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Newbie saying hello! Got a Mod question.

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Well I have been following this forum off and on for about a year now. I got hooked on the demo. Finaly on Monday I got my first credit card in the mail and rushed upstairs and placed my order. It arrived Thursday morning and Ive been battling all day every since. Just wanted to say hello and ask ya a question. What mods do you think are the best for download. I just got MadDogs mods and was wondering what other one are good?

Any help is always appreciated.

*Just a bit of info on me*

Clinton Jones

22 years old

Computer gaming since I was 6

avid board gamer(Axis and Allies, Battletech, Battlecry...ect)

College Student working on my BA in History Education.

Lucky guy who has a girlfriend who enjoys playing games almost as much as me.

Die hard St. Louis Blues fan, movie critic, and Tolkien fanatic.)

: ) Thanks again,


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Well except for the St. Louis Blues stuff, you can live another day.

Some favorites of mine:

Deanco: Interface mods, gunmetal is my favorite.

Allied vehicles: Marco Bergman's Stuarts and Shermans are outstanding. As are Tiger's Churchill, Comet, Crommie and Challenger, his latest tank destroyer work; Magua's US halftracks set a new standard; PawBroon's Wasp and Humber SC;

Axis vehicles: Tiger's Panther A, VG and VG Late; Tiger's newest Marder II and Wespe (he changed the yellow to gray and it looks great); Kitty's King Tiger; Tiger's StuGs (gray, my favority; but brown with foliage for change of pace) and Fernando came out with a nice camo StuG, too; there's a sweet PzIIL (I think it's Tiger's); Fernando's German HTs, all of 'em; Mike Duplessis' camo Hetzer w/foliage.

A couple of guys have reworked the field guns, I believe Tiger did the German guns; and Marco or Fernando did the Allied.

Just start hitting the links and sooner or later you'll find what you're looking for.

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Mike Duplessis did the allied field guns.

They are a MUST.

Also DD's terrain set is quite a worthy download.

For a better readability of the map I am using Old Dog's subdued velvet terrain (Original by Richard Tremblett, wherever you are you did a TREMONDOUS job back then).

After a while you'll get a feel for who did what and how.

Then you'd be able to say, I'm getting all of Fernando and Marco + most of Tiger and none of that git PawBroon.

It speeds up the process a bit.

Welcome on board...

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Hi ,

I guess Moriarty has published a good list of sites to start searching mods. Two remarks:

1.) Best starting point ist the " Mod List " on Manx`s Combat Mission Site. Here you´ll find links to more than 90% of all available mods.

2.) If you want to access my site , please use the link given below ( the link given by Moriarty could cause problems if you work with Netscape ).



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Welcome Clinton

DD's Terrain will make the most important improvement in the graphic of the game.

Once the grass look like real grass give your troops the DD's Uniform mods

I think you will find them at : http://www.combatmission.com/ ( look for terrains and uniforms )

Change the graphic of the buildings completely with the Magua's mods .You will find them at : http://users.pandora.be/aneric/index8.htm#Mods

Just click on building pictures on the bottom of the page to download them.

A must too : Deanco: Interface mods, gunmetal and the clipboard ...a revolution in your interface : http://mapage.cybercable.fr/deanco/

Marco Bergman's Stuarts and Shermans are a must too

Kitty's King Tiger

You have plenty of links. Just search download and try...it's part of the game


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Here's what I use and it seems to be the most realistic set of terrain graphics.

<UL TYPE=SQUARE><LI>Gunnergoz's "Real Grass" from The Last Defense.<LI>DD's Trees from CMHQ.

<LI>Tiger's Summer & Autumn's Tree Bases from COMBAT MISSIONS.

<LI>DD's Snow and winter tree bases from CMHQ.

<LI>Tanks a Lot's water from The Last Defense

<LI>Tanks a Lot's wooden bunker from Tom's CM HQ.

<LI>Panzertruppen's Building set from CMHQ

<LI>Magua's Pavement and City Streets from CM Outpost

<LI>Pud's Roads from Pud's CM Bits and Pieces.

<LI>Tiger's Brush from COMBAT MISSIONS

<LI>Juju's Craters and Rubble from here and here both on COMBAT MISSIONS.

<LI>Tiger's Sky Pack from COMBAT MISSIONS.

There's a few more that I use, but that's a good start.

[ 05-25-2001: Message edited by: Maximus ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Tom:

Hi ,

2.) If you want to access my site , please use the link given below ( the link given by Moriarty could cause problems if you work with Netscape ).



Jeez, does anyone still use Netscape?

(Just-freakin'-kidding, guys and gals).

BTW, Tom, you've got a good site going there ... only place I saw Tiger's gray Marder III and Wespe mod. Love that one.

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