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COMBAT MISSIONS: Clubfoot's SSM Pack & site news


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Clubfoot has released his CMMOS compatible --"SSM Pack". The pack contains various scenarios along with the SCENARIO SPECIFIC MODS to go with them. When unpacked, this will add another OPTIONS TAB to CMMOS. Check out his "sent this to Manx" thread on the SCENARIO board for screenshots and further details.

Also, i'm in the middle of making some major changes to the site, so 99.99% of it is currently down.


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Thanks for finishing up the Point du Hoc tiles and scenario. You get my award for originality with both Utah Beach amphibious landing tiles and Point du Hoc tiles. Incredible! Thanks again.


If it were anybody else, I'd probably be real concerned with them messing/changing a website that I'm so use to. However, I'm sure whatever direction you take in reorganizng it, it is going to be better than the original.

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