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AKoTM v2.0 contd. - post your painful updates and glorious AARs here!

Guest PondScum

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Iron Duke, is your mindspring address working? I lost your work one...

I've still no word from Labappel, I'm wondering if I'm the one dropping the ball here.

Texas Toast: You don't want a 600 point penalty like me...Trust me. :D


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Well, I'm out. Labappel's Super Gamey Flak Truck (They're not gamey when I use them ;) ) had it's way with my Daimlers and Achiles and at the very last turn killed my last two vehicles.

I thought I might actually have this game after the Achiles and my Firefly scored some nice kills on a couple of Hetzers and a PzIV/70

Congratulations Labappel, and I'll see you all next AKoTM!


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Congratulations labappel...that was a close one eh? Old Gryene nipping at your heals, snarling und biting...hehe.

Please see updated bracket for details.

Quarter finals.





Senor Beef








Sock Monkey

vs------------Texas Toast

Texas Toast


Do not forget the Due Date! Please keep the battles moving along and the updates flowing.

Well, well, well...here we are...The Due Date!

The Monkey,if he doesn't get me a report by tonight, will be used in medical experiments and the Toast is gonna be burned and fed to some malnutritioned ducks... tongue.gif

C'mon guys, you have until tonight to get me those results...and please send them to both addresses so I cannot miss it.


[ 08-01-2001: Message edited by: Iron Duke ]

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Well labappel...it look's like you will be fighting yet another "easy" battle as Spank Monkey and Texas are late.

-200 points already. :rolleyes:

Oh well...they've had a month...that's more than enough and this thing is so close to being over...I don't care anymore.

Take your time boys...labappel won't mind and I am sure mPisi and Pondscum are happy that they probably won't have to face either of you slow asses in the Championship.


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Texas Toast

Sock Monkey

Two of our quickest members, are now up to -400 points a pop.

To the rest of you...as far as I understand it, it is Sock Monkey that has been holding up the program while the Toast has been ready. Now the question I want to clear up is that: Should both players be penalized? Texas, for how long did you know that you guys were only 1/2 way done? Since last weekend I am sure...why did you not say anything then? Or should I not place any burden on the second player to attempt to keep the game on track?

I'll leave it upto you last three...and any other contestant before that was KO'd from the tourney.

Especially Gryene...what say you mate?

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Well, if you're ready but your opponent is a no show then it's the ready player's responsability to speak up.

The problem now is that even if the opponent shows up with 3-4 days left, the player that was ready will have to jump through the hoop and hurry his turns, and that is not fair either.

Perhaps a late player can start receiving a penalty before the ready player. Harsh but fair.


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Guest PondScum

Yeah, the fundamental problem is that the penalty applies only to the winner, regardless of whether or not he caused the delays. It would be cool if there was a continuum of some sort: no penalty for the winner if it was purely the loser who had caused the delays, half a penalty if they were equally responsible, and a full penalty if the winner was completely responsible.

Then we just need some way to sort out who was responsible if the two players can't agree - and it seems to me that email headers should suffice here. i.e., just work out what proportion of the 3 weeks a turn was in each player's inbox :)

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I recieved an email today from the Monkey stating that he would forfeit. Now the question is whether Texas deserves any penalties at all?

Sock Monkey, I am told by him and Toast, had been gone all last week due to Real Life , but does this exempt him from his responisbilities to the AKoTM? A short email would have sufficed I think... therefore I am going to rule that the Toast not be penalized because of the unfortunate Sock Monkey whom was trampled on by Real Life .

Welcome Gents to the Semi-finals. You are the veritable Creme de la Creme...so far you have each won three straight battles to get here...overcoming weather, ground conditions, extreme gameyness, and F'd up setup zones! :cool:

Only two of you will remain after this fight, so if you've been holding anything back...I suggest you let it go now, because you must win this next one to even have a chance at the Ass Kicker of the Month trophy...no wine...no money...no t-shirts...just a simple trophy. Kind of like fighting for bragging rights...an idea if you will.

