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An interesting experience

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I was walking along the road here in New England today and what should I see, but an honest to goodness Kübelwagon driving along. It was painted up in winter camoflauge too. It was a double surprise in that I saw it and that I knew what it was. smile.gif

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Too bad you couldn't flex your knowledge of German heavy armor, eh? smile.gif The owner was probably getting ready for the big military vehicle rally up in Weare, NH this weekend. Something like 750 vehicles were there last year. In fact, I bet I could ask around and find out who the driver of the Kübel was ;)

BTW, this is a link of pictures from this years MVPA National Rally. Note the great shots of the VERY freshly restored Hetzer (G13) on the first page. Jim Gilmore did the restoration (along with others) and conslulted with a fellow by the name of Tom Jentz (gee... who is he? smile.gif). Jentz even provided paint chip samples so they could paint the thing up right!



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Guest Babra

How come nobody ever restores G13s as, well, G13s? It's antiswissitism, I tell you! Ban the event! Stamp out antiswissitism!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Peter Panzer:

...alright sweetie, now move just a bit to the right, that's good - let daddy snap a shot of you in front of the nice machine o' death...


Yeah, people get so involved in their hobbies sometimes that they forget what they are about.

But it could be worse. I don't know if it was an urban legend or not, but several years ago a young family was visiting Yellowstone and the mother thought it would make a cute picture if she could get a shot of a bear licking honey off her toddler's hand, so she smeared some on the kid's fingers. Only after she snapped the pic did she realize that the bear had bitten off the kid's fingers as well.

That kid would be about grown by now. Wonder how she feels about her mom. :confused:


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Michael emrys:

Yeah, people get so involved in their hobbies sometimes that they forget what they are about.

But it could be worse. I don't know if it was an urban legend or not, but several years ago a young family was visiting Yellowstone and the mother thought it would make a cute picture if she could get a shot of a bear licking honey off her toddler's hand, so she smeared some on the kid's fingers. Only after she snapped the pic did she realize that the bear had bitten off the kid's fingers as well.

That kid would be about grown by now. Wonder how she feels about her mom. :confused:


One can always hope that some warcrazed parent don't decide to put their kid infront of a gun when they decide to test fire it.... ouch :eek:

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Michael emrys:

Yeah, people get so involved in their hobbies sometimes that they forget what they are about.

But it could be worse. I don't know if it was an urban legend or not, but several years ago a young family was visiting Yellowstone and the mother thought it would make a cute picture if she could get a shot of a bear licking honey off her toddler's hand, so she smeared some on the kid's fingers. Only after she snapped the pic did she realize that the bear had bitten off the kid's fingers as well.

That kid would be about grown by now. Wonder how she feels about her mom. :confused:


I once spread peanut butter on paper plates and left them about in an attmept to lure in some bears. It worked, and was quite exciting after they ate the paper plates. Still can't believe I really did that.

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