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Public service offer for you willing to play with that outstanding new work of Art by Marco Bergman.

I have been sending the whole 6Mb or so of the zip file for the best part of the evening here.

Those who are too impatient for CM Outpost to be back online could drop me a mail and I'll send the file back to them for their playing pleasure.

Do yourself a treat it's a must have: marcel.vie@wanadoo.fr


You are not Obsessive-CMpulsive, you are Allied-Retentive.

Mark IV

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Rob, Rob...

I'll send it to you no probs.

But you're Hotmail and there is NO way you could receive a 6Mb attached file.

If it can help you feel part of it ok.

Be aware that next time you'll log onto Hotmail you'll be downloading for long a file that won't come out as the MOD you're expecting.

File on it's way with its heavily ladden wings...


You are not Obsessive-CMpulsive, you are Allied-Retentive.

Mark IV

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Yes CarBoardAFV I am NOT playing with that awesome MOD...

I am quite stubbornly forwarding it here and there.

You know one of the culprits BTW, the Infamous Morse!

Could you believe the cheeky bastard is overcharging someone to have some bandwidth at the office?!


Quick update for all:

CM Outpost is STILL down and Marco's MOD is not posted anywhere else to my knowledge.

Seeing as it is bed time in France I am off for a few hours and will be resuming the Spreading of the MOD in the morning.

Send your request to marcel.vie@wanadoo.fr

BTW of the 150Mb or so I had forwarded, nearly 40 bounced back at me.

I don't care much for bandwidth myself since I'm ADSL but if you are not SURE you can manage a 6Mb mail then wait for CM Outpost to get back online and save yourself the trouble.


You are not Obsessive-CMpulsive, you are Allied-Retentive.

Mark IV

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Ok it's past midnight so I'm off for tonight.

I'm glad for those of you who could have then be able to install that fabulous MOD for Marco Bergman just for the week end.

For some of you buggers with wimpy ISP, I hope you are choking on the download at 33.6 since I had well over 60Mb worth of files bouncing back at me...


Have a good whatever it is you're doing when we Europeans are sleeping.

If CM Outpost is still down tomorrow I'll resume my public service spreading doing catch up with the mail request you'll spam me with.


PawBroon, Keeper of the MOD & Slayer of French Telecom...


You are not Obsessive-CMpulsive, you are Allied-Retentive.

Mark IV

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Originally posted by PawBroon:

Public service offer for you willing to play with that outstanding new work of Art by Marco Bergman.

I have been sending the whole 6Mb or so of the zip file for the best part of the evening here.

Sheesh! That's pretty nice of you. Of course an easier way would be to send the file to me and I'll upload it to my site. I love Marco's mods. =)

My KT mod is available for d/l from my site, http://www.fluffkitty.com as of now.



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OK fans.

As you can see I'm not asleep YET.

I've been sending the whole package to those requesting it since my last batch and to KITTY.


So I guess you could expect BOTH an update of her site with Marco's brilliant MOD and a come back of CM Outpost.

Let that be a lesson to the merit of redundancy.

In the mean time I'm still yours faithfully.


PS: If some of us fellow T1, T3, Cable or ADSL users could be so cool as to do what I'm doing some more people would get this MOD on time for a gamey week end (Gamey as in "Sure I hade Jumbos but I needed to look at those MODs!!!").


You are not Obsessive-CMpulsive, you are Allied-Retentive.

Mark IV

[This message has been edited by PawBroon (edited 02-23-2001).]

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AooooooGAaahhhhhhhh!! AooooooGAaahhhhhhhh!!

As of NOW, Marco Bergman's Sherman Plain Pack MOD has been posted at Old Dog's site and soon will be at Kitty's.

With CM Outpost that will be 3 sites to have the MODs.

Here goes for you:


And that's for the one ALREADY allowing a download.

Thus stops my public service for which I had NO beer NOR a hug.

I feel like a Frog really...



You are not Obsessive-CMpulsive, you are Allied-Retentive.

Mark IV

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A lil' late but I finally got Marco's files up! Had all kinds of disconnection problems, etc. 56k doesn't rule but Marco's mod does. =)




Hamsters at War!

Chicks With Tanks

Lorak's FTX

"I'd rather the Bees than your Mask of Shame." - Stuka

The True Blue Aussie Slang Source

The Unofficial Vic Bitter Website

Jesus Dress Up!

The McNoldy Group

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Originally posted by PawBroon:

AooooooGAaahhhhhhhh!! AooooooGAaahhhhhhhh!!

As of NOW, Marco Bergman's Sherman Plain Pack MOD has been posted at Old Dog's site and soon will be at Kitty's.

With CM Outpost that will be 3 sites to have the MODs.

Here goes for you:


And that's for the one ALREADY allowing a download.

Thus stops my public service for which I had NO beer NOR a hug.

I feel like a Frog really...


Connection failures with both links.

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Here are the links for those who are not schooled in the way of HomeStead.

HS being of a AOL quality the download might or might NOT work.

Kitty's own site is fast and reliable so you might want to try there.

If all fail drop me a mail...

Summer Sherman Plain Pack:


Winter Sherman Plain Pack:


For the unlucky there is also Kitty's own contribution to the cause in a single package:



You are not Obsessive-CMpulsive, you are Allied-Retentive.

Mark IV

[This message has been edited by PawBroon (edited 02-24-2001).]

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Anyone know how or if these will effect the existing .bat files for the previous versions? I'm just wondering as I want to use them, but also want to keep the current bat versions.


"Gentlemen, you may be sure that of the three courses

open to the enemy, he will always choose the fourth."

-Field Marshal Count Helmuth von Moltke, (1848-1916)

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Originally posted by Bruno Weiss:

Anyone know how or if these will effect the existing .bat files for the previous versions? I'm just wondering as I want to use them, but also want to keep the current bat versions.

It's working like a breeze for me.

From the Plain Pack to Free French and Brits back to Plain Pack.

If you are a bit anxious (as I was) do a back up of your BMP folder...


You are not Obsessive-CMpulsive, you are Allied-Retentive.

Mark IV

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Originally posted by Bruno Weiss:

Anyone know how or if these will effect the existing .bat files for the previous versions? I'm just wondering as I want to use them, but also want to keep the current bat versions.

The current release is the Plainpack version. No batch file is included, and the BMPs are not suffixed.

You won't have any problem keeping the batch file versions, but the opposite can occur - you could overwrite a few of the new BMPs if you run a batch file. I believe this will occur if you have Marco's old M4/M4A3 mod, which will "re-install itself" when the U.S. or French batch file is run. Since the new BMPs are not suffixed, once they are overwritten they are gone from the BMP directory and would need to be re-installed.

Clever batch file users can circumvent this occurance by renaming and substituting the new U.S. BMPs for the appropriate old ones in their BMP directory. Or, they can wait until the Fullpack release in a few days, which will include suffixed BMPs for ALL U.S., U.S. low-vis, and French Shermans. biggrin.gif

- Old Dog

Edit for bracket repair...

[This message has been edited by Old Dog (edited 02-24-2001).]

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If you insist on using the Plainpack with my batch stuff (NOT its' intended use...) you'll have to copy several files with a _us suffix:




















If you insist on doing this, you're on your own.

The full pack should go out for testing tonight, which means a mid week release. Batch users, please wait for this.

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