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how would like the desert mod released?

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Clubfoot and I have been having a little discussion on how you in the CM community would like the desert mod released. I was thinking about several small zip files each say around a meg in size or less. Each file containing a section of the whole mod. In this way you could pick and choice which parts you want. For example the Italian forces would essentially be several zip files. One out be the vehicles, artillery, and weapon bmps. One would be Italian uniform and wav speech files intended to replace the Germans. The last would be Italian uniforms and wav speech files intended to replace the British. This would mean that you could actually create a battle with Italians against either British or Americans in the desert while using the last file to create battles of Italians fighting the Germans (ASL TAC25 Nella Nebbia-In The Fog). My desire is to allow the maximum flexibility in either scenarios that I will include or to make it easy for you to create your own. The same idea holds for the inclusion of Vichy French forces. I renamed the existing French speech files so they could replace the German files. Again I want maximum flexibility.

But this would also mean that IF you don't want Italians or Vichy French, don't download them.

However there is a cost, SIZE and to be honest some severe tracking problems for me. The desert could easily be huge. I have no idea how huge yet. Which does scare me. The shear number of possible variables also means problems for me. But that is not your problem.

So how would you like the mod presented? One massive file that could take hours to load, and to be honest might create problems for the host(s). OR several smaller files that could be loaded over several nights and could easily be spread out over several hosts. That will in my mind make it easier for the hosts.



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I don't suppose that having both is an option? Or have all the terrain files in one file, and all the voices in another.


Well my skiff's a twenty dollar boat, And I hope to God she stays afloat.

But if somehow my skiff goes down, I'll freeze to death before I drown.

And pray my body will be found, Alaska salmon fishing, boys, Alaska salmon fishing.

-Commercial fishing in Kodiak, Alaska

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Yes that could be done. However I had planned on the mod manager being used to control this. Basically you would start the game, pick a battle and in the readme file it would tell you what mods to load for that battle. Then you esc out and use the manager to load those zips into the game. So it seemed to me that having the zips in a certain order would be the most effective.


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Remember that we mac users handle mods entirely differently than the pc's. Unless someone wrote some apple script we have to loadd them up searately and it isn't easy to swap. In essence I would create an entire duplicate data folder with the desert mods installed.

Also hope you can also have the large DL'd also available as those with DSL and cable modem can just click and load.


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My take on this was as follows,

to provide several options for download:

1st option would be one large (probably 20-25 meg) core Desert Fox-Desert Rats .zip file containing the terrain tiles, the vehicle and uniform textures (for standard forces; Brits., Canadians, American, French, and German), the .wav replacements for some sounds (can't have crickets at night now can we?), the interface conversion and original artwork, and several battles and operations.

This would allow those using the mod manager to effect all core mod changes with one click (not sure if the manager handles .wav's though). It would also allow those who intend on an additional install to replace the appropriate items wholesale.

Then supplement this with force packs that effect new force specific changes (the alteration of German units to Italian or Vichy French) and add several force specific battles and an op. or two.

Then additionally, offer up all the files piecemeal. A separate zip containing each of the parts. The sound files. The interface. The terrain tiles. and so on.

Speak! Let MikeT and I know what you want! smile.gif


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jd, I am aware of the Mac concern and saddly I have no way myself to correct this. However I have just received some emails from Geoff Marchion that he is working on a desert mod. I sent him all my documentation (readme and units availability files... the later is for home made scenarios. It gives you a list of what units should be considered for what year for what battle). He sent me some great DAK uniforms for my use. I will make available all the BMPs and anything else that I have he can use. With luck between the two of us a Mac version will be available.

Oh I will be happy when this is out. If the response is good I got further plans. I am looking for someone that speaks Chinese. Any help here would be appreciated.


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I am an enthic Chinese living in Hong Kong but I speak no Mandarin (PuTungWa). I speak Cantonese only. So I am not sure if I can help in the Chinese department.



"When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI."

"Can't get enough Tank?"

