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where's the BAR?

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Sorry if this is redundant but I scanned as many posts as possible. I love CM but what happened to the Browning Automatic Rifle? Or the Tommy Gun for example I know they were not standard issue but those .45's would rip some SMG squads some new ones. Flail tanks would be good for the next version but I can see how those would be a a pain to put in. Well thats my post love the game keep up the good word.

P.S. put in a abandon command I hate it when the mortar squad is wondering around with an empty mortar when I could use them as regular infantry.

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SMGs and BARs are in the game - inherent to the squads. When you click on a squad, hit ENTER to see the stats.

Mortar crews were trained specialists, and as such, allowing their use as infantry in the game is not realistic. They weren't employed that way in real life, so the game doesn't let you do it, either.

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Originally posted by ColonelSquirrel:

Sorry if this is redundant but I scanned as many posts as possible. I love CM but what happened to the Browning Automatic Rifle? Or the Tommy Gun for example I know they were not standard issue but those .45's would rip some SMG squads some new ones.

You're kidding right? Please tell me this is a joke meant to irritate the veterans of this board smile.gif

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Heard and read some amazing stories about BAR gunners though, in both WWII and Korea, basically holding off overwhelming enemy attacks for hours single-handed.

With the long range and the bipod it seems you can really sweep a pretty wide area and once the enemy has gone to ground you can keep him pinned there pretty well if you're determined to. I suppose a low cyclic rate has its advantages in this kind of situation, as does a one man crew (less conspicuous?).

A lot of CMH winners among BAR gunners. Not a bad combat record for an obsolete weapon.

I'll still take an MG42, mind you.... make that two.

Reach out, reach out and touch someone.... (oops, showing my age)

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You shouldn't be too hard on them ColonelSqurrel, try looking over at CMHQ's 3rd party mods you'll find a mod with small arms. I think there you'll find what you're looking for (and a whole lot more, I think). shottie.gif


Intaxication: Euphoria at getting a tax refund, which lasts until you realize its your money to start with.

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Squad automatics that were only issued one or two per squad (ie the Bren, MG42, BAR, etc.) aren't modelled with the squads, as you know. I don't think there are any mods for them either, but am open to correction. I suppose one could mod a M1 into a BAR, if they didn't mind all three guys in an on-map squad carrying them. The dimensions would be wrong, though.

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Guest Rex_Bellator

Where's the Bar? This is the most important and critical question I've ever seen on a thread, and one which I hope to learn in 10 languages as it's usually my first utterance on reaching my holiday destination.

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