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semi stupid question!

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is there a way to play a QB TCP/IP or PBEM game on a pre generated map? so lets say you wanted to play on a bigger map than they give you? or would you have to just create a scenario? thanks! (the LARGE sized map in a QB is very shallow, and very wide in most my battles. is that your average map?)

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the more i play these PBEM and TCP games, the more i would like to be able to play on a BIG random map with big forces.

so is this what those empty maps are used for? does anyone send their purchases to a third party and do what was mentioned above? how often do scenarios get played against human opponets?

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In some instances, yes, this is what empty maps are used for, but, generally, they are just made by helpful folks so you can build your own scenario without having to take the, sometimes substantial, time to make your own map.

I, too, am a fan of big maps, with large forces, or even with small battles. You can never have too much room to recon and infiltrate!

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