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Death to abstractions

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Ah, Slappy, you won't be happy until the game is abstracted to the point where it runs on a 128k Mac converted to a fishbowl. Anything else would require waaay too much thinking on your part, consuming valuable brain cells that could be better used for traditional southern activities such as... umm... spitting watermelon seeds and barbacuing dead animals. Or are these traditional Texan activities? No matter, its all part of this big ugly mass of land known as The Lower 48. If you would like to disagree, send me a PBEM file. If PBEMs aren't abstracted enough for you, we can play a nice game of tic tac toe. I'll abstract it to the point where I win, you lose.

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O-M-G!! I am in, like, total shock. Dorosh actually has a sense of humour. I don't think my heart can take it.

By the way, you say you were on ex. Were you in Wainwright by any chance?? I was there, helping make large random holes in the ground, didn't see much infantry types though.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by 109 Gustav:

Ah, Slappy, you won't be happy until the game is abstracted to the point where it runs on a 128k Mac converted to a fishbowl. Anything else would require waaay too much thinking on your part, consuming valuable brain cells that could be better used for traditional southern activities such as... umm... spitting watermelon seeds and barbacuing dead animals. Or are these traditional Texan activities? No matter, its all part of this big ugly mass of land known as The Lower 48. If you would like to disagree, send me a PBEM file. If PBEMs aren't abstracted enough for you, we can play a nice game of tic tac toe. I'll abstract it to the point where I win, you lose.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Gustav you complete and utter pig. I think Texas is an armpit myself, being in Carolina and from GODS country (IOWA).

I have two games going, but let me see what I can do to piss on you here.

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Ooops, I just saw your link. I see you were with the Cal Hi's, Come to think of it, I did see some of them on Sunday, getting ready to leave. Gee, I might have actually seen you in the flesh and not realized it, my disappointment knows no bounds.

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I guess you are referring to me in your own strange way?

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Slapdragon:

and see that the guy who posted a "I hate australlia and everyone is against me even though I am not paranoid" thread thinks I am a nationalist because I defended Australia, <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I don't hate Australians or Australia. Nice people and country.

I never said you were nationalistic.

Sorry to be intruding on your little party here guys, but had to set the record straight.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer76:

I guess you are referring to me in your own strange way?

I don't hate Australians or Australia. Nice people and country.

I never said you were nationalistic.

Sorry to be intruding on your little party here guys, but had to set the record straight.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Your handle is not mentioned that I read anywhere. Not that I am accuring you of being parnoid or anything :D .

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Slapdragon:

If you notice.... well I will call you Aussie since that is almost the worst thing I can call you... I posted an intelligent response right away that said the same thing but was *sniff* ignored.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Not at all. I acknowledged your first pre-Pengish reply in my earlier post. You know, the ones with the words "Slappy's right, the whole idea of a game is an abstraction".

Cry-baby. Makes me wonder why I bothered.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Slapdragon:

Your handle is not mentioned that I read anywhere.


No, then we can't possible figure out who you were referring to in your own cunning way.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Slapdragon:

Not that I am accuring you of being parnoid or anything :D .<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Brian Rock:

Not at all. I acknowledged your first pre-Pengish reply in my earlier post. You know, the ones with the words "Slappy's right, the whole idea of a game is an abstraction".

Cry-baby. Makes me wonder why I bothered.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I just wanted to set the record straight, oh upside down one. You done good. Here is a dog biscuit.

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You have to realise Slappy is a TV producer (done some documentaries), academic and really lousy speller. He thought appointing himself Beelzebub would make him "Lord of the *Files*"...

(OK, so it's a really lousy joke based on moderately obscure theology. It's late, I'm tired, and besides he doesn't deserve a good joke.) redface.gif

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

Hey, did I ever claim to not be a git?

I will add a serious reply as well. My Squad Leader buddies always complained about the level of abstraction - and my pat answers about it "all being factored in" did not sit well with them. I suppose they went on to be members of what we now call the "twitch crowd."

Different people like different types of games; that's really all there is to it. Doesn't make them any more or any less than anyone else. Now, personally, I LIKE the degree of abstraction in CM, and I would HATE a truly realistic wargame - think the Holodeck on Star Trek.

I was on exercise over the weekend as a member of an infantry company headquarters.

You know what? I saw nothing, knew nothing of what was going on, was cold, tired and hungry and had no clue where I was.

I loved it, of course, but it was totally different from playing CM...

My weekend in the field

[ 10-02-2001: Message edited by: Michael Dorosh ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well I would like to say that Cpl Dorosh looks like the model of what an OCs driver should be. I am sure he is working hard and will be quickly moved to the esteemed position of Regimental Canteen Queen. ;)


Michael, Next time you see Capt Heth, tell him to send me an e-mail. I havn't heard from him in about 5 yrs. Just tell him "Chief" is looking for him.

[ 10-03-2001: Message edited by: The_Capt ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Brian Rock:

You have to realise Slappy is a TV producer (done some documentaries), academic and really lousy speller. He thought appointing himself Beelzebub would make him "Lord of the *Files*"...


