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Exel vs Arngrim pbem AAR


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Turn 25:

Axis armies continue to exert pressure on the estimated soft spots both in the north and the south, and it seems as if the Allied line would begin to shatter. Final breakthrough may be only a few turns away. Italian interdiction corps capture the mine behind the French lines in the north. UK evacs Malta in face of intense naval bombardment, and corps prepare to invade the isle. Italy purchases another HQ and prepares for the desert campaign. The bad news is that Luftwaffe is no longer capable of offensive operations, and the budget allows only one fleet to be fully operational.

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T 26 18/8-40

Malta falls to the greedy Italians. Heavy German attacks punch a hole in the French Lines, but at the cost of an AF. French reposition to leave the coast road open to the gerries, and counterattack destroys the bold exploiting armor.Carrier repaired to 7. Probe reveals that Copenhagen is garrisoned. Fleet elements in range of Gibraltar, and the Italian BS there…

Losses:Allies Axis

Land 11 6

Air 1 1

Naval. 4 5

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Turn 27:

Breakthrough in the north! Panzers roll into France, but at a grave cost. The Allies destroyed a forward army in the bulge and one Luftwaffe air fleet was lost in a daring air offensive with badly understrenght formations. The French regroup in the south and prevent a breakthrough for now, but are immediately in trouble. Malta taken, Desert Task Force boards their transports...

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Italian Breakthrough in the south, and German in the North. 2 corps lost.

1 Italian Battleship sunk outside Gibraltar. Andrea Doria is on Maneuver outside Egypt, so we’ll soon see how much of the Italian navy is poised to strike. Rest of RN pound at coastal Germans. The leading Army in the German advance is destroyed. The French corps at the Italian Border head for paris.

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Good game you got going guys, was worried about the germans getting bogged down to much but the breakthrough is coming.

Anything about Ussr America War readyness?

I wish i had the full version of this game... :(

[ June 03, 2004, 03:21 PM: Message edited by: Little Joe ]

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Turn 29:

France loses two corps and final breakthrough is achieved on both fronts - the Allies have no hopes of recovering if only I can keep the initiative. The cost has been heavy, however. Another unit was destroyed in a bulge in the breakthrough point, and this time it was a panzer army. I don't know if I can recover from this in time for Barbarossa, with the loss of LC plunder and all, but I really have no choice but to push forward and see what's in store for me. Speedy victory in France is now crucial, since every turn drains my resources and gives the Allies more and more lead in the tech race.

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T 30

Germany risks a low strength corps and an armor to screen 3 armies assaulting Brussels. LW moves airfleets forward to provide aircover. Italy besieges Marseilles, and have an invasion fleet ready to strike at Egypt. RN regroups for several tasks. Land and airstrikes destroy the tank.

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Turn 31:

Brussels and Marseilles fall under siege and Egypt invasion fleet reaches its destination, but yet another army is destroyed in the north, and a panzer army will be crushed on the next turn with utmost certainty. Luftwaffe is unable to do much to prevent these horrific losses caused by the RAF and RN, as the resources allow only one air fleet to be kept fully operational. The situation is becoming catastrophal, even though the fall of France is just the matter of time now.

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Turn 33:

One French and one British corps destroyed in the north, but I suspect another army falls victim to the pounding of Allied aviators. This campaign has been way too costly, as the German war machine is down to three armies and three understrenght air fleets plus the corps. I need some plunder, and I need it fast. Otherwise we'll be seeing Operation Overlord in 1941.

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Arngrim's AAR posting have been one turn ahead of mine, as you may have noted. So, to fix the situation...

Turn 35:

Minimal progress, and with the loss of one army and one corps the French army already outnumbers me. My only hope is that Sir Arngrim is not aware of the situation and wont start pushing back just yet. One airfleet disbanded to get resources to reinforce the two others into fighting condition.

Italians take Suez.

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T34 ?

Axis take suez. Marseilles under siege Axis press in northern France. Costly airbattles destroy German corps. RN bombards Malta, and a corps embark to take it.. F tank goes aggressive and destroy corps. Rogue corps from Magineut threatens Munich

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Turn 37:

January 1941. A new phase begins. France counter-attacks after merciless British air offensive that the Luftwaffe is unable to stop even with two full-strenght air fleets. Germans are forced to retreat, and only few understrenght corps stand between the French and Berlin. One Luftlotte is disbanded to allow MPPs to ground reinforcements. Italian armies destroy Marseilles garrison and Egypt will fall soon, but both progresses come too late to change the situation. Royal Navy re-enters the Med and bombards ungarrisoned Malta. Italian fleet moves in from two direction, and Battleship in the west intercepts troop transports headed for Malta.

