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Message from Rambo: Rankings, Thoughts, & coming clean for Christmas.


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Hello SC Forum:

Coming Clean: First, this whole "smack-talk" thing is just that, a bunch of nonsense to spice things up, add a new character to the line, & create a villian for you guys to challenge.

It's just a matter of time before I get beat. I have seen great improvement out of many of you. And actually, I did get beat once as the Germans in a beta test run! One of the rule changes that nobody talks about blind sided me! I didn't read the new 1.06 change for 'declaration of war'; it did me in on the Russian front.

I haven't played 'war-games' since Axis & Allies way back in college. A buddy of mine (from college) called me after he found a good review on SC, and we bought it. After playing about 8-games, we figured out that with IT & Jets you could win ever time.

How to win every time in patch 1.05 & before: Take France, put all the plunder into IT. Once you have IT at level 5, you've won. You can buy Subs for what $190? Tanks $165? Army $125? Are you kidding me? The Allies didn't have a chance. Winning pre-1.06 means nothing. The Americans were an absolute joke in 1.05. Gee, you get 2-boats, virtually no tech, no leader, & $100-something a turn? While the Germans have $600 & buy units at half price? That's the same as $1200 against $100-something, 3-years in troop build-up, an ocean, & all the tech. Enough said.

Now we come to 1.06: THIS IS AN AWESOME GAME. I can't really tell how balanced it is, because I've only played the Allies twice.

Rankings: I was going to do it, but I decided not, because that would be judgemental. If anybody wants a report card on their play or help. E-mail: jon_j_rambo@yahoo.com

Here's some comments in no particular order:

1) SC should write protect their software!

2) Too many players give France up for free. Put up a fight! Everyone one of those French ships should die in battle; Ram 'em into the enemy ships.

3) If you're not prepared to ram the Italian fleet in the Med., don't move your pieces to activate the Italians.

4) After the dust clears with the entry of Italy, NEVER DEFEND MALTA WITH AN AIR UNIT! You're toast, I'll kill the air & take Malta in that case.

5) Wipe out Denmark with air-units. Why do people take in with a tank?

6) You must take the Low Counties in one-turn, then 'operand units' in from Poland around Brussels if you set it up. Always take minor-countries in one-turn; or two if there's no risk.

7) Only be concerend with supply sources & ports. That's all that matters in this game.

8) Double-up your HQ's creates awesome supply. Don't be bashful using the HQ's on the front line. So many players waster their time beating on HQ's & I've only lost a couple HQ's in my history. You could have attacked units that are kicking your butt.

9) Don't worry about corp's, don't get distracted over worthless land.

10) Use the FOW thing more. Sacrifice corp's. Send them on sucidie missions to mess with the opponent's head. Move them into the seas, near his ports, to Canada, Scapa Flow, anywhere to distract. Use corps in Russia so they'll move their lines. So many people have me on the ropes & move their defenses over a stupid corp! I was going to get beat many times when the Allies panicked.


Far as the Christmas present. Well, I'm going to chill-out on the Rambo smack game. If you want to play, let me know.

But it's still like "Who wants to be a millionaire?".

"Who wants to be the one to beat Rambo?"

I've got too many PBEM's going on now. So if you want a good challenge match, let me know so we can set up a game-time for TCP/IP. I like to play online until at least the fall of France.

Merry Christmas,


[ December 16, 2002, 01:46 AM: Message edited by: jon_j_rambo ]

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I would like to have anouther go tongue.gif

I understand You are master of the german strategy.

How is your Allied strat?

I would like to see that.

But for now I would like to get my new strategy going for the allies. :rolleyes:

so I will be on alot for the next few weeks.

If you get me on this next game, I wil move to german millitary.

CYA around.

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Now you are discussing playing Axis and Allies in college? Last time around you claimed to be 13 in resonse to a 14 year old.

I don't think its a question of who can beat you, Rambo.

I think its more of a question who can tolerate your bull**** long enough to play a game with you.

[ December 16, 2002, 05:15 AM: Message edited by: Andre Bolkonsky ]

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Aw come on, Andre, why's everyone picking on

Rambo? Aside from which I thought he claimed to

be twelve.

Anyway, his opening proclamation had me in tears

and I don't cry easily.

Merry Christmas Rambo, and Thank You.

Your words made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

[ December 16, 2002, 07:08 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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Get real, folks.

He only said that:

Funny thing is, I was a world-beater at age 13!!!

Note the PAST TENSE. I think all of us HAVE been twelve at one point;)

For what it´s worth, I didn´t really take Rambo all that seriously and considered it fun.

I guess you could have waited with this revelation until a defeat, would have made a grand prize smile.gif

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Originally posted by Scorpion_22:

Get real, folks.

He only said that:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Funny thing is, I was a world-beater at age 13!!!

Note the PAST TENSE. I think all of us HAVE been twelve at one point;)

For what it´s worth, I didn´t really take Rambo all that seriously and considered it fun.

I guess you could have waited with this revelation until a defeat, would have made a grand prize smile.gif </font>

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Originally posted by Hueristic:

3) If you're not prepared to ram the Italian fleet in the Med., don't move your pieces to activate the Italians

What do u mean by this? What Activates the Italians?


Moving either French corp in North Africa or Syria seems to have an effect on Italian war readiness. But don't take my word on this as I am no expert. Check the War Map for percent readiness changes of Nuetrals and Major Powers after every turn.



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Why do the SC developers allow you play the game with the disk inserted?

Obviously as a user that's great & maybe we shouldn't say anything. Maybe that's why everybody is silent regarding this. Mabye this has already been discussed. I have no idea about the financial motivations of www.battlefront.com, but since I LOVE SC, I wanted to share that.

Also: What does *Bump* mean? That means you agree like "ditto"? Or does it mean &*^%!^! (cuss word)? Or does it mean "Bump" that lousy comment above me off the board?

Thanks in advance for help,


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The game originally was allowed to play without the disc, then one of the patches would not allow you to play the game without the disc. Then Hubert, God bless him, changed it back where you do not need the disc....this isn't the only game around that the disc is not required..HOI can be played off the HD for example.....bump is simply someone pushing a topic back to the top without really having anything to say... ;)

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Originally posted by J Wagner:

bump is simply someone pushing a topic back to the top without really having anything to say... ;)

Yep cuz there aint no way to catapult it to the bottom and let it sink in oblivion *g*

[ December 16, 2002, 08:45 PM: Message edited by: JayJay_H ]

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