Is it possible for a TV producer to not understand the concept of email? Slappy, if the whole concept of sending a file to me is a little complicated, feel free to abstract it by just poking yourself in the eye with a sharp stick. This will be a rough approximation of what a game against me will be like.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by 109 Gustav:

Is it possible for a TV producer to not understand the concept of email? Slappy, if the whole concept of sending a file to me is a little complicated, feel free to abstract it by just poking yourself in the eye with a sharp stick. This will be a rough approximation of what a game against me will be like.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You can also simulate the experience of dating Gustav in the same manner.

I would like a file too. I have long since lost the original one you sent me, and have no imagination with which to send you.

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hey M. Dorosh,

I saw to my surprise that you use the Iltis. Are these original new canadian issue or handed-over used german ones?

The german army phased them out and in retrospect the Iltis was considered much of a blunder. I had always liked the Iltis because it looks incredibly sharp for a jeep, but everybody else said they were rather poor cross-country - wise for a jeep.

Seems you're the one to ask for your personal opinion. Have you driven the Mercedes replacement (IIRC Wolf), the previous Munga, an american Mutt or Hummer, a russian GAZ or something for comparison, and how would you rate these vehicles?

We have to keep in mind the Iltis cost a fraction of it's replacement in the german army.

Funny to see the canadians kept the german name for the vehicle. translated, Iltis means polecat, or fitchew, or somefink (i guess you knew that).

[ 10-04-2001: Message edited by: M Hofbauer ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by M Hofbauer:

hey M. Dorosh,

I saw to my surprise that you use the Iltis. Are these original new canadian issue or handed-over used german ones?

The german army phased them out and in retrospect the Iltis was considered much of a blunder. I had always liked the Iltis because it looks incredibly sharp for a jeep, but everybody else said they were rather poor cross-country - wise for a jeep.

Seems you're the one to ask for your personal opinion. Have you driven the Mercedes replacement (IIRC Wolf), the previous Munga, an american Mutt or Hummer, a russian GAZ or something for comparison, and how would you rate these vehicles?

We have to keep in mind the Iltis cost a fraction of it's replacement in the german army.

Funny to see the canadians kept the german name for the vehicle. translated, Iltis means polecat, or fitchew, or somefink (i guess you knew that).

[ 10-04-2001: Message edited by: M Hofbauer ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Bombardier builds the Iltis in Canada under license. Quebec seems to get all the big contracts because our Prime Minister usually comes from there.

My friend owns a surplus US Army Humvee (probably the only one in Canada - there are some USMC versions, but either one is tough to get here) and liked it a lot - went offroading in it and was surprised at its durability. But it is too wide and noisy.

The Iltis I have driven extensively - got one stuck on the weekend and it was recovered by some troops simply picking it up physically and putting it back on the road. Can't do that with a Hummer.

EDIT - all our Iltises are pretty beat up (or is the plural Iltii???(little Canadian joke there...) from overuse - of course, no one actually owns them, so they get treated very roughly. The one I had on the weekend had to be run at full choke, and still stalled a lot. The rest of our military fleet have automatic transmissions, yet the Iltis is manual. The clutches on the Iltises differ from vehicle to vehicle, making it challenging at times to drive them initially.

I see absolutely no advantages that the Iltis has that the 1943 Willy's Jeep didn't, to be perfectly honest. Top speed, climbing ability, I think they would be about the same. Willy's tended to tip pretty easily, but I don't know that the Iltis is any better. The four door design does allow easier access for troops getting in and out but beyond that, I can't see why the Army felt the need to change, beyond granting new contracts to civviee contractors.

[ 10-04-2001: Message edited by: Michael Dorosh ]

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thanks for the info.

well, according to what people told me, the Iltis would tip over pretty fast, too. pretty short.... ahm...(don't know the proper name for it) axis, you know, it's pretty slim and pretty high.

actually I didn't know that bombardier was a canadian company. I somehow had the remote feeling it would be british, no idea where I got that notion from.

funny to see you still have those weird round caps as part of your uniform. I still have mine back from decades back, from childhood when we sometimes had canadians doing exercises and setting up in our village. I traded a coke or something for the cap. I used it as a flying hat when flying gliders, and I still use it when i go into the woods or work outside. It provides shadow yet it doesn't obstruct view.

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I'm amused by these complaints about repeated topics on this BBS. With that attitude BTS might as well drop this forum and set up an archive catalogue because there are precious few CM topics remaining after more than a year of posts! What say we flame anyone who mentions Panther mods... or Sherman armor... or coaxial machineguns... or CMBB release dates...

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Markus - I think you mean "wheelbase", yes?

The caps are slightly less useless than the Field Service (wedge) cap or beret of WW II, but less useful than the peaked field hat that it replaced. They have been on issue for about 30 years now, methinks. Soon to be replaced by a newer cap in camouflage (the new CADPAT - Canadian Disrupt Pattern).

Bombardier is indeed French Canadian, more famous for snowmobilies, and as a trivial point, not pronounced "bom-brrr-deer" (as in the American who sat in the nose of a B-29 and dropped the bombs), but "bom-bar-dee-ay".

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