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Jan -41

Marseilles is lost to the Italians. Germany withdraws to secure positions except for a brave but foolish army, which is destroyed (4:th).21:st corps unsuspectedly run into Rundstedt HQ,. A british corps loads transports. The French advance into Germany. Heavy fleet battles outside Sicily.

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Little Joe: Yeah, this game went straight to hell from the start (although I refused to realize it until it was hammered into my brain). :(

Turn 39:

Fleet battle ensues in the Med and a British battleship is sunk. But the Italians are unable to stop the Brits from invading Malta, though the invasion fleet suffered heavy losses. French troops enter the vicinity of three German cities, Essen, Hamburg and Münich, and additional defences are hastily summoned. Luftwaffe is out of the picture for good, and east is undefended - Soviet readiness begins to increase. The Italians take Marseilles and advance north. If they are not successful in their campaign, this war will be over before winter.

[ June 08, 2004, 11:02 AM: Message edited by: Exel ]

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T38 2 March -41

Italians take Marseilles, and advance on Paris.

Heavy Naval battles outside Sicily, Royal Oak sunk.

RN strikes back, and sink a damaged Italian Battleship, but the Italian retribution will be horrendous, I estimate losses to be 1 BS and 1 cruiser. Rodney and Resolution battleships sail for the med.

Malta is recaptured. Alexandria holds out.

France withdraws to defensive positions behind the rhine. France just isn’t strong enough to go on the offensive versus Germany yet.

RAF receives reinforcements, and RN takes up positions to blunt the Italian southern strike.

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Turn 41:

The pressure against the Germans is relieved as Italians advance to the gates of Paris from the south. Italian corps advance towards Beirut and another one prepares for amphibious invasion to Algiers. Meanwhile the fleet battle in the Med ensues, and this time an Italian battleship gets sunk but the British attacker is also reduced to one. Sub gets in strike range... British invade Malta, but the invading corps is down to just one strenght.

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T 42

March 30 -41


USSR: 73%

Alexandria holds, and is again reinforced to 50 %

No RN ships sunk, valiant Retreats with heavy hull, rudder and radar damage (10%)

Rodney & Resolution are close to Med.

Italian XII corps are ready to invade Algiers, but the british understrength corps (10%) sail from Malta to Algiers, and RN pound the Italian corps to 20% initial strength.

French armor&corps exit German territory, and retreats into France. GB corps load transports and head for Gibraltar. RAF reinforced.

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Turn 43:

Stalemate in the German front, British invasion fleet probes the coastal defences in the Baltic. Italy's Army Group France reinforces and more troops are brought in - airfleet rebases to Libya. Beirut taken, Alexandria refuses to fall, Algiers garrison defeated after amphibious invasion. British Mediterranean Navy has suffered a defeat, but the Italians fail to issue the final blow. USSR war entry is getting dangerously high, well above 70% now. US war entry is still negative. The only way the tide can turn now is if Axis minors join before USSR declares war.

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27 APRIL -41


Allies/ Axis

Land: 17-13

Air: 1-1

Naval: 5-7

Italians clear out Algiers but does not take the city, yet…

Italian navy in combat, nothing sunk. Rodney and Resolution enters Med. 1 italian fleet sunk.

RAF hasssels a German corps, Gibraltar occupied.

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Turn 45:

Germans set for defensive in the north with corps (one Italian in the south against Maginot). Rundstedt relocates with one army and one corps to southern France with the Italian main force that now turned to British held Bordeaux. Time is running out, however - USSR prepares for war.

British withdraw their badly beaten ships from the Med, but sail in two fresh Battleships via Gibraltar, shocking and decimating the Italian fleet. The last surviving Battleship pulls to port in Sicily and the sub moves to intercept between it and the British fleet. Air fleet in Egypt reinforces and prepares to support the ground offensive on Alexandria. Algiers taken.

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Alexandria holds. Italian fleet decides on a valiant last stand, heavily damaging Resolution.

In southern France the axis attack the French units, but none are destroyed.

Andrea Doria sunk. Reinforcements&reorganization in France.

The Red Army crosses the border and lay siege to Königsberg&Warsaw.

Zhukov appointed to the German campaign.

Finland declares war.

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Turn 47:

Fighting ensues in southern France and Egypt, producing little results for either side. Italian navy engages British fleets near North African coast, and one British battleship is decreased to 3 strenght. Another fresh one and a damaged cruiser fleet are nearby however, facing the damaged Italian battleship and sub pack. Germany assumes sparse defensive positions on all borders but abandons Copenhagen. I'll be glad if I can hold for more than two turns.

USSR declares war on the Axis on June 15, 1941.

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