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Sick of the Yappy Dogs?

Guest Pillar

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The main CM forum has become recently quite the doghouse, particularly for the small yappy kind.

Lots of whining about the game mechanics has been going on. I know from the chat that not all of you are too pleased with this. I know I'm not enjoying it.

SO, I invite you ALL to the Tips and Tactics section where we are having some decent discussions on really interesting things. If you want a nice change of place, I think you'll find it there.

Looking forward to seeing you there! GO GO GO! smile.gif


[This message has been edited by Pillar (edited 01-20-2001).]

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Guest Space Thing

Hiram, Big DD, & Pillar,

I've got news for you, the First Amendment applies to more people than just you. I find it interesting that your posts look a lot like whining too. I guess that judging something to be "whining" can be pretty subjective. Huh?

No one forces anyone to read a thread or post to one. Personally, there are some posts that I just end up shaking my head about. I don't try to tell them to shut up, just because I don't like what they've said.

Besides, how do we know that you three aren't the same person that registered on this board from 3 different email addresses? I've recently read that Sheyla Morrison of "EverQuest" was really a guy who posed as a woman on the net.

You guys REALLY ought to lighten up and just let people be people.

Now, you can try to flame me too with your posts if you want. It doesn't mean that I'll read them.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Space Thing:

Hiram, Big DD, & Pillar,

I've got news for you, the First Amendment applies to more people than just you. I find it interesting that your posts look a lot like whining too. I guess that judging something to be "whining" can be pretty subjective. Huh?

More soddingly boring tripe.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Oh sweet sister Mary, this is impossible, a more legitimate brick candidate than me. You do realize how silly you sound, don't you?


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Space Thing:

Hiram, Big DD, & Pillar,

I've got news for you, the First Amendment applies to more people than just you. I find it interesting that your posts look a lot like whining too. I guess that judging something to be "whining" can be pretty subjective. Huh?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Out of curiosity, how does the first ammendment apply to this web board? Or is it just something you heard about and figure you would trot out here?

And anyway, just beacuse someone says that there is an alternetive to all the whining going on, how is that opressing you, spacey? If you want to stay here and bitch about armor levels then go ahead... no one is stopping you.


No one forces anyone to read a thread or post to one. Personally, there are some posts that I just end up shaking my head about. I don't try to tell them to shut up, just because I don't like what they've said.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Don't think Pillar said anything of the kind either. So what's your point?

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I think what space thing is trying to say is if he wants to have a post about armor points he has the right to do so, unless BTS says so. Last time I checked, this was a combat mission meessege board

There really isnt anything wrong with discussions about armor points or any other facet of the game, as long as it remains a discussion and not a shouting match.

To those who are sick of, or uninterested in a whinning topic, then either ignore it, or move on to the tips and tactics section as Pillar suggests.

It seems that whinning is an accepted behavior on this forum. As Pillar, BIG DD, Elijah Meeks, and Compassion, have so eleqently shown us, we all have that right to express.

Thanks guys.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panther131:

It seems that whinning is an accepted behavior on this forum. As Pillar, BIG DD, Elijah Meeks, and Compassion, have so eleqently shown us, we all have that right to express. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


Mixed in with poolers for asking why suggesting a more civillized environment is opression of the space types.

Aw hell. I'll just go out and make nice straw men like a good armor whiner.

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I would just observe that if one truly doesn't enjoy yapping dogs, then it follows that it is probably best not to run up and bark at them. smile.gif


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[This message has been edited by Bruno Weiss (edited 01-20-2001).]

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Hey, whoa Panther, I'm significantly against whiny and most OT posts. The reason being that they're uncommonly boring and slow-witted. I have no problem with OT or rehashed topics if the participants are interesting, that just isn't often the case.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by JoePrivate:

What's this? The Old Guard marching out to support one of their own because a relative newcomer has the audacity to speak his mind? Boohoo, yes let's all be of One mind and have an intellectual discussion...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

About what? First ammendment rights for foreigners on the Internet? This is a yappy dog post, Joe, so get yourself a yappin.


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"Hey, whoa Panther, I'm significantly against whiny and most OT posts. The reason being that they're uncommonly boring and slow-witted."

Slow-witted?? How narrow-minded can you get? I admit that I have been in the trenches in the point allocation thread...but how does that make me narrow-minded because I disagree with one or 2 changes made to the game. Hell, CM is one of my top 5 fav games of all time and I get a bit concerned when a change is made that causes me to have a bit less fun than before. If you are happy with the game, fine...however, I'm going to try to communicate to BTS and others why I'm a bit less happy. We "whiners" offer constructive criticism that may result in a better game in the future.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by JoePrivate:

What's this? The Old Guard marching out to support one of their own because a relative newcomer has the audacity to speak his mind? Boohoo, yes let's all be of One mind and have an intellectual discussion...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Hmm... one guy come over and points out that there is a quiet corner of the forum that might be nice to visit... and some other guy starts yelling about the US Constitution and a couple people laugh at him and that's "the old guard" coming out?


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I remember the days when we talked about CM2 and stuff...oh yeah, and hamster-manie was still around. Now it's armor-points-mania and we talk about, uh, armor points...

What the hell did I just post that for, anyway? Oh well...more posts for me! Tee-hee!


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Come on. stfuaga?

I tend not to get involved in these ugly, hateful threads, but 'poolers please... is it really your collective contention that players new to CM should only post threads that fall within your narrow definitions of relevancy. And even then, not to post at all if their point isn't driven home with rapier wit?

By all means you should trounce the greenie who ventures into the current incarnation of the Peng thread with nothing but oafish SPR anecdotes or concerns over an incorrect lug nut pattern on a Puma's wheels.

But if you really want to avoid "uncommonly boring and slow-witted" posts, then jump back in the pool, and sharpen your teeth on the other cess-poolers. Guys who know you and know that it's in fun. Guys who won't get turned off to the CM community and CM in general by the often aggressive nature of cess. Do you really want them to "go away"?


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Clubfoot:

Come on. stfuaga?

I tend not to get involved in these ugly, hateful threads, but 'poolers please... is it really your collective contention that players new to CM should only post threads that fall within your narrow definitions of relevancy. And even then, not to post at all if their point isn't driven home with rapier wit?

By all means you should trounce the greenie who ventures into the current incarnation of the Peng thread with nothing but oafish SPR anecdotes or concerns over an incorrect lug nut pattern on a Puma's wheels.

But if you really want to avoid "uncommonly boring and slow-witted" posts, then jump back in the pool, and sharpen your teeth on the other cess-poolers. Guys who know you and know that it's in fun. Guys who won't get turned off to the CM community and CM in general by the often aggressive nature of cess. Do you really want them to "go away"?



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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Clubfoot:

Yap yap yap! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You seem to have mistaken "pithy" for "Uncommonly dull and slow-witted". My comment was "pithy" while your retort was "unimaginative". I will give you a ten minute lead so that you may look up said words.


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[This message has been edited by Elijah Meeks (edited 01-20-2001).]

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I think this post proves my prescience, yesterday i read the post before nayone responded and I could see the future! I could see the inevitable response about being able to say what one wanted, the guys who were just being humorful, the "Old Guard" (nice term that, i think i'll start using it) perfectly logically pointing out that the post was in no way an insult, the resulting arguments...all in one brilliant fiery collage! And it happened! Now turn over the world to me please.

On a serious note, Pillar was merely asking people to come to the tips and tactics if they wanted thoughtful conversations. He nicely pointed out that these are becoming rarer, thus the need to preserve them. And as for whining, he presented a general garment and you claimed it to be your fit? (bonus points if you know the book thats from)

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