These last battles will be straight up fights...no trickery or tom-foolery. Use what you have learned, lay into your enemy, smack him around like a red-headed step child and make him call you Master.








Texas Toast


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I have a "weird" question for you guys.

Do any of you get frustrated and feel like kciking the computer at times when you lose a AFV or a platton or the a certain unit does not perform as you want it to?

For example sending a platoon to close assault a Puma at 10m and nothing happens for the enire turn. Not single nade is thrown and after the turn is over the platoon is still sitting there. No routed sqauds, no panic, just vet sqauds with maybe a cautios moslty ok status.

This happens to me so many times. I got so pissed and frustrated. My Daimlers don't turn their turrets and so on. Sometimes I feel like kicking my computer.

Wonder if anyone alse has problems like these. Or am I the only one and over-reacting?

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Pondscum, your mail is bouncing. You can take Axis. In May 45 I expect you to take Volksturm anyways...

microsoft.com Host unknown ROTFL

----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----


(reason: 550 Host unknown)

----- Transcript of session follows -----

550 5.1.2 <'jch@microsoft.com'>... Host unknown (Name server: microsoft.com'.: host not found)

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Guest PondScum

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mPisi:

Pondscum, your mail is bouncing.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Host unknown?! Is someone DOS'ing us again? smile.gif I'll switch to my hotmail account for now - can't keep those old men and boys of my Volksturm hordes waiting...

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My home PC will be used exclusively for school work by my beeyatch for the next week or so, so please, if you sent your purchases to my home address, please resend them to my work address.

Here is a refresher on the rules:


VG's WILL be rationed. MAX of 2 Kompanies/battle allowed


No Arty over 150/155mm allowed.

No Arty with variable timed fuses allowed. (To make it fair for the Axis)

You can have EITHER:

1 150/155mm Spotter + 81/75mm Spotters


2 120/105mm Spotters + 81/75mm Spotters

Rockets, because of the inherent inaccuracy, will be allowed up to the 210mm range.


NO mix and match of Allied units will be allowed...just like in the first AKOTM.

That is all.

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Guest PondScum

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Iron Duke:

Ok Pondscum...I just need your purchases and we can get this thing rolling.

C'mon Soldier...move it out!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Sir! Yes Sir! 2000 points of pure gameyness in both your inboxes, sir!

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Ok...battles are away. Good Hunting Ass Kickers, may you quickly destroy your opponent and take his lands as your own.

One final note (and it disqusts me to even have to say it at this point in the tournament):

DO NOT, at any time, attempt to buff up your HQ's and/or ammo amounts when you send your purchases to me. I will catch you and if you do it again...I will publicly annouce you as a cheater and kick you out of the tournament. :mad: This time I will assume it was a "momentary lack of reason" and let it slide with a warning. Enough said on that.


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Guest PondScum

For those of you following along at home, here's a view of the map - it's perfectly flat, with a single flag in the middle, lots of woods, pines, and scattered trees, and Duke's trademark "let's put the setup zones next to each other and watch the slaughter"...


[ 09-19-2001: Message edited by: PondScum ]

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Anyone feel that Due Date is pushing it? Please let me know as early as possible.

BTW: Everything is back to normal with my home PC so you can resume sending emails there if you wish. (I can check my work email from home, so whatever works for you)


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Guest PondScum

mPisi and I are on turn 3, but things should speed up now that we've got that pesky setup stage over. August 24th looks good right now.

As for a report from our battle: well, all I can say is that it's a lovely day for a walk in the woods (pictured above). No contact, no shots fired, just some gentle birdsong - and, if you strain to hear it, the muffled grunts and clanks of two armies maneuvering for position...

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I'm a little nervous about that due date. We played 3 or 4 turns this weekend, but labappel is gone on vacation and won't be back until next Monday. I have a two day business trip the following week. That leaves us with 9 days (including only one weekend). How about one extra week?


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