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blasted set up !!!!!!

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I don't even know where to start. I guess the begining might be on place....

I spent 4 hours setting up and making a great city fight- crack HJ against the US - ought to be good I thought ;)

I set it up ( in paramiters) so that the North was German the South US and everything else was neutral. There were two set up zones for each nationality.

When i finally get to fire up the game the US magically set up in the WEST and proceed to roll up my exposed flank..

PLEASE help me !!!

HOW do you get the set up to work so that the US attack from the SOUTH ONLY.

I am willing to provide any information or send the scenario to anyone who might be able to help...

After figuring out that the set up zones have to be manually arranged (which has a pretty high grr factor in itself), this just about sent me balistic :mad:

Thank you


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check the parameters of a map given by the computer.

They are always standard west side map for allies

east side of the map for the germans

before you start editing a map always look for where the zone modes are located and start fronm there

if you make it North - south change the zone modes on the map

This way it must work.

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Go to the parameters screen. There are fields to assign ownership of each map edge.

Next, go to the map editor. Choose "zone view". There are color-coded areas on the map - initially one red and one green - that outline the legal set up areas for each starting group. You can have up to three groups on each side of the fight.

Select a color by left clicking on the colored bars on the left side of the screen. In zone mode, scanning over the map with the mouse, while holding down the left mouse button, will change the assignment of each tile to the color currently selected. Holding down shift at the same time will make your "brush" 100 yards wide instead of 20 yards, to fill in large areas quickly. If the map is large, don't forget to scroll it right or left, up or down, to get the parts not displayed at one time.

Then, "preview" the map. You will see the colored zones outlined as you have drawn them. The default is a long, narrow box on the east for the Germans, and one the west for the Allies, but you can change that at will.

Go back to the map editor by hitting "OK", and refine your zones. One side set up inside the map, without any friendly edge, can simulate surrounded units. You can set the zones any way you like, even mixed in with each other for a paratroop drop, or with attackers in cover on all sides and within a defense position to show a surprise raid, etc. The only restriction is that each 20x20 tile have one definite color, not more than one. Use grey for a tile no one may set up in, and to erase mistakes or make changes.

Place the starting units in the zone you want them to set up in. During the set up phase at the start of the actual game, each commander will be able to move around his starting units, but they must stay inside the same color zone they start in. Zones do not have to be continuous - you could have a red zone that has three optional places to set up e.g., and the commander can then divide his forces between them.

Also, if you want a unit to be in a definite spot with the commander not allowed to move it at set up, you can "padlock" it in place from the unit menu, in the map editor preview. Right click on the unit and select "padlock setup". The unit will appear with an orange base, and during the setup phase it may not be moved. Perfect for sentries, fixed gun positions, surprised defenders in raids, etc.

You can do all kinds of things with the tools available. You just have to use them, which takes a little practice to learn, and a little time to do if you do a lot of fancy details.

Oh and one PS. After all your fiddlings, be sure to save the edited scenario. Otherwise you will still have the default settings when you start...

[ 08-08-2001: Message edited by: JasonC ]

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What you see is the US making effective use of either the "Resistance Spy"/"OSS Agent" unit or of the L4 unit. Either way, they spotted your defensive positions and then proceeded to change their attack plan. ;)

Just kidding. I hope the others can help.

[ 08-08-2001: Message edited by: Gen. Sosaboski ]

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