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Camouflage idea for CMBB or CM2.

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I had an idea last night. What if for CMBB or CM2, the mods we apply to our tanks and infantry actually effect their likelihood of being spotted by the enemy?

This would probably require a bit of programming expertise, but it would sure be cool! I'm imagining some sort of algorithm that analyzes the colors and shape of the target in respect to the background colors and shapes, perhaps from many different angles/altitudes, and therefore determining whether the target is visible by any given unit. With relative spotting coming, this might be the next logical extension of this. Especially since each unit may have to be analyzed from many different angles for relative spotting (of course, I don't know how they plan on doing that).

Some people would probably dismiss this idea as giving one side an unfair advantage, but hey, the various sides that actually fought the war had the option to camouflage as they desired (with exceptions I'm sure), so why shouldn't we? For those who'd want to play mod-free, perhaps the game could alert a player when their opponent is using mods? That might be necessary for tournaments.

What d'ya think?


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All tanks used camo of one type or another. You would not want to have a user defined parameter like mods affecting game play because it would limit competition -- everyone would have to use the best (note I say the best, not the historically accurate) camo, so at night one could use a blue black and grey blotch pattern that was never used on tanks at all, and during the day if the program could actually detect was mod was best we would all end up in a very few modern low visibility color schemes.

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Well, after D-Day the American Shermans still had those big white 'bulls-eye' air recognition stars on the bow, Panthers were often well covered in foliage. I remember seeing a report of an American tanker knocking out the 2nd and 3rd Panther in a column but not spotting the first well-camou'd Panther just fifty yards from him!

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Sure, and US tanks covered themselves with foilage also, whitewashed the tanks, and painted camo colors. While many Herman tanks were Field Grau. The conception of the dull Sherman versus the camoed Panther came from model builders who often like German tanks and camo better than standard paint jobs and Allied tanks.

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Heh. Was thinking about this very issue yesterday. smile.gif BTS has said they would add camo versions of the bunkers in CM2 alongside the non-camo versions. It may be interesting (for CM3) to be allowed to purchase non-camo versions of the units at a reduced cost. They'd be easier to spot, of course, but may be worth the purchase price. And the camo would affect both spotting as well as which texture set to apply. Maybe there could be summer and winter camo and non-camo sets for each unit? Camo for guns could also visually add netting.

Damn, I guess Dan (Kwazydog) is gonna be one busy little mod slut when CM3 rolls around. ;)

- Chris

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