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"Tanks" on (Canuck) History Channel

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Just a heads up that the History Channel (in Canada at least) is showing a series called "Tanks" every Thursday at 10pm (and repeated Sundays at noon, iirc). Although it isn't kicking "ER" in the ratings (yet <G>), it's a great show for we CMers.

This week they showed the Tiger, Churchill, and M3, etc and discussed their use in Africa. I was particularly interested in the Tiger segment since I've just finished a PBEM game where I had some foot units jumping up and down on one particular Tiger with little effect (aside from being mowed down by the Tiger's machinegun fire)...that Tiger soon afterwards bit the dust when it was bum-blasted by a Pershing.

In any case, a great show with lots of WW2 tank video and info - see your fav CM units in living colour...or B&W at least. Next week deals with the German Invasion of Russia.



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Yeah, I caught a bit of it last night. The best thing about this show is that it relies heavily on the Bovington Museum, showing not just old war footage, but modern colour shots of museum tanks. There was a cut-out of a Tiger I, that they had a full re-enactment crew within it, showing just how cramped it was.

It also detailed many early British tanks, like the Vickers VI and Crusader series as well as the Matilda.

Another thing I like about the series is that they rely upon a lot of veterans from all nations.

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Yep, that's a great series. Makes you consider that Combat Mission is realistic after watching the show. Especially when the show said that Allied soldiers, even just hearing about the approach of German tanks, thought about the dread of facing Tiger tanks even though the actual tanks were not even seen yet. Combat Mission got that correct when a sound contact is taken to be a Tiger by the Allied soldiers. That's a nice piece of history coded there! :D

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*bump* It's on tomorrow (today's tomorrow, anyway) - Sunday noon!

Then this Thursday at 10pm (EST) & the following Sunday at noon (EST) deals with the Germans invading Russia - any idea what tanks will be/should be featured on that show? It'll be a preview of the next Combat Mission's units in B&W, colour, and in computer animations! smile.gif

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It was History Channel that recently aired a show based, in part, on Coopers' "Deathtraps" book. The sum conclusion of this show was that US tanks were fundamentally flawed for their entire existence.

I know better, but it turns out my brother-in-law watched that show and asked me about it when we spoke a few days later. I spent quite some time explaining to him; I think I bored him, but he understood.

I love watching History Channel for when they show great video footage (the Battleships series RULED) but they occasionally mess up a bit.


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