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How many ambush markers can one lay down? It seems like you can do an endless amount and yet only the last one seems to be targeted with the red line. Is the last one you put down the only effective one or will your HQ and infantry in command respond to all of them?

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There is a limit to the number of ambush markers you can place, but I can't recall the number. As long as a unit is targeting an ambush marker it will remain active. The HQ unit laying the markers will target the last one it placed unless you tell it to target a different marker. Other units will target an ambush marker even if the HQ is targeting a different one, and even if the HQ moves away leaving the subordinate units out of command. (At least I am pretty sure it works that way.)

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A unit that has been given orders to target an ambush marker will target that even if its HQ unit moves out of command range.

However, a unit out of its HQ's command range CANNOT be given a new order to target an ambush marker; it has to be within command to do new-ambush targeting.


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Doug makes a very good point that is subtle. If you have time, you can move a HQ unit around and lay traps far away from where the HQ unit ends up sitting (and out of his LOS and command radius). Just make sure you don't retarget the unit away from the marker or you will have to move the HQ back and reset the ambush.

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