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File hosting site ideas? Help!

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Hello, guys!

I want to continue to offer my terrain mods and grasses but the site I've been using to try to hold the .zip files keeps taking them offline (it's 7host.com) and the hapless fellows who try to download the files are getting mighty tired of the wait.

Can anybody offer RELIABLE file hosting site suggestions? A site that doesn't mess with the account holders like this piece of dog poop I tried?

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Well, I have not used tripod for file hosting, but it might well do a reasonable job. It is doing fine with my website. Of course, I don't have that large of a bandwith demand either.


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Most freeservers like geocities, tripod, and other will delete your account if you host zips due to warez-suspicions (spelling? hehe)

My suggestion is that you try looking in to online storages like freedrive, 50megs, and similar. Some of them require that the downloader is a registered member though :(

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