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Messed up story!!!!

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I was playing a QB against the AI last night. It was a US attack on a town. Medium Tree cover, Modest hills, night, fog. I had a Engineer Platoon sneaking around on the south side of the map (left of the direction my units were facing at the start.) I also had a Greyhoun following a ways behind, with a Flamethrower embarked on it.

I was sneaking the platoon into a patch of trees when all of a sudden half a squad was mowed down, another pinned, and another routed! The HQ was also pinned. I rushed the Greyhound over and disembarked the flamethrower.

So far one squad was eliminated, 2 routed, HQ eliminated. All that I could see in the trees was a morter team!!! When the M8 got over there, the FT jumped off and was promptly eliminated. A turn later, the Greyhound crew decided that they should abandon as well!!!

I decided to surrender, just to see what units had managed to cause such havoc. You know what did this to me? A morter team and a 45 rifle SQUAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So a platoon (36 men),an Hq (4 men), a Flamethrower team (2 men) and a Grey hound were completely screwed over by a 81mm morter (6 men) and a Rifle squad (9 men)!

Wha happen????

[This message has been edited by Guy w/gun (edited 01-25-2001).]

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Originally posted by Guy w/gun:

Wha happen????

[This message has been edited by Guy w/gun (edited 01-25-2001).]

Maybe there were other enemy soldiers there who you didn't see? Is that possible? If its not, well, those German squads do contain a mg42, and some other high end firepower. At short range, they can be nasty.

[This message has been edited by Terence (edited 01-25-2001).]

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Originally posted by Guy w/gun:

Short range! Yeah this did all happen at about 8 meters from the enemy!!!

Im more startled that the Greyhound crew decided to abandon!

maybe --and this is pure speculation-- they buttoned up and couldn't see the enemies from their veicle, and then a grenade or a faust or something scared them. Were they green or regular experience level?

I can imagine that at night, rolling along in the fog in a tin can on wheels, i'd pretty much wet myself with fear if my crewmate farted loudly -- to say nothing of what I might do if things started to explode nearby.

[This message has been edited by Terence (edited 01-25-2001).]

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They were all regulars-Germans and US. Don't get me wrong...I don't necessarily disagree with what happened. It's just startling that a squad and morter crew can kill/injure/route/pin 40 men and can scare the piss out of a greyhound crew.

In real life I wouldn't blame the Greyhound crew much for there decision. Night plus fog and the natural fear expirienced in combat-I shudder thinking how I would do in situations like that!

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Originally posted by Guy w/gun:

\It's just startling that a squad and morter crew can kill/injure/route/pin 40 men and can scare the piss out of a greyhound crew.

Yeah, it does provoke something of a doubletake in the reader. But I had the same sort of amazed reaction when my Greyhound drilled a pz V through the front lower armor.

I was amazed and asked about it on this board where I was assured that this was not only possible, but under the circs, not all that crazy.

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Anything is possible!!! The first time I saw a US squad immobilize and then kill a Panther with rifle grenades-I probably created a groove on my Hard drive watching that one over and over!!!

They were later awarded the Congressional Medal of Unbelievable Coolness for that one!

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Originally posted by Guy w/gun:

Im more startled that the Greyhound crew decided to abandon.

If neither the mortar nor faust got it (or hand grenades for that matter), it might have been an MG42 HMG. They can kill the Greyhound out to ~25m hitting the side upper hull or around 30m if they hit the side lower hull.

I just lost a French M5A1 HT (8mm armor) to an MG42 at 266m! It's not an M2, but it's still a real nice gun.

- Chris

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The only thing that had a los on the greyhound was a morter crew and a 45 rifle squad. Like I said before I was using fog, but not "heavey fog". Like I also said before, I surrendered right after the turn in which the M8 was abandoned out of curiosity as to what had caused the problem. The M8 wasn't hit by anything at all. It was "OK" then it was "abandoned" This happened within the span of .5-1 second.

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Originally posted by Guy w/gun:

Oh...and I forgot. All I ever saw was a morter. I wasn't aware of the squad until I surrendered.

Some infantry squads are equipped with Panzerfausts that can kill most tanks. Did you check out the kind of enemy infantry?


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Yes...Like I already said it was a Regular German (Heer) 45 rifle squad. If they did use a faust, there was no sound of one being fired or the sound of one hitting metal.

When the crew left the M8 it was alomost like they just decided to get out and take a leak real quick. They did it so non assumingly. No screaming, yelling and no one was wounded.

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