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Please, In all that is Holy, do not allow mouse to start a PENG CHALLENGE!!!

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Tha as tha aind o' a stankin' day...mouse startin' a noo thraid an' Joes Shaw condonin' at.

Full marks tae Leeo fer has initiative....


Edited cos thare's nae "s" ain "thread" - noo matter hoo ye spall at.

[ 06-23-2001: Message edited by: OGSF ]

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This is the most I've posted in a coon's age.... and Why? To keep us from being suckered into that mind-numbing excrement that Mousie has wrought in an attempt to lead us from the one true way! Follow naught that horrid pretender, Mousie. We all know why. I don't want this to be the MBT, I merely want to prevent someone of such low stature (and intelligence) as Mousie from starting a new MBT. I know you are with me....

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Tha as tha aind o' a stankin' day ...mouse startin' a noo thraisd an' Joes

Shaw condonin' at. Full marks tae Leeo fer has initiative....<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Initiative! Initiative! WHAT BLOODY INITIATIVE you Scottish Git? Did he start another thread? He did NOT, he merely suggested that we NOT patronize the other thread. Did he post the required warnings? He did NOT. Did he invite SSNs to Sod Off? He did NOT. No initiative was shown, he is a mere complainer, a whiner and a good for nothing buck passer. Had he offered an ALTERNATIVE I might have joined the cause, BUT A CESSPOOL THREAD WAS NEEDED AND NO OTHER CHOICES EXISTED. At least mouse showed enough consideration for the tradition of the CessPool to start a PROPER thread. Leeo ... just complained.


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Well, Leeo, if you won't do the honors...

This is the Peng Challenge thread, where nobody is welcome, and all who enter are condemned to the worst atrocities of the CM forum.

1. Sound off like you have a pair.

2. Don't talk about your pair (or anybody else's pair either).

3. Challenge a SPECIFIC person with witty insults.

4. Don't be a MORON. We've got enough of them here already.

5. Why not save yourself and the rest of us some time by JUST GOING AWAY!

We don't want you here. We REALLY don't want Panzer Leader (Mouse) here.

Now post away or go away.

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Very well then, since Leeo was INCAPABLE of following the RULES I suppose we can only expect that Lawyer would jump in and post the legalities. With THAT in place I accept this as The One The True CessPool. HOWEVER ... this was poorly done and if I don't see prompt improvement I may have to start the next one myself ... none of us want that. Remember Leeo If You're Not Part of the Solution ... You're a Lawyer.


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Lawyer, had I the means, I'd knight you again, and doubly so!! I knew it was above my station (unlike that mewling screeching mouse-git) to start a new MBT. That is why I appealed to the Kannigets to refuse that Spittle that Mousie spat and proclaimed the thread. Though I'm loathe to admit it, Lawyer has show wisdom, verve, and initiative. I hereby proclaim this Lawyer's thread, as he has given the Kanniget stamp of approval ( and what part of the sacred seal does this upheld middle finger represent?).

So, all you Cess-pooligans, carry on in the name of the MTB....

Oh, and SOD OFF if you don't like it (Mr. Shaw).

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Very well then, since Leeo was INCAPABLE of following the RULES I suppose we can only expect that Lawyer would jump in and post the legalities. With THAT in place I accept this as The One The True CessPool. HOWEVER ... this was poorly done and if I don't see prompt improvement I may have to start the next one myself ... none of us want that. Remember Leeo If You're Not Part of the Solution ... You're a Lawyer.


Golly, Joe Shaw, we've missed (**smirk**) your Daily Dose of Gaseous Nonsense. But WHY OH WHY did you have to come back just as we were trying to change Peng Challenge threads. Sure, Leeo fecked up the whole thing, but his heart was in the right place. What do you expect from SSN's??

See, Joe, while you were gone, the BTM was infested by a rodentia pestilence beyond anything seen before. We have been assaulted every hour of every day by Mouse posts that run forever, that embarrass all of us, and that show no sign of ending, even when Seanachai tried to put the Mouse to sleep.

So bear with us here...

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Lawyer, had I the means, I'd knight you again, and doubly so!! I knew it was above my station (unlike that mewling screeching mouse-git) to start a new MBT. That is why I appealed to the Kannigets to refuse that Spittle that Mousie spat and proclaimed the thread.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well Leeo I'll give you this, you certainly have demonstrated your ignorance and so perhaps I should forgive you.

You see lad, Lawyer is NOT a Knight of the CessPool, he is Consigliori to the CessPool and accorded all the rights and privileges OF a Knight ... but he is NOT a Knight. Luckily for us, you HAVEN'T the means to Knight him.

Secondly, YOU are a Knight of the CessPool and had all the right to start a new thread all by yourself. Luckily for us, you didn't realize that or you'd likely have mucked it about ... oh wait ... you already did.

Oh ... congratulations on the Knighthood.


edited to add comment to Lawyer: While I haven't been present for the ongoing food fight with mouse, I do understand there have been ... issues. That does not, however, change the culpability of Leeo. BUT, being a merciful man, I forgive him ... he may continue to exist.

[ 06-23-2001: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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EEwwwww.... I've sunk to the lower end of the 'Pool; A kanniget, no less. I feel like I want to vomit (wait, that is just the Malt Liquor talking). And I was so hopeful that I would remain the Perpetual squire. I even had a big "HHarumphing" post to make about always the squire, never the kanniget. Talk about taking the wind from my sails...

Anyway, MOUSE, regardless of my stature within the pool (or lack of such), you are not worthy to lick my toenails.

Now that I'm a supposed kanniget, all I feel is sick........

