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Help!!!!!! Can't Get Marco Bergman Batch File Mods To Work

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I downloaded both the Sherman and Stuart Hi-Res mods from CMHQ and followed the directions closely. First I installed the Sherman mod and then the Stuart after that. I put all the bmp's into the CMBO/BMP folder and the batch files and icons into the CMBO root directory. Stuart batch files overwrote the Sherman ones.

After doing this, I clicked on the US Army shortcut on my desktop to run the batch file. Then I started up the game but when I loaded my scenario, nothing changed. I still had the stock graphics!

What am I doing wrong? When do I run the batch program? Before I load CM or after?

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You would run the batch file before you load your game. You can load CM first, then run the batch file, but you have to run it before you load your battle, so that you see the "generating 3D graphics" message. Also note that you have to install the latest batch file program last, which I think you have done. I don't know what else may be the problem, but Marco & Gordon are writing a program to replace the batch files. It sounds like it is close to done, so you might want to wait for it rather than driving yourself crazy with the batch files, unless you have an easily corrected error.

[ 07-07-2001: Message edited by: Pvt. Ryan ]

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This sounds rather odd. I need more information.

Which Sherman pack did you install? If it is the All US pack, then that has a later batch version number than the Stuart, and should be the one loaded. So it is possible that the batch you installed last didn't contain any US Shermans, which might explain it...

When you clicked on the US icon, did a DOS box pop up, with a scrolling bunch of text? If not, the batch didn't run; if yes then see above.

If you email me, I'll send the very latest batch if you like, plus more help if required.


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Culex, I think we might be on to something here...

Okay, I ran the batch file from a shortcut on my desktop. Is it okay to run it from here?

Anyways, the batch file for US Army ran with the scrolling DOS screen. Then I stared the game but like I said, the Stuart in the game I tried was still the default. I tried exiting out to the main screen and then running the batch file again from the desktop but again, nothing changed in the game. Stuart tank was still default.

Marco, I installed the batch files from CMHQ. The Stuart one had bigger batch files than the Sherman one on there so I assumed I installed them in the correct order--Shermans first, then Stuart.

So what's going on? Do I need to run the shortcuts from a different location or is it something else?

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