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Personally, I would rather see it as one large DL. I'm used to making large DL's (Hey, it's free, just make a 100 meg DL!) and although my cable isn't ready yet, I'm sure there are many who already have it or DSL etc who think nothing of a 25 Meg DL or 125 for that matter! If the traffic is going to be easier for you to handle in small bites then that seems to be the best method. Doesn't do anyone any good if it's avaliable and no one can make the connection to get it. I assure you that however you do it there will be plenty of players happy to use that method.


Your mother was a hamster and your father smelled of elderberries!

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GriffinCheng+, please excuse my ignorance of your native language but what is difference between Chinese and Cantonese? Would most other gamers realise any difference? If you are interested I am sure that the gaming community would simply being hearing Chinese speech and not care what the base language is.

So if you are willing we could talking about what I need as far as a Chinese sounding speech files. Please email me at seacat@flash.net


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I would like to see the whole mod burned on CD's and sold for about $15.00 each. You can ship them or we can stop by to pick them up. Just leave the lights on.



Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction. - Blaise Pascal

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The official laungauge of China is PuTunWa, or some refer it to Mandarian was it is the language spoken by officals. China is a big country with various geographical regions and tribes. Thus different languages and dialets exist in the country.

Cantonese is spoken generally in the GuangDong province and since most of the population here Hong Kong are origined in Guangdong, Cantonese is common here. But in Beijing or Shanghai, nobody undersstands you by speaking Cantonese or GuangDongWa. biggrin.gif

If you don't mind my voide is not good and professional, I may give it a shot.


<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MikeT:

GriffinCheng+, please excuse my ignorance of your native language but what is difference between Chinese and Cantonese? Would most other gamers realise any difference? If you are interested I am sure that the gaming community would simply being hearing Chinese speech and not care what the base language is.

So if you are willing we could talking about what I need as far as a Chinese sounding speech files. Please email me at seacat@flash.net



"When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI."

"Can't get enough Tank?"

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Clubfoot:


For fun and for free, Hiram. smile.gif

The mantra of the mod-maker.


This answers my question from another thread - I hope! Sounds exciting. Will the Italian troops have different data modelled into the game - or are the changes from German to Italian purely cosmetic?

The screen shots look really great.

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In all cases it is purely cosmetic. There is no way I can actually change the game, only BTS can do that.

However the whole object for me fro the beginning was to provide a method for new scenario challenges. Part of that challenge is to actually try to change the look of the game so you sense that you are fighting in the desert. Now there are some things that can be changed. In the desert many British tanks were armed with a cannon that only fired a solid AP round. No HE or smoke was possible. The game does permit that by using the edit feature. You can drop all HE or other rounds and max out the AP rounds.

I have known from the beginning that this mod and the next mod I have planned are going to be met with some controversy. I can only hope that all gamers will receive in the spirit it is offered. Lets have some fun and lets enjoy the sights and sounds.


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I am really looking forward to this. It is my favorite theatre of the war. I would even go for the $ 15.00 cd burn.

Please Please use large maps, as large as you can, so there is room to move out of sight and out of gun range (dust clouds in the distance would be fine of course). I hate those small maps that cause immediate standoff shootouts.

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Thanx alot, Michael.

I'm not involved too deeply in the Italian and Vichy French swap-outs (I'm just a scenario and art huckleberry), but I believe the changes will be purely cosmetic (as well as auditory!). This is not a cause for grief, but relief. In an era where off-the-shelfers now live and die by their product's mutabilty, the offering up of source code and software developer's kits is a foregone conclusion if most twitch's are to survive. (read: a few people's former intellectual property now swallowed whole or in parts by game publishers and squandered. Frittered away.)

It's a good thing that we cannot change source code. For as sure as I type this, you wouldn't only have perfectly tweaked Grant tanks rolling over the dunes of Libya... smile.gif

You'd also have some of the most hacked, ridiculous, super-sonic, particle projection cannon totin', Trinity site waste-layyin', big, fat hunks of uber-crap you could imagine. (read: what happened to the Interstate '76 community.) frown.gif

Ok. Rant mode off.

What I can say is: We'll try to make it look and play good! We'll try to be as accurate as possible, within reason. smile.gif

Clubfoot(and a grumpy one too. maybe my blood sugar is up).

mumbling Milk & Cheese's "I'm sorry."

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