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Kump's CM Outpost --> CM Outpost, New Link

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So it turns out that I won't be closing down the site after all. I received several offers and have found a new home for what is now being renamed CM Outpost.

Pete "DraGoon" and Robert "Triton" have volunteered to take over the site. After working with DraGoon this week, we have successfully transferred the site and its now fully operational. Please update your links. The old link will refer you to the correct location.

With DraGoon's okay, I will attempt to contribute comparisons where I can. I still love making those armor shots.

I appreciate the enthusiasm of the CM community and am constantly surprised how we work together on our all time favorite wargame. I will be back, just rare for awhile, but who can stay away from CM for long?

Thanks again to all. Be seeing you around. Oh yea, here is the new link...

CM Outpost


[This message has been edited by kump (edited 01-23-2001).]

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Kump wrote:

and am constantly surprised how we work together on our all time favorite wargame.

Ah huh, been back at the bar again aye? smile.gif

Glad to see you ain't closing up shop Kump, a fine site you have there and a real service to the CM community. Kudo's to those in the new management. And to you for such a fine job.


"Gentlemen, you may be sure that of the three courses

open to the enemy, he will always choose the fourth."

-Field Marshal Count Helmuth von Moltke, (1848-1916)

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For what it's worth, Garry, the CM mods article I wrote (that is soon to be published by cdmag.com) makes note of the site you created. I also commended you in the article for your efforts in providing screenshot comparisons of various graphics mods.

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Guest Mr. Johnson-<THC>-

WOOOHOOO!!! Thats great news, glad to hear it. Still sad you won't be giving your great opinions as often.

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Thanks. It is worth a lot. If the article ink isn't dry, I hope you can update the site name and link reference. The old link will still be around for awhile pointing to the proper location, but eventually, POOF!

If not, I think that is okay as well. People will figure it out. Things change.

Thanks again.


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Yep, I posted to Bob Mayer (cdmag) earlier tonight notifying the change of web address, and requested a revision. The article uses hyperlinks, of which one of these is for CM Outpost.

Presently, the CM Webring uses the earlier link. So the webring master (Madmatt?) will need to change that too.

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Originally posted by Spook:

....Presently, the CM Webring uses the earlier link. So the webring master (Madmatt?) will need to change that too.


I'm on it. I am ATM sending out EMails to all the major site owners alerting them to the change of URL.

Again I'd like to record my thanks to Garry for his assistance in preparing the site for the move and in helping get it up and running at the new location.



CM Outpost

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Nice to see your site continued.

Nice to see "the site" continued. Not my site. Its DraGoon's site.

DraGoon has been very supportive of this venture. Its in good hands. His site is now one of my favorite sites smile.gif

With DraGoon's permission, I'll contribute where and when I can. CM is still the best gaming software I've ever owned and I have not got over the addiction. Just working on other things, but I still got to get a CM fix once in awhile.


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Originally posted by Lawyer:

Kump remains a local hero. He even passes on his site with style and excellence. Hooray!

Indeed he does, it has been a real pleasure to work with him over the last few days.

I could use some updated comparisons of the new DD terrain, Marco, and Tiger mods.


Noted wink.gif



CM Outpost

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Guest Der Unbekannte Jäger

Excellent news. Thanks Kump, and thanks go to the new owners!


"'S muladach ma theid ar sgaoileadh..." -Duncan Ban Macintyre

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Thanks for taking the challenge, DraGoon. I'm a fan and a supporter.

In addition to posting excellent comparison picture shots, I hope you will follow Kump's "man in the street" style of commentary that helped the rest of us spot what was good and not-so good in a particular mod. The commentary always made me feel at home, even though I'm not a graphics pro or a grognard.

Thanks again for taking on the Kump site.


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Originally posted by saru3000:

I can't wait for the day that I have to go there to compare T-34 mods. smile.gif

I can't wait until we have T34 mods to show you. wink.gif One addition to the site we are contemplating is a preview section for mod authors to show their work in progress.

Originally posted by Lawyer:

In addition to posting excellent comparison picture shots, I hope you will follow Kump's "man in the street" style of commentary that helped the rest of us spot what was good and not-so good in a particular mod. The commentary always made me feel at home, even though I'm not a graphics pro or a grognard.

Thanks for your comments. We hope to maintain the current style of both the site and the comparisons. We will also try to keep the commentary down-to-earth as I too enjoyed Kump's style.



CM Outpost

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