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Initiative! Initiative! WHAT BLOODY INITIATIVE you Scottish Git? Did he start another thread? He did NOT, he merely suggested that we NOT patronize the other thread. Did he post the required warnings? He did NOT. Did he invite SSNs to Sod Off? He did NOT. No initiative was shown, he is a mere complainer, a whiner and a good for nothing buck passer. Had he offered an ALTERNATIVE I might have joined the cause, BUT A CESSPOOL THREAD WAS NEEDED AND NO OTHER CHOICES EXISTED. At least mouse showed enough consideration for the tradition of the CessPool to start a PROPER thread. Leeo ... just complained.


Calm down, dear Shaw; You're going to get the vapors...

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My, What an interesting development we have had.

Tome updats:





I have to admit that I really love creativity. MrSpkr's plot on the outer boards was very well done. He was also weaving a decent little tail in the pool also. It seems this one has the makings of a fine pooligan. Notice that not only did he provide us with an interesting story... (which I might add had Mouse get beat. But he was sly and deveant enough to include YK2 , Speedbump and Leeo in its telling.

YK2 (because every good story needs a strong female)

BUT! His most cunning move was drawing attention to three male characters. All of whom had reached thier limits for promotion to knighthood. He was sutle that he did this without even mentioning it. A true spawn that should make even Berli grin.

So it is with great loathing that I scribe:

Sir MrSpkr

Sir Leeo

Sir Speedbump

onto the Knights page in the sacred tome.

Now for some personal info. I have been long overdue in returning turns to Moriarty and Mace.( Funny that I have like 12 games going and these are the only people that have sent me turns...).

Things here at work have just sucked as of late. But I do see some light at the end of this tunnel. I will do my best to have turns sent out this weekend(monday morning at the latest).

I'll also send the latest turn I have to the people I have not heard from. They can decide whether or not they wish to continue.

** Here it is, 20:30 on a saturday night, and I am still at work. Damn I know our headquarters is in Hell(chicago). But damned if I knew Berli(satan) wouldn't even make exceptions for CM play**

Lorak the loathed

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Well alright then. Wha' a bastaard o' a day fer CM'in'. Dalem kills mah beautiful 150mm IG and 88mm Flak wi' stankin' mortars behind mah back, picks off a Stug in motion at a thousand yards, kills mah poor wee PkwIV wi' a hail o' shots fraim a gaggle o' Fireflys, an' everywun ailse as kickin' mah spotty arrrse all aboot tha plaice. 'Cept Mensch but he's nae returrrnin' has turns. An' Seanachai - send me a turn sae ye kin git wha's commin' tae ye.

Congratulations tae tha noo Kannigets. Bastaarrrrds.


[ 06-24-2001: Message edited by: OGSF ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lorak:

Sir Leeo

onto the Knights page in the sacred tome.


My life is forfeit,my mission complete,

to the rest of you all, like a goat you shall bleat.

Damn. Don't ask and ye shall receive...

Now PISS OFF, the lot of you...

Oh, and before tha band starts playing, I owe everything I am (though he is loathe to admit it) to my former leige, Sir Stuka!\

Tremble in fear, ye Kanniggets of might and complacency!

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Well, let me be the first to throw the ceremonial ball of ****e at our newest knaggits.

Of course, the elevetion in rank could in no way help Sir Spkr's ability on the battlefield, where his topplement is at hand.

On the bright side, even though I'm stuck in Canada there showing both Kelly's Heros and Rio Bravo at least something entertaining on the T.V.

The rest of you will receive the turns owed when I feel like it, now Sod Off!

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Pleas note:

Agua; Gamey assed win after feigning near-death expaeriences for his troops.(score 73)

Leeo: bitter loss after initial pompous assurety that he would be the victor.

(score 27)

So, this was an example of "it ain't over 'til it's over". I had a good spank on him to start with, but He had an effecteive reserve (as well as a strong student-body left) whereas I did not. So, I will replay the bastidge (after some formal taunting within the pool) and avenge My paltry-self.

WHAT ARE YOU LOOKIN' AT? You want some of this? Bring it on, big boy....

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Leeo:

[QB WHAT ARE YOU LOOKIN' AT? You want some of this? Bring it on, big boy....[/QB]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Ye talkin' tae mae? ARE YOO TALKIN' TAE ME, JIMMY?

Ah just beat that stinkin' AI 100 tae 0, defendin' against an assault. Ah'll do tha same tae ye, ya spotty arrrsed closet poot sniffer.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>For what it's worth, I say make the guy a Kniggghty,<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

A teddy maybe, but not a Knigggty

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Ok, so I don't play, but surely the fact that I sit here every bloody night reading all these posts counts for something?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

In a word: No.

[ 06-24-2001: Message edited by: Moriarty ]

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I'm not surprised all Mr Itchin' can remember is the various times various teams have cheated to deprive the Holy Team of it's due rights - he's probably still remembering the glory days of pommie rugby - some time in the 1890's I think - they beat the St Mary's Girl's soccer squad once back then!

Anyway - good to hear he's got green Poles - otherwise the poor old Hun's in for a thrashing - even 1 Sherman is an uber-tank when you have NO anti-tank weapons ('cept for fausts)!! Not 1 'schreck, not 1 50mm AT gun, not even a 20mm autocannon!!

I do have a short 75 on a sdkfz251/9, but I expect that to live as long as the Lions when they play the Wallabies once it gets into action!

But no matter - it will be enough!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lorak:

So it is with great loathing that I scribe:

Sir MrSpkr

Sir Leeo

Sir Speedbump

onto the Knights page in the sacred tome.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

It is with complete loathing that I bold the following names... Sir MrSpkr (consider changing your username), Sir Leeo and Sir Speedbump. Congradulations, and may you all rot in Hell (You will anyway)

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