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PBEM "Limit" Game: Oak (Axis) vs Amona (Allies)


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Turn 35b, March 8, 1942


Finish corps noth of Svir river destroyed by 1st Guards tank group.

Intelligence reports enemy has now level 3 aircraft.

German corps north of central mine knocked down to 2.

One more german corps northwest of Smolensk behind our lines cut off from axis lines.

Own defense line reestablished and reinforced.

-Atlantic and Med.

Still no activity.

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March 22

In the east ... the Axis take another resource and kill off a lot of Russian corps, although there is no major breach in the line. Specifically,

- attacks continue on Sevestopol (knocked down to str. 3). Attacks involve the 3 troops surrounding Sevestopol, since air is used to take the mine.

- the 2nd mine near Rostov is taken with the help of a German bomber and 2 Italian air.

- 5 Russian corps (including the one on the mine) are killed and 4-5 others knocked down to strength 6-8. However, the corps that are killed are spread across the line so no major breach of the Russian line.

- the German corps stranded behind the Russian line disrupts supply by moving to within 2 hexes of Leningrad.

In the west ... German subs raid in the Atlantic.

In the Med ... all is quiet.

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TURN 36b, April 5, 1942


The german corps in the rear south of Leningrad is killed by an airfleet, a tank group and an army.

A second german corps broken through north of Charkov is killed by an british expeditionary army.

The line is restrengthened and reinforced.


The Combined Allied Air forces start the offensive against Axis formations in the West by heavy attacks on a german corps southeast of Brest.


Still everything is quiet.

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April 19

In the east ... Sevastopol is taken with some help from Italian air. Attacks are made across the Russian line but only 1 corps (south of Riga) is killed. More Axis troops are moved into Finland and those troops begin moving toward Leningrad.

In the west ... repairs are made to the German corps that was attacked (damage done was light since Allied air fleets have no experience) and German subs raid in the Atlantic but only cost the UK 7 MPP.

In the Med ... all is quiet.

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TURN 37b - End of April, 1942


Line is reinforced, retreat southeast of Riga behind the Dvina-river.


Attacks on german corps near Brest result in heavy air battles with two german airfleets positioned near Bordeaux. Enemy has level 4 jets, same as Britain and, from this turn on, the US.


Nothing new to report.

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May 17

In the east ...

- the southern end of the Russian line is hit but the Russian corps 2 hexe northwest of Rostov survives at 1 and there is no breakthrough.

- Riga is attacked and reduced to 4. A German cruiser joined the battle by bombarding Riga.

- a German rocket detachment moves into position to help the assault on Riga

- Leningrad is attacked by a German army in Finland

In the west ...

- it seems that we are set for a war of attrition among air fleets. The German air has the advantage of experience, and the UK air must have taken heavy hits in their last attacks.

- the German subs stop raiding in the Atlantic

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TURN 38b - May 31, 1942

No activity on any front.

In the East soviet forces are strengthened to 11 along the whole front, due to research-success in anti-tank weapons.

At least three german airfleets remain in the East, that leaves three in the Western theater.

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  • 2 weeks later...

June 14

In the east ... attacks across the Russian line cause relatively little damage and no corps are killed. The corps in Riga is knocked down to 5, with the rocket detachment coming into action.

A stalemate position in the east is developing, which is bad news for the Axis. This game is showing that the combination of air limits + lots of extra MPPs for the Allies makes the likelihood of an Axis victory slim indeed.

In the west ... UK loses 29 MPP to Axis subs raiding in the Atlantic.

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TURN 39b, June 21, 1942

The line in the East is again reinforced. Patience...

Fascist bombers attacked our mines in the Kuban sector last round, causing heavy MPP loss.

A red air force would come in handy now, but with the germans on level four and our red falcons still on level 0... tough call.

In the West, preparations for the liberation of Europe from Nazi-boots continue.

No air attacks this turn.

The Atlantic is swarming with German sub-wolfpacks again.

Since the bulk of the Royal Navy is in the Med protecting Egypt an Iraq, we have difficulties to keep the sealanes between Britain and the US open.

Especially since our fleet is not able to find these damned raiders...

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June 28

In the east ...

- Riga is taken with attacks by air, sea, rockets and an army.

- continued attacks, with some reinforcing, across the Russian front.

- mine is bombed to 0, costing the USSR 12 MPP.

In the west ... the UK loses 24 MPP to Axis subs raiding.

In the Med ... nothing.

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Turn 40b, July 1942

The line in the East still holds out.

The subs in Atlantic are simply not found. I am starting to wonder were in hell they are to cause damage to sea lanes.

Nothing in the Med.

In the West attacks by three British air, one free french airfleet and one US-airfleet on corps near Brest.

Heavy air battles with three german airfleets.

UK, US and gErmany are all at level 4 jets.

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July 12

The game is entering a stage where economics matters most. With the high cost of reinforcing level 4 air, the results of the air war in the west will tax the resources of Germany, the UK and the USA. Apparently, the Allies are looking to bring relief to the USSR by using air attacks to drain the resources of the Axis. One important move this turn helped to increase the coffers of Germany so that the air war in the west can be sustained.

In the Med ... the Axis declare war on Greece. 4 Axis armies (3 Italian + 1 Romanian) land and take Athens (occupied by the Romanian army so that the plunder and MPP go to Germany) while the 2 Greek armies are attacked by Axis corps in the north. Greece surrenders.

In the east ... there is another small breakthrough.

- the Russian corps east of Riga is killed and 2 German corps move through the gap.

- one of the 2 Free French corps guarding the southern approach to Rostov is killed by Italian air and German bombers.

- there are continued attacks across the Russian front, with heavy damage to a couple of Russian corps

- the Oktyabrskaya cruiser is attacked by the Gneisenau cruiser, the Russian cruiser losing 4 (down to 6) and the German cruiser losing 2 (down to 9)

In the Atlantic ... the UK loses 27 to raiding subs.

In the west ...

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Maintaining this AAR has proved to be somewhat tedious for both Amona and myself. So, instead of each of us posting a description of the move every turn, every few turns I will post a brief summary of the previous turns.

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August 23

Summary of recent moves:

In the west ...

- the Allies stopped their air attacks in France and pulled back their air.

- Axis subs continue to raid in the Atlantic

In the east ...

- the Russian cruiser in the Baltic was killed and a German carrier then appeared in the Baltic to assist in attacking the northern part of the Russian line. Two German rocket detachments are also involved in the attacks, but not inflicting much damage.

- German continues attacking across the Russian line, occasionally killing a corps or 2, and the USSR reinforces.

- USSR is now at anti-tank level 2; Italy is now at jet level 1.

In the Med ... all remains quiet after the surrender of Greece.

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November 1

Key events in recent moves:

- the USA declares war on Ireland. The corps in Dublin is killed by US and UK air in England, and a US corps moves into Dublin

- 3 German air in France attack a US air in England (all are at jet level 4). The US air is killed, but so is one of the attacking German air (which is immediately replaced so that Germany stays at its limit of 6 air)

- Germany builds a 2nd carrier in the Baltic, which joins in the attack on the northern part of the Russian line.

- through a combination of breakthroughs by the Germans and strategic retreats by the Russians, the German line in the north reaches the gates of Leningrad

- a German bomber in Athens attacks a Free French cruiser sitting near Crete, and is intercepted by the UK carrier in Alexandria port

- a German corps transports across the Black Sea and unloads near Tiflis. Another transport gets ready to unload near Rostov.

- Axis subs continue to raid in the Atlantic

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The game has come to an end. The Allies have conceded defeat. The USSR is spending all its MPP on reinforcements, giving the Axis a large MPP advantage that is allowing it to build carriers and rockets in the east while also engaging in air battles in the west.

We are going to play another game without an AAR and without air limits.

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