier nicht geduldet.

Careful boninza. We do not tolerate personal attacks here.

I am going to leave the thread open for now, but it will get locked real fast if things heat up.


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I am unsure what this says, but I am assuming it wasn't kind...

"sach mal sarge 9, bist du schwul? "

If Moon didn't like it at any rate.

What I want to know, is what was the point, I don't speak that language. And I doubt most of us understood it either.

I mean really, I can only just default it to the worst I can imagine, and likely just assume you would not be worthy of my friendship further.

You are the only one that loses Boninza. Was it your wish to anger everyone and alienate yourself?

I would appreciate you translating that, so you can at least take mature responsibility for what you said.

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Is that all he said?! :D


One of my best friends here, temporarily (I hope only temporarily) banned, insinuated those things all the time, except he came out and said it in English despite the fact it isn't his prime language. Another difference between you two is he was usually witty, or at least insane enough to be amusing, often at his own expense.

Why attack Les the Sarge? And if you've really got the urge, why do it in such an underhanded manner?

Okay, I think everyone should give you the benefit of the doubt, or at least forget you wrote that. I've received at least 500 second chances here so I'm willing to extend 1 in your direction. Writing a few positive things, perhaps a bit more cerebral than that one, and in English, would help your cause immensely. smile.gif

In any case, whether you do or do not emerge as a real member of this place, I'm certain of one thing. Like that Noble City of Ancient Times, we will manage, somehow, to Babble-on! :D

[ December 03, 2003, 10:21 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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As a kid it was a game in a game for me. Playing Risk I'd hide cards, later concealing some from earlier sets that had been canibalized. I'd do my best to manipulate the dice and became so obsessed about a friend who was better at it than myself that I was inspired to design and build my only engineering project.

It was a Rube Goldberg style gizmo where several dice could be dropped through an opening. They'd bounce off three felt lined wooden chambers, each facing a different direction from it's predecessor. Eventually, after considerable muffled clatter, they'd roll out and into a felt covered wooden catcher box (donated unknowingly by a cigar smoking uncle!)

My late father loved it and wanted me to become an engineer; he had no idea what kind, but I appreciated the encouragement -- if only there had been less math involved! :D

After a while I noticed the dice rolls were still going too much in my opponents favor, so I'd make them shake them up, cupped in both hands, till I was sure they were no longe being manipulated.

Eventually most of my adversaries succumbed to exhaustion and I'd win by default. ;)

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Geese I was hoping it was something offensive smile.gif

I feel a great sense of let down now.

He insults worse than my 9 year old son.

I just got insulted by a kid.

I will never be the same smile.gif

(note, I don't know his actual age, but anyone that resorts to calling someone gay as a put down, never got past school yard taunts)

Now if he had called me a two dimensional intellecturally stunted worthless piece of cyberspace, lower in value than a pound of yesterday's rewarmed twice used gorilla snot...

He would have my respect smile.gif

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Jersey --- I knew those neighborhood kids cheated me at Risk & nobody believed me. Justice, the Truth is revealed. Just think if you grew up with Kenneth Lay, Sam Waxel, & Martha Stewart. I swear it's not a world of men, it's a world of maggots. (Betruger raus!)

"Ich Bin Not a Berliner" --- Rambo 2003

"99 Luftballons" --- Nena 1986

Baron Von Rambo, der Legend >>> sich verschatzen

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So the topic for today is Back Bacon eh.

And Beer.

No not that stuff them yankees sell, that ain't beer eh.

Some might never have experienced back bacon, but that is ok eh.

Now what I want to know is why is it called back bacon? I mean, where is it back from, and where did it go eh?

Back bacon is really cool though eh. And it really rocks on a kaiser with cheese.

Hmm kaiser, did he like invent that bun?

We got some germans here do they know?

Now neat thing about back bacon is it is better than normal bacon eh. Normal bacon it goes all hard if you do it wrong. But not back bacon, it is real thick, kinda like some of my friends smile.gif

That and it isn't all fat eh.

Oops times up for todays topic.

Kuuuuulukukukukukuuuuuuuu kulukukukukuuuu.

Beauty